Semi-final Flashcards
Blood receding blood vessels in the skin from the interior parts of the body
Suggested function that wine could be ingested rise from the stomach
Interior and exterior parts of the body
Everything involves at the
Brain dead
Heart still functions
Through with the discovery of MACHINE
Brain waves
Function of electroencephalogram
Made it possible for sleep to record the electrical activity of the brain during sleep
Stages of EEG sleep
Each sleep has characteristic brain wave activity
Stage 1- Transition stage Stage 2- Stage 3- Stage 4- Stage 5-
From wakefulness to sleep and is identified and theta waves and last between 1-7 minutes
Stage 1
EEG recording has shown fast frequency burst of activity (sleep spindles)
Stage 2
Through 4 muscle tension, (heart rate, respiration, and temperature) gradually decline and becomes more difficult to be awakened
Stage 2
Sleep soundly
Stage 2
30 minutes after falling asleep may pass through stage three and stage four, the EEG recording shows delta waves and it is the deepest stage of the sleep
Delta waves- determine how deep is the sleep
Stage 3 and enters stage 4
There is mark Secretion of growth hormone
Stage 4
Determine a a deep sleep person is a ratio between a sleep spindles and number of delta waves
Sleep researchers
Go back to stage 2 and enter
REM sleep
Rapid Eye Movement sleep
The __ look exactly like the beta waves that are observed when we are completely awake
EEG tracing
Because in __, study show that the neurons in the cerebral cortex become much more active during the stage of R.E.M.
brain imaging
Makes up 20% of our sleep time and during this stage, we experience vivid
R.E.M. sleep
Moves eyes
Trace how deep is our sleep
We go through sleep cycle 5-6 times during 8 hours of sleep
3 important factors of that determine when we fall asleep
Circadian rhythm
In this case, the sleep wakes cycle set about 25 hour period
Circadian rhythm
Function of Circadian rhythm
Control the rise and fall of physiological responses
Environmental arousal
Sleep deprivation
Function of temperature
Start and stop of responses like going to sleep and waking up
These rhythm is due to some rhythmical activity of the hypothalamus