Preliminary Flashcards
When our body really needs it
Clinical psychology
Prescribed by doctors
Clinical psychology
A combination of two words namely psychology and biology
Being focused on human behavior and on the study of living creatures
Scientific study of the behavior of life
Diverse question of “What is then the behavior of life?”
How did life start?
Where did it start? (What particular niche of the earth?)
How did it evolve?
Where is it heading?
Suggested that life as a single-called organism face way to multiple cell organism because complex organisms where superior in terms of survival
Evolutionary viewpoint
They suggested the Evolutionary viewpoint
Craig Freudenrich Ph.D
Robynne Boyd
Life as a single-called organism
Minimal abilities
The single cell organism can find food and ingest it, can move away from irritating environmental factors maybe even learn and habituated to stimuli
Minimal abilities
As a single called for organism, when improvement or focus is given to any one ability
With many function, too much emphasis on one function causes others to suffer
The colony
A solution
One day you __, are crawling around and run into another __
Single cell organism
The colony
You make a deal. You like to crawl around, it likes to ingest
Single cell organism
The colony
So the two of you team up, form cells or societies and make use of each other’s skills
Single cell organism
The colony
You compensate for its shortcomings and it compensates for yours.
Single cell organism
The colony
Together, you are far more efficient, productive and this, more like to survive and reproduce
Single cell organism
The colony
Soon this specialization begins occurring
Some movement
Some sensitivity to environmental stimuli
Others to irritation from environment
Other secretion
This means a reduction in flexibility of individual cells
Each cell becomes dependent on other cells for certain functions while there if an increase in the ability to deal with the environment earn together, there is a decrease in the ability to deal with the environment when cut off from other cells
All of this leads to advancements in cell organization and development
Now, multi-felled organisms begin to evolve and adapt their environment
Basic unit of a nerve cell
It had been believed by scientists as the evidence of our evolution from a single felled organism
It is a self-sufficient specialized cell in the nervous system that receives, integrates and carries information throughout the body
Each receives information, on average from tend of thousands
Making it the most complex communications system in creation
Network of specialized tissue that controls actions and reactions of the body and it’s adjustment on the environment
Nervous system
Virtually all members of the animal kingdom have at least
Rudimentary nervous system
Show varying degrees of complexity in their nervous system
Invertebrate animals
Their nervous systems reached its greatest complexity
Vertebrate animals
Vertebrate animals
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum vertebrata
In vertebrates, the system has two main divisions
Peripheral nervous system
Consists of the brain and spinal cord
Central nervous system
Liked to the central nervous system which with their branches constitutes the __
Automatic nerves
Peripheral nervous system
Might be compared to a computer and it’s memory banks
Conducting cable for the computer’s input and output
Spinal cord
Circuit supplying input information to the cable and transmitting the output to muscles and organs
The nervous is built up by nerve cells called
They are supported and protected by other cells
Nervous system
Of the __ billion or so neurons making up the human nervous system approximately __ are found in the brain
From the cell body of a typical neuron extend to on or more outgrowths ()
Threadlike structures that divide and subdivide into even smaller branches
Usually longer structure also stretches from the cell body
Sometimes branches up along its length but always branches at its microscopic tip
When the cell body of a neuron is chemically stimulated it generates an impulse that passes from the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of another
The junction between axon and dendrite
Such impulses carry information throughout the nervous system
Electrical impulses
It may pass directly from axon to axon from axon to dendrite or from dendrite to dendrite
Electrical impulses
The so called _ in the _\ consists primarily of axons coated with light-colored myelin produced by certain neuroglia cells
White matter
Central nervous system
Nerve cell bodies that are not coated with white matter
Gray matter
___ that are outside the central nervous system are enclose only in a tubelike neurilemma sheath composed of __
Nonmyelinated axons
Schwann cells
Necessary for nerve regeneration
Schwann cells
There are regular intervals along peripheral axons where the myelin sheath is interrupted
nodes of Ranvier
Points between which nerve impulses in myelinated fibers jump rather than pass continuously along the fiber (as is the case in __)
nodes of Ranvier
Transmission of impulses is faster in myelinated nerves varying from about ___
3 to 300 ft (1-91 m) per second
There termed nerve fibers
Both myelinated and unmyelinated dendrites and axon
Bundle of nerve fibers
Cluster of nerve cell bodies (__) on a peripheral nerve
Neurons are located in
Spinal cord
Peripheral ganglia
Grouped and interconnected ganglia form a
Plexus or nerve center
They deliver impulses from receptor terminals in the skin and organs to the central nervous system via the peripheral nervous system
Sensory (afferent) nerve fibers
They carry impulses from the central nervous system to effector terminals in muscles and glands via the peripheral system
Motor efferent fibers
The peripheral system has 12 pairs of cranial nerves
Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abductent Facial Vestibulo-cochlear (formerly acoustic) Glossipharyngeal Vagus Spinal accessory Hypoglossal
These have their origin in the brain and primarily control the activities of structures in the head and neck
Peripheral system
The spinal nerves arise in the spinal cord 31 pairs radiating to either side of the body
8 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 5 sacral 1 coccygeal
The autonomic nerve fibers form a subsidiary system that regulates the iris of the eye and the smooth-muscle action of
Heart Blood vessels Glands Lungs Stomach Colon Bladder Visceral organs not subject to willful control
The impulses originate in the central nervous system, it performs the most basic human functions more or less automatically without conscious intervention of higher brain centers
Autonomic nervous system
It is influenced by the emotions
autonomic nervous system
Anger can increase the rate of heartbeat
autonomic nervous system
Classify his/her behavior
Finish the study of psychology
Good behavior
Study of what’s happening in our behavior and
Psychiatrist of mental hospital
Who will guide
Guidance conception-death
Why do they take drugs?
Why do they kill?
We are responsible for ourselves
Identify factor that help __ behavior
Rely on varieties of experiment/techniques
How? Explain?
Identify the causes that bring about the effects
Involves assembling the known of effects
Own, listen to parents, trying to prevent from occurring changing conditions
Gives signal from the mouth
Structure, skull
2 classification of the Mind
Pick up things that flow throughout the function of being
The good actions come from
The brain and mind
All of the fibers of the autonomic nervous system
Motor channels
Impulses arises
Nerve tissues
Organs their innervate from the autonomic nervous system
Perform more or less involuntarily and do not require stimulation its function
They exit from the central nervous system as part of other peripheral nerves but branch from them to form two more subsystems
Autonomic nerve fibers
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems
The actions of which usually oppose each other
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems
Causes arteries to contract
Sympathetic nerves
Cause them to dilate
Are conducted to the organs Vy two or more neurons
Sympathetic neurons
The cell body of the first lies within the ___ and of the second in __
Central nervous system
External ganglion
Eighteen pairs of such ganglia interconnect by nerve fibers to form a double chain just outside the spine and running parallel to it
Sympathetic impulses
They are also related by at least two neurons but the cell body of The second generally lies near or within the target organ
Parasympathetic organs
It is dependent on both sensory and motor fibers, sensory simulation evoking motor responses
Nerve function
Where especially __ are concerned, it is not always necessary for a sensory impulse to teach the brain in order to trigger motor response
Sensitive areas or powerful stimuli
It may link directly to a motor neuron and a synapse in the spinal cord, forming a ___ that perform automatically
Sensory neuron
reflex arc
Tapping the ten down below the kneecap causes the leg to jerk involuntarily because the impulse provoked by the tap, after traveling to the spinal cord, travels directly back to the leg muscle
Involuntary reflex action
It includes one or more connector neurons that exert a modulating effect
Reflex arc
Allowing carrying degrees of response according to wherever the stimulation is strong, weak or prolonged
Reflex arc
They are often linked with other arcs by nerve fibers in the spinal cord
Reflex arcs
A number of __ may be triggered simultaneously, as when a person shudders and jerks away from the touch of an insect
reflex muscle responses
Links between the reflex arcs and higher centers enable the brain to identify a sensory stimulus
__ to note the reflex response such as __ and to inhibit that response, as when the arm is held steady against the prick of a hypodermic needle
They are inherited rather than learned from ___ having evolved as ___
Reflex patterns
Involuntary survival mechanism
It initiated in the brain may become reflex actions through continued association of a particular stimulus with a certain result
Voluntary actions
In such cases, an alteration of impulses routes occurs that portraits responses without mediation by hungered nerve centers
Conditioned reflexes
Most famous example of conditioned reflexes
Ivan Pavlov performed with dogs
Sound of bells salivated at the sound of food
They are dependent on conditioned reflexes
Habit formation and much of learning
Illustrate habit formation and much of learning
Brain of student typist must coordinate sensory impulses from both the eyes and muscles in order to direct the fingers to particular keys.
After enough repetition, the fingers automatically find and strike the proper keys even if the eyes are closed
Student has “learned” to types
Typing has become a conditioned reflex
Bundle of myelinated tissues fibers
Corpus callosum
“Highest center” of the part of the vrain