Midterm Flashcards
He is credited for the traditional classification of the five sense organs
Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)
Five sense organs
Sight Smell Taste Touch Heating
As far back of the 1760s the famous philosopher proposed that our knowledge of the outside world depends on our modes of perception
Immanuel Kant
In order to define what is “extrasensory” we need to define what is
They consist of organs with specialized cellular structures that have receptors for specific stimuli
Each of the five senses
These cells have links to the nervous system and thus to the brain
Five senses
It is done at primitive levels in the cells and integrated into sensations in the nervous system
Probably the most developed sense in humans, followed closely by hearing
Organ of vision
It has a complex structure
Focused light on the retina
Transparent lens
The retina hovered with two basic types of light-sensitive cells
Sensitive to color and are located in the part of the retina called __
Cone cells
Where the light is focused by the lens
Are not sensitive to color but have greater sensitivity to light
Rod cells
It is connected to the brain through the optic nerve
These cells are located around the fovea and are responsible for peripheral vision and night vision
Rod cells
The point of this connection because it is insensitive to light
Blind spot
Experiments have shown that it maps the visual input from the eyes
Back of the brain
It combine the input of our two eyes into a single three-dimensional image
In addition even though the image on the retina is upside down because of the focusing action of the lens, it compensate and provided the right-side up perception
Experiments have been done with the subjects fitted with __ that invert the images
The subjects go through an initial period of great confusion, but subsequently they perceive the images as right side up
The range of perception is phenomenal
A substance produced by the __ increases the sensitivity of the eye so that it is possible to detect very dim light
In the dark
Rod cells
The iris contacts reducing the size of the aperture that admits light into the eye and a protective obscure substance reduces the exposure of light sensitive cells
In strong light
The eye is sensitive varies from the red to violet
Spectrum of light
They are sensed as heat but cannot be seen
Lower electromagnetic frequencies in the infrared
Begin cannot be seen either but can be sensed as tingling of the skin or eyes depending on the frequency
Higher frequencies in the ultraviolet
Not sensitive to the polarization of light, light that oscillates on a specific plane
Human eye
The are sensitive to polarized light and have a visual range that extends into the ultraviolet
The sense of vision
The have special infrared sensors that enable them to hunt in absolute darkness using only the best emitted by their prey
Some snakes
They have higher density of light sending cells than humans to in their retinas and therefore higher visual activity
Common abnormality in human vision that makes it impossible to differentiate colors accurately
Color blindness or Daltonism
One type of color blindness results in
Inability to disguise red from green
This can be a real handicap for certain types of occupations
Color blindness or Daltonism
A person with normal color vision would appear to have extrasensrory perception
Colorblind person
Perception that is beyond the range of the normal
Extrasensory perception
The sense of audition
Organ of hearing
Protruded away from the head
Outer ear
Shaped like a cup to direct sounds toward the tympanic membrane
Outer ear
Transmits vibrations to the inner ear through a series of small bones in the middle ear
Spiral shaped chamber cover d internally by nerve fibers that react to the vibrations and transmit impulses to the brain via auditory nerve
Inner ear or Cochlea
Combines the input of our two ears to determine the direction and distance of sound
Has a vestibular system formed by three semicircular canals that are approximately at right angles to each other
Inner ear
Inner ear has chambers full with
Viscous fluid Small particles (otoliths) containing calcium carbonate
The movement of these particles over small hair cells in the inner ear sends signals to the brain that are interpreted as