Preliminary Flashcards
Study of human behavior, act think
Study of the mind and soul
The way we feel,think,do, manifest
Physical aspect
Inner still
Small voice
“Small, still voice”
Soul vs Spirit
Closer to God
What do you think
How we do things
How we think
Human behavior/Sikoholiya/Way of Life
Suicidal tendency
How we can handle ourselves
Pagpapahalaga sa sarili as a whole
Tao, Naglalakad, Twin
Culture ↔️ Wika
How you react within society
Study of social human behavior
The highest form of man
Medium of instruction in Psychology
Why do we cheat
Small thing, big difference
Do not disturb
Study, tiwala sa sarili, don’t study, social media
Health issues
Brought by the Chinese as medicine not vice
5 important school of thoughts
Structuralism Functionalism Behaviorism Gestalt Psychology Psychoanalysis
“What function does a behavior have?”
Experiment: Puzzle box
“Lahat ng kulungan may kahinaan”
Tendency to get out if they can find an escape
How does the mind affect what people do?
To examine an observable
Relate to introspection but needs action to function
Mind that streamed that can be broken down to distinct components
William James
Move away from focusing the structure of the mind
Functionalism developer
William James
John Dewey, James Angell
Closely related to observable events
Mental processes= behavior
We must study what we can see and record
We deny the existence of human mind and experience
Mental experience is more applicable
John B. Watson
Examine what causes body exploration
John B. Watson
The whole is not equal to the sum of the part
Gestalt Psychology
Focus on perception and problem solving- Claim we perceive
Gestalt Psychology
Naghihingi ng pahintulot
Gestalt Psychology
Individual shape does not see shape (V) but with a flock
Gestalt Psychology
Focus on one form and shape
Gestalt Psychology
Gestalt Psychology pioneer
Kohler, Koffka, Lewin
Focus on the importance of the unconscious mind
Dictates the behavior determined by past experiences
Symptom to treat patients
Freud Psychoanalytic/Perspective
Sometimes Psychological conflict
Psychoanalysis pioneer
Sigmund Freud
Components of the structure of the mind
Believe the way to learn about the brain and its functions was to bring the mind down in the most basic elements
The whole is equal to the sum of the parts
Basic premise/elements
Popularized by E.T.
To look within and examine your own thoughts and feelings
Conscious mind
Feelings, thoughts, sensations
Conscious mind
Aware of these THINGS
Conscious mind
Facial expressions
Relies on subjective self/report
Structuralism pioneer
Founder: Wilhelm Wundt
Student: Edward Titchener
Psychological lab- 1879
This field deals with the study of the symptoms and etiologies of various kinds of disorders, such as personality, speech, visual, health-related, orthopedic, and mental disorders.
Abnormal Psychology
The focus here is on knowing the underlying causes and the characteristics of each type of order
Abnormal Psychology
People in this field investigate on the similarities and differences among the different species of animals to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the complexity of behavior of humans
Animal or Comparative Psychology
This field which is subfield of industrial psychology deals with the study of the behavior of consumers.
Business or Consumer Psychology
Researchers that deal with products most preferred by consumers are in this realm.
Business or Consumer Psychology
This includes the study of treatment of personality disorders, as well as breakdown in behavior.
Clinical Psychology
They should not be confused with psychiatrists who are medical doctors and may, therefore, prescribe drugs for their patients.
Clinical psychologists
Psychologists who specialize in this are plan the design and data analysis of experiments that require the kind of complex calculations that can only be done with ease on a computer.
Counseling Psychology
They may also work in the area of artificial intelligence which uses computers to perform the kind of intellectual tasks that are considered characteristics of the human thoughts.
Counseling Psychology
This used to be called child psychology but it has now expanded to cover the development of the individual from conception to old age.
Developmental Psychology
It studies all aspects of development including learning, sensation and perception, language, and emotion, among other behavior processes.
Developmental Psychology
This involves the study of development and the motivational and emotional aspects of children’s behavior with the end in view of knowing how learning takes place.
Educational or School Psychology
This is one of the subfields of industrial psychology which supplies information on human capacities and limitations for operating sophisticated equipment.
Engineering or Human Factors Psychology
They assists the engineer in the design and various equipment and gadgets by providing him some information on how the work of man could be facilitated by such equipment and gadgets.
The engineering psychologists
A subfield of industrial psychology, this area studies the effects of the physical, temporal, and social-psychological conditions of work on the worker.
Environmental Psychology
This specializes the investigation and experimentation of the physiological aspects of behavior sensation, perception, learning, emotion, memory, motivation, and language and is concerned with finding the relationships of certain kinds of events with one another through precise measurements and special instruments.
Experimental Psychology
This area involves work within the legal, judicial, and correctional systems in a variety of ways.
Forensic or Legal Psychology
This focuses on the investigation of the mechanisms of heredity and studies how traits how traits and characteristics transmitted from the parents to the offspring can be altered through the use of procedures developed in genetic engineering.
Genetic Psychology
This is the branch of psychology that applies principles of psychology to the understanding of health and illness.
Health Psychology
This field applies the methods, facts, and principles of psychology to people at work
Industrial Psychology
The focus of this specialization is on mental health in the community rather than on the individual patient.
Mental Health Psychology
It deals with problems of the aged, drug addicts and rehabilitation, and treatment of prisoners.
Mental Health Psychology
It studies the impact of organizational climate, such as style of leadership and amount of worker participation in organizational decision-making, on worker efficiency and productivity.
Organizational Psychology
This is concerned with examination of variables that explains how individuals develop and maintain their individual characteristics.
Personality or Dynamic Psychology
This is subfield of industrial psychology which deals with the selection and the placement or matching of the right kind of person for a particular job.
Personnel Psychology
This is a field that involves measurement and evaluation of individual as well as group behavior and the application of mathematical procedures to psychological problems.
Psychometric or Mathematical Psychology
This field is concerned with how people in groups interact with one another.
Social Psychology
They study ways to measure and change people’s attitudes and beliefs because these can determine how people will deal with others.
Social psychologists
It applies principles of psychology to the various fields of sports
Sports Psychology
Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Spinal Cord
Central Cortex Cerebellum Basal Ganglia Brain Stem Thalamus Hypothalamus
Peripheral Nervous System
Somatic Nervous System
Automatic Nervous System
Automatic Nervous System
Sympathetic Nervous System
Parasympathetic Nervous System
It is the basic building block of the nervous system.
Neurons or Nerve Cell
They may take many shapes, but all are similar in their structure and function.
Neurons or a Nerve Cells
They have a different shapes because they have to fit in different places.
Neurons or Nerve Cells
It is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals.
Neurons or Nerve Cells
Parts of a Neuron
Dendrite Cell body Axon Nucleus Myelin Schwann Cell Node of Ranvier Axon terminal
The neuron is composed of a __, which contains the nucleus of the cell, and two types of fibers that branch off from the cell body — ___.
cell body
the axons and the dendrites
It send impulses from the cell body to other neurons or to the muscles.
It receive nerve impulses from other neurons or directly from some physical source and send them to the cell body.
They are usually short
It can be quite long.
In areas where there a great many neurons — as in the brain or in bundles of neural connection —they are relatively short and bushy.
both dendrites and axons
In the outer areas of the body, it tend to become longer.
An axon running from the cortex to the base of the spinal cord may be a long as __.
three feet
It is the axons in the brain and spinal cord that are often covered by a white fatty layers of cells which acts as an insulator and aids the conduction of impulses.
Myelin Sheath
It is a small gatherings in clusters of cell bodies .
Many axons from neurons in the same location of the body tend to travel together as ___ and form __.
Nerve fibers
Nerve tracts
Such tracts always appear as bundles of axons within the brain and spinal cord. Similar bundles of axons called __ connect it to neurons running from within the brain and spinal cord to the outer body areas.
nerve trunks
Types of Neurons
Motor neurons
Interneurons or Association neurons
Sensory or aferrent (incoming) neurons
They relay message from the brain to the muscles or glands. In these neurons, the cell body is located in the spinal cord and the axon is a long enough to reach a neighboring neuron or even as far as the muscle or glad to which it send impulses.
Motor neuron
It is directly responsible for each movement and response we make.
Motor neuron
They are located in the brain and spinal cord.
Interneurons or association neurons
They connect the impulses from the axon fibers of the sensory neuron to the dendrite fibers of the motor neuron.
Interneurons or Association neurons
They also provide nerve impulses with alternative circuits or pathways.
Interneurons or Association neurons
If one circuit is busy or damaged, another path is thus made available.
Interneurons or Association Neurons
It serve only as conductors.
The do not accept sensory stimuli as the sensory neurons do, nor do they stimulate the glands or muscle cells as motor neurons do.
Interneurons or Association neurons
It receive stimuli and carry them to the brain (__) for interpretation (__).
Sensory neurons
The cell body of the sensory neuron is located in the __, which lies outside the spinal cord.
nerve root
Sensory neuron
It receive external stimuli through its dendrite fibers and relays the impulses either travel to the brain or pass directly to the motor neurons, which transmit the impulses to the muscles and glands (__).
Sensory neurons
It result from changes in the thin membrane that covers the nerve cell.
Nerve impulse
It will cause the membrane to become permeable at any given point.
It is a signal transmitted along a nerve fiber.
Nerve impulse
It consists of a wave of electrical depolarization that reverses the potential difference across the nerve cell membranes.
Nerve impulse
It pass along from the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of another, as if they are connected, but these nerve endings do not actually touch.
Nerve impulse
Each of the gaps is called __, found between the axon tip of one neuron and the dendrite or the cell body of another neuron.
When an impulse arrives at the end of the axon, tiny sacs called ___ release a transmitting substance that crosses the synaptic gap and causes the membrane of the receiving dendrite to react and produce an impulse in the dendrite fiber.
synaptic vesicles
The Central Nervous System is composed of the __ and the __ and the __ consistg of ___or __ found outside the brain and spinal cord.
Brain Spinal cord peripheral nervous system Nerve fibers bundles of axons
It is the nerve fibers running from various parts of the body to and from the brain are gathered together in the __where they are protected by the bony spinal vertebrae.
Spinal cord
It is the motor nerve fibers that connect the spinal cord to the straited muscle and sensory nerve fibers.
Somatic Nervous System
It is the motor system serving the smooth muscles.
Autonomic Nervous System
The functions of the brain are to identify, organize, interpret, and respond to the experience of sensory stimulation.
3 cavities or core of the brain
Controls respiration, digestion, and circulation
Governs body balance, posture, and muscular coordination
It contain nerve fibers from both sides of the cerebellum as well as the tracts of sensory and motor nerve fibers that connect the upper brain to the spinal cord.
It has tracts between the cerebrum and the spinal cord and functions as part of the overall impulse conduction system.
It also controls some auditory and visual responses such as regulation of the size of the pupil of the eye.
It is the largest of the three divisions of the brain and occupies the entre upper portion of the skull.
It is the most complex structures in brain that control complicated patterns of behavior and other higher level activities that differentiate human beings from other forms of animal.
The three major structures of of the forebrain
The main area of the forebrain,
It governs emotions, learning, thinking, remembering, and sense perception.
The outer layer of the cerebrum, directs the activities of the entire nervous system.
Cerebral cortex
It interprets and sorts the sensory and motor impulses that travel to and form the cerebrum.
It is a collection nerve cells that controls body temperature, metabolism, hunger and thirst.
It also plays a key role in emotional behavior.
Receives impulses from the sensory nerves, provides interneuron connections, transmits impulses to motor nerves.
Brain and Spinal cord
Transmits impulses from receptors to brain and spinal cord, transmits impulses to striated muscles from brain and spinal cord.
Somatic (sensorimotor nerves)
Transmits impulses from brain to smooth muscles
Sympahatetic and parasympathetic divisions
They are scattered measures of tissue found in various parts of the body-at the base of the brain, in the neck, behind the stomach, above the kidneys, and within and below the pelvis.
Endocrine gland
These endocrine glands secrete special chemical messengers known as __ that are directly released into the bloodstream because they have no ducts or structured passageways to the organs that they serve
This major endocrine gland is partly an outgrowth of the brain and is join ed to it.
Pituitary gland
Its is situated just below the hypothalamus.
Pituitary gland
The pituitary gland has been called the “__” because it produces the largest number of different hormones.
master gland
Its also controls and activates the secretion of several other endocrine glands.
Pituitary gland
These are located just above the kidneys.
Adrenal glands
they are extremely important in the ability of the neutral functioning and in the ability of the body to cope with stress. the inner core of the adrenal gland secretes __, also called ___
Adrenal glands
adrenalin and norepinephrine (noradrenalin).
These are two pairs of small pea-shaped glands closed to the thyroid glands. Their hormone called ___, regulates the utilization of calcium and phosphorous in the body.
Parathyroid gland
It is located in the neck in front of the windpipe and weighs less than an ounce.
Thyroid gland
One important element in the hormone produced by this gland is ___.
Thyroid gland
These are the sex or puberty glands which produce the sperm and egg cells for reproduction.
They secrete hormones called androgens for the male and estrogens for the female which have an important effect on the personality development of the individual.
It is located near the stomach, secretes two hormones which control the level of blood sugar or glucose in the bloodstream.
Glucogon releases __ in the bloodstream from the glycogen stored in the liver.
It enables glucose to move out of the blood into the cells of muscles and other issues