Semester 2 - Unit 2 terms to know Flashcards
Person perception
mental processes used to understand and form impressions of other people
Evaluation made about causes of behaviour and the process of making his evaluation
Fundemental attribution error
Tendency to explain other people behviour from internal factors but ignore possible external factors
An evaluation of something
evaluation, doesn’t change, learnt through experience
Tricomponent model of attitudes ABC
Model which illustrates relation ship betwen affective, behavioural and cognitive components
Cognitive disonace
Psychological tension when thoughts feelings and or beliefs do not align
cannot sufficiently justify why you performed this behaviour
Cognitive biases
Unconcsious tendencies to interpret information in an irrational way
Confirmation bias
tendency to search for indo that supports our prior beliefs and ignore contradictory information
Actor-observer bias
Tendency to attribute our own actions to external and others to internal
Self-serving bias
Tendency to attribute positive successes to internal and failures as external
False consensous bias
overestimate the degree to which others share the same ideas and attitudes as us
Halo effect
impressions we form about one quality influences our overall beliefs about the person
Information processing strategies or mental shortcuts that enable individuals to form judgements make decisions etc
Base rate fallacy
Bias which desicions, soial perceptions and judgements are influenced more by memories thanstatistical fact
Enchoring heuristic
making judgement based off of first piece of information seen
Avilability heuristic
gettting info that easily available
Reresentative heuristic
makign categorical judgement based on similarity to other items in that categoy
Affect heuritics
information-processing strategy taht involves using meotions
often negative preconseption held against people with creating groups or solo
Acting of stereotypes and prejudice,
physical acts
1 - Shame or disgrace when different from others
2 - negative label associated with disapprovel or rejaction by others who are not labelled the same way
Mental well being
individuals current psycological state
pro - nutrition, hydrtion, exercise
con - Rumination substance abuse, conflict
Reducing prejudice and stigma
Education intergroup content, social media, laws
Social identity theory
Tendency for people to favour their in group over their outgroup and enhance their self esteem
can encourage prejudice
Social loafing
reduction in effort due to the belief that others will do it for them (in a group)
Milgrams obedience experiment
participants believed they were shocking another individual when told by authority figure
voltage served as a measure of obedience
many participants administered shocks to a lethal level
Adjusting one’s thoughts feelings or behaviours to match those aorund them
Group think
Making a decision where the fact that the group agrees rules over analysing whether its a good idea or not
Group shift
A condition in which the influence of the group causes an individual to adopt a more extreme position