Semester 1 revision hard stuff not eerything Flashcards
Testable prediction that is either supported or rejected
Controlled experiment
casual relationship between two variables is tested in a controlled environment
Pro - high level of control, Con - Time consuming
Case study
In depth investigation that contains real or hypothetical situation and includes complexities from the real world
Pro - hihgly detailed information, Con - researcher bias
Correlational study
Non-experimental study where you observe and measure relationship between two variabled without any control
Pro - No manipulation of variables, Con - can’t draw conclusions about cause and affect
Classification and Identification
Arrangement of things into manageable sets, recognition as belonging to particular sets
Pro - Helps simplify, explain and describe phenomena, Con - Over simplify reality
Any research involving observation and interaction with thing in real world
Pro - Applicable to real world, Con - Time consuming and expensive
Literature review
Process of collecting and analysing secondary data to answer a question
Pro - Can uncover patterns or gaps of knowledge, Con - difficult if tehre is little research on topic
Construction or manipulation of physical or conceptual model
Pro - Know, understand and problem solve, Con - may inaccurately represent reality
Product, process or system development
Design of thing ot meet human need
Pro - Created things that are needed, Con - expensive, time consuming
Process of using model to study behaviour of a real or theoretical system
Pro - Insight to potential circumstances and events, Con - Human and programming error
Mixed design
Combines within and between design, sorts by sub categories, then ensures each is in each experimental condition
Order effects
participants order tehy complete experiments affect their behaviour
Placebo effect
Participants respond to inactive substance or treatment as a result of their expectations or beliefs
Experimentor effect
Expectations of teh experimentor affec teh outcomes
Situational variables
Environmental factor that may affect variables
Non-standardised instructions and procedures
when directions and procedures differ across participants or experimental conditions
Mode (math)
most common number
True value
value or range that would be found if the quantity could be measured perfectly
Systematic errors
errors that differ by consistent amount
Random errors
Errors that differ by rangin maount , unsystematic, occur by chance
lack of exact knowledge relating to something being measured due to potential sources of variation in knowledge
Internal validity
Extent investigation measures what it claims to
External validity
Extent that results of investigation can be applied to similar individuals in different settings
Commitment to maximising benefits and minimising risks
Commintment to searching for knowledge, honest reporting of sources
Moral obligation to ensure that there is fair consideration of competing claims, no unfiar burden
avoiding causing harm
living things have value
Biopsychosocial model
holistic framework for understnading human experience
Longlasting bond between two individuals