Semester 2 Exam Flashcards
name the 3 parts to pauls conversion -
“why do you persecute me?”
was an apostle to gentiles
greatest missionary of the church
what did the edict of milan do -
ended persecution of the church
describe what St. Leo does -
he talks Matila the Hun out of attacking Rome
he is the primacy of the Pope
St. Leo
style of Christian life that stress communion living and prayer
The baptism of Clovis gives birth to France. but what else does he do -
converts the city of France to christianity
St Francis was never ….
a priest
He was praying infront of the cross and than Jesus spoke to him saying “rebuild my church” -
St. Francis
he had the wounds of Jesus
& improved relationships w/ muslims
St. Francis
who started the Protestant Reformation -
Martin Luther in the 95 Theses
and sacraments, communion of saints, & Mary
The Battle of Lepanto: Our Lady’s Naval Victory is also known as ………
the feast day Mary of the Rosary
describe the persecution of the church during the french revolution
if priest / nuns didnt sign an oath then they were killed / tortured
-churchs property taken away
describe Fatima and the 20th century -
she appears to 3 children
-message was peace & pray rosary
who called the 2nd viatican
St. John the 23rd
he believed that he was called by the holy spirit to help the church -
St. John the 23rd
what was the main goal of the 2nd vatican council -
to bring all people to Christ
in the 2nd vatican council, mass if said in ….
everyday language
he is the 1st polish pope & 1st non italian pope since 1592 -
St. John Paul 2
2016: Jubilee Year of Mercy – Pope Francis tells us …
“fix our eyes on Jesus and his gaze”
what does the Acts of Apostles tell us about how Christians practice their faith -
- christians follow teachings
- broke bread together
- prayed
- called “the way”
- salvation depended on how they lived in the world
- didache
what are some of the main events described in the Acts of Apostles -
philip baptizes ethiopian
peter baptizes cornelius
martyr of steven
conversion of St. Paul
what was the council of jerusalem
christianity is for all
why were early christians persecuted -
they refused to worship emperors, gods & godess’s
-false accusations made against them
what was the Nicene Council -
where the nicene creed was written
who called the Nicene Council -
cslled by Constantine
it taught that Jesus is both human and didvine
nicene creed
how were catholics treated in Colonial America
they couldnt vote, build schools, own property
someone who doesnt believe that Jesus is both human and divine
who were the North American martyrs
jesuit missionaries
he established the 1st monastaries which are based off work and prayer
his sis is also a saint
St. Benedict
What did St, Patrick do - (3)
brought christianity to ireland
converted the ireland king on an island
breastplate prayer
established the 1st convent in America
1st Bishop in America
John Caroll
He founded the 1st christian university in america
John Caroll
he founded the jesuits -
ignatious loyola
-he did major writing called spiritual exercise -
ignatious loyola
3 things w/ Augustine -
conversion story
our hearts are restless, until rested in God
right to defend
how did St. John Paul II forgive -
forgave his assasin
forgave the sinners
forgave how jews were treated in history
events of St. John Paul II -
most traveled pope
priest under the nazis
esatblished luminous mystery
caused collapse of communism
St. John Paul II spirituality -
haad close union w/ Christ
St John Paul II 5 Loves ***
1, young ppl
- human love
- blessed sacrament
- cross
- devotion to our lady
our lady appeared to her and said “I am the Immaculate Conception”
St. Bernadette
1st Christian emperor
martyred for not denouncing their faith
St. Perpetua & Felicity
founded the Dominicans
athlete of christ
St. Dominic
church’s greatest theologian who said we can come to Christ through reason
St. Thomas Aquinas
franciscan priest ; established 7 things along the coast
Junipero Serra
cousin of John Caroll
Charles Carroll
established 1st catholic schools
-1st born american saint
Elizabeth Seton
doctor of the church
asked us to become childlike in our spiritual life
wrote famous biography
St. Theresa
1st person jesus apeared to after the ressurrectio
St. Mary Magdalene
- founded missionary for charity
- helped the poorest of the poor
Blessed Mother Teresa
bishop & martyr of faith who first said phrase “ catholic church”
St. Ignatious of Antioch
head of apostles
crucified upside down
3 times denied, 3 times i love you
Jesus appeared to her & made known his desires for divine mercy
St. Faustina
said “my Lord, my God”
St. Thomas
what are the 3 images of the church
bride of christ
church as Mother
Body of christ
how does the church pass on the knowledge of the truth ……
through scripture & tradition
who instituted the Catholic Church
Jesus Christ
how did jesus inagurate the church -
preaching good news
self- giving
leaving his community
how does Jesus enrich us
each ____________ can trace his ordination to the bishops
what does the faith in church depend on
faith in Jesus
who said “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church”
the Church is both ….
human and divine
why is the church a mystery -
we cannot understand it alone
who described the church as Jesus and the Church being one and we should not complicate the matter
Joan of Arc
the abesolute truths revealed by Christ that the Church couldnt change
a greek word meaning to call out of which leads to conversion
where the Pope knows who Jesus is and is the living authority that holds the keys of faith that does not change - the Pope cannot error in matters of faith and morals
what are the four marks of the church
the church is unified in the belief of the Creed, trinity, Holy Eucharist and in Christ
one becomes holy through the sacraments, the power of the Holy Spirit, and putting love into action
means universal. The Church is for all times
apostolic succession; the apostles were sent into the world by jesus to teach truth
examples of Gods unfailing mercy in the OT -
Naaman Hosea's Jonah Psalmist Elijah
examples of Gods unfailing mercy in the NEW T -
St. Paul
what are the 3 saints of mercy -
St. John Bosco
St. Peter Claver
St. Frances De Sales
what are the 7 spiritual works of mercy
pray for living / dead comfort sorrowful forgive all injuries bear wrongs patiently instruct the ignorant counseloing the ignorant admonish the sinner
“Go into the world and proclaim the Gospel” -
instruct the ignorant
assit others to follow Jesus
counseling the doubtful
the is not an accusation, but to help w/ a consoling voice, and merciful look like Jesus
admonish the sinner
what are the corporal works of mercy
feed the hungry give drink thirsty visit sick clothe naked bury dead visit sick visit imprisoned
what did Jesus insitute at the Last supper
eucharist & holy orders
what are the most sacred words of the liturgy -
“the mass is ended, go in peace and serve the Lord”
importamt 4 points about mass -
we talk to God
“Lord have mercy”
offers up our lives to the altar
same way
what are fur verses from the Bible that are included and prayed during Holymass
love of God
hearts toward God in heaven
Lord I am not worthy for you to enter under my roof
we should …….. as Jesus is deserving of this
worship the Lord
our …… can help us have an enounter w/ Christ in the sacraments
he said “sacraments are all the action and saving works of Christ”
Pope Francis
what is the greatest witness and support for holiness in the church -
the public worship of the Church where sacraments take place, peace is restored and we are united in christ
outward signs instituted by Jesus that gives grace and a sign of his presence and love
by the grace of this sacrament when the priest presides he does so in the person of christ
holy orders
permament bond between a husband and wife
the imposition of hands to strengthen faith
who instituted and acted in the sacraments
St. John Paul II said that this sacrament “is a glimpse of heaven appearing on earth that pierces the clouds of our history and lights up our journry
The holy eucharist
this sacrament is one for those who are dying and sick
anointing the sick
the water cleanses our souls and we become born anew
where Jesus appears to the apostles on Easter Sunday and gives them Holy Spirit to forgive sins
as catholics we believe that everything good comes from
what do we say in mass that reaffers to that everything good comes from God
all life, all holiness comes from God
means touhced by God
a saint recognizes & accepts ……. unique call to him or her
one who is transformed by God & united w/ Christ in heaven
being in communion w/ those who have died
communion of saints
who are the saints united w/
we ask saints to ….. for us as we ask for the ……. of those we live w/ today
intercede, prayer
the …. of saints can help us to see the power and benefits of …..
stories , virtue
martyrs are united to christ in …
the official list of christian martyrs
the blood of the martyr is the ….. of the church
what was regarded as a true proof of a person’s holiness
the ….. of the saints came to be regarded as things
as things that had …… power in and of themselves
today the ……. declares that a person is raised to full honors of the altar
this means that the …… is in heaven and worthy of a veneration of a ……
person, saint
process where the church declares person has a heroic virtue & united w/ God in heaven
4 parts to canonization today -
- examine persons life
- 1miracle of intercession
- beatified
- 2nd miracle
what was the annunciation
when the angel appeared to MAry telling her thar she will bear a son
means humbely saying yes
what are some reasons why mary is called a “new eve”
her obedience
what does it mean to be blessed
to find favor w/ God
how is mary the daughter of israel
daughter of Abraham
& fullfilment of the Arc of the covenant
means mother of God
a cloak ; mostly worn by peasants
a tilma
describe the image of our lady on the tilma
woman clothed w/ sun
how did this Marian apparition affect Christian history
changed lot of ppl to christianity
“totas tuus” -
totally yours
Mary’sMagnificant - Mary demonstrates the most authentic form of perfect …….. of …….
imitation of Christ
she was willing to place all of her trust in God
Marys ……. allows Jesus to be concieved -
she remained …….. to his will even when she did not understand some things
major beliefs about mary -
she was immaculately conceived
mary was a virgin
was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory
what are the Marian apparitions
Guadalupe Lourdes,France Fatima, Portugal Knock, Ireland Kebeho, Rwanda
John 2:1-12
weddig of cana
“do what he tells you”
honor given to a person or image