what does the Church teach about evolution/
created universe 1st
creates us w/ souls
what are some ways human beings suffer as an effect of loss of Original Holiness and Original justice -
back breaking work
child birth
why does the Christian need to know the OT -
NT fulfills the OT
300 prophecies read (by jesus)
should be read as one
what do the events of Exodus prove about God
Books of Exodus
Moses liberates israel as christ like messenger
who is satan
father of lies
fallen angel
brings disunity and conflicts
& reminds ppl of God’s covenant
what are the religious and theological truths of the First Creation Account
god created world
created M & F in own image
blessed sabbath to make holy
what was the message of the prophets
worship one God
call ppl away from sins
help poor
which Genesis stories demonstrate that God never abandons his creatures he made -
the flood
Cane and Abel
Tower of Babel
How can we glorify God in our lives
we can become Christ-like
be grateful
love&serve God
what are the major covenants of the OT
what are the two sources of divine revelation
sacred scripture & tradition
how is king david a type of christ
bethlehem wrote psalms ancestor of christ annointed david = "man after god's own heart"
what does Ephesians 6;13-17 say how we can resist evil?
keep eyes on jesus
wear sheild of faith
use feet for service
battle won/lose in our minds
why is book of Maccabees import -
the mother & 7 sons
praying for dead
why did God create humans
to share in his love
share eternity
dignity cause were made in God’s image
why did God not prevent the first man from sinning
God allows evil for greater good
what is salvation history
story of God’s action & human history
why can we rely on the truth of Sacred SCripture
it is inspired, breathe ofGod
what is Original sin -
fallen state of human nature that all ppl are born into
he is the father of 3 major religions
asked to sacrafice his only son Issac
prophet of advent (virgin, emmanuel, gifts of spirit)
type of christ who came face-to-face w/ God
type of christ cause he shows how to forgive
humans know morality in all places at all times
natural law
religious unity
we choose to do things that offend God
Jesus death is ransom & defeats power of evil
person / events in Bible that prefigure Christ
sacred reading ..
lectio divina
teaching of the church ..
1st gospel where God promises a savior from the beginning
when were the gospels written?
some years after Ressurrection
what do the Goespels agree on about the birth of Christ
foretold birth
jesus born of mary
what are the OT prophecies that Matthew qutoes in his infacy narratives
what are the lessons learned from the magi
eyes open
expect opposititon
give best of ourselves
we come back in diff. way
mary concieved w/o original sin
immaculate conception
what are the major themes of Luke’s gospel -
to help poor
shepards announcing good news
humble fishermen following J
its taking on human flesh
central dogma of our faith
truth of revelation
what does Jesus being born in a manger signify -
humility and poverty
what is the significance of Jesus being born in Bethlehem
it means living bread
birhtplace of david
ancestoral home of joesph
cantical of Mary
Mary’s response to Elizabeth
what do the angels promise that Jesus will bring to earth
the birth of Jesus is the result of what
the holy spirit
a great humility where Mary believed the Angel
what point is Matthew trying to make in the genealogy of Jesus
that there are sinners & humitly in Jesus background
no limits on how God works
who were the first people to visit Jesus
poor shepards
god is with us
descendant of david
st. joesph
he slaughtered the innocent
king herod
wrote Gospel & acts of apostles
St Luke
the new Elijah who announced the coming of the Messiah
bridge between the NT and OT
St. John the Baptist
feast that is a manifestation of Christ as the savior of the world
the summary of the whole Gospel
lord’s prayer
why did jesus perform miracles
free ppl from sufferings
help free ppl from slavery
show he was sent by God
they are the words St. John used for miracles
the first miracles performed by Jesus
miracle at wedding of cana
at this miracle..
he blesses marriage as a sacrament of divine love between man and a woman
there are two clear references to the sacraments of Bptism (water) and Eucharist (wine)
wedding of cana
when James, John. Peter saw the face of Jesus illuminated
Moses & Elijah appeared w/ Jesus and Peter said “You are the Messiah, Son of the living God”
it is the very center of the Church life in Christ
the holy eucharist
this word means thanksgiving..
this sacrament helps us to overcome sin and allows Christ to live in and transform us
what are the fruits we recieve when we receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
spiritual nourishment
help poor
help to overcome sin
Jesus Christ is truly present in the consecrated bread and wine
real prescence
a story comparision w/ a heavenly meaning in which people, things & events represent something else
they convey the heart of Jesus
primary message of the parables =
Jesus loves sinners
main message of Parable of the Good Samaritan -
love our neighbors as ourselves
it’s a sotry that shows that God is compassionate & will forgive repentant sinners
parable of the prodigal son
they are signs that reveal the truth of the words of Jesus are called ..
4 types of miracles -
“I am the bread of life”
“whoever receives me will no longer thirst”
John 6:35
in the bread of life discourse…. all groups except who left jesus
How has god revealed himself to us
human nature conscience
truths we discover
through Church
what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus
follows God’s will
accept suffering
not expect reward/honor
the ____________________________ is important as we repeat his words “i am not worthy for you to enter under my roof” before we receive communion
healing of seterian
what women encountered the love and compassion of Jesus ..
woman at well
woman committed adultry
Mary Magdalene
what do miracles accomplish
jesus power over satan
power to forgive
savior who displays love/compassion
it’s called the “gospel in miniature”
john 3:16
to bring good news of Jesus Christ in words&actions
sacrament that leads us to other sacraments
when we are adopted into God’s family & reborn w/ holy spirit
3 events that took place at Jesus baptism
sky opened
dove descends
God is well pleased
means to send
a follower of Jesus
Jesus lived out these on the cross
one who shares the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ
3 benefits of prayer
helps w/ anxieties
let’s us know God’s love for us
helps us live life of virtue
it’s a prayer that should be said w/ faith, hope, and love of Jesus
Jesus Prayer
it is the shortest and simplest and most powerful prayer in the world
Jesus Prayer
it is the most significant stumbling block to holiness
the highest form of Christian prayer is …
Aides to prayer
converse w/ God
show gratitude
converssation w/ God
raising one mind and heart to God
nothing but love
God always _______________________ but not alway the way we want them to be answered
answers our prayers
objects, actions, or blessings used by the Church to unify more closely w/ God
means praying for others even our enemies
intercession prayers
its the knowledge that God is gracious, loving, and saving
it means holy
we become christ - like
the light shines through us
being seperated from the ordinary, everyday world
how can we grow in holiness?
goodness and freedom
a habitual and firm disposition to do the good
means “call to be disciple of Jesus”
wwhat are 3 human virtues
what is a vice
bad habit
7 vices-
pride greed envy anger sloth lust glutuny
where we worship God and thank him as the source of all that is good
4 parts of religion
virtues related to God
theological v
_______ is the virtue by which we believe in God and believe in all that he has said and revealed to us
what are 6 ways to strengthen faith -
pray read scripture celebrate sacraments study faith draw on faith of friends put faith into action
that God is all good -
how do people today distort the meaning of love
they lust
what does Jesus Christ teach by his word and deeds what charity invovles
what does 1 Corinthians 4-7, 13 say about love
not jealousy
it enables us to adress God as Abba
how are gifts of the holy spirit given to us
baptism and confirmation
what are 3 gifts of holy spirit
fear of the lord
what role does suffering have in life of Christians
we immitate & unite our sufferings of Jesus to help us to heaven ;
suffering and evil don’t have final say