Chapter 5 & 6Test Flashcards
write out phillippians 2:9-11
Jesus name above everyones every knee should bend every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord Jesus humbled himself Jesus took form of a slave
what are the 5 prophecies of Isaiah 53
- his appearance is nothing appearance
- suffered for us
- peirced for our offenses
- he was silent, no open mouth
- Messiah did nothing wrongg
God did not abandon ……
He sent his ……………. to redeem us from our sins.
own Son
Jesus was the …….., The Suffering Servant, who bore the sins of people and the ………………, the symbol of Israel’s redemption at the first Passover.
Lamb of God ; Paschal Lamb
Jesus showed us the depth of ……………. by his Passion and Death -
God’s love
His sacrifice ………. us,, took away our sins, and restored us to ……. w/ God
redeemed ; communion
Jesus chose to be crucified to prove …………. his immense love for us
beyond doubt
who sentenced Jesus to death -
prefect of Judah ; pontius pilate
why did he have Jesus killed?
found guilty of sedition
give examples on how Jesus honored the Temple during his lifetime on earth -
presented @ the temple
taught @ the temple
refers to temple as the Father House
attented temple on Jewish feast
who are the real authors and instruments of Jesus crucifixion
all sinners
T or F:
the passion narratives include many references to the old Testament that alluded to the death of the Messiah -
means “all opressed”
place of the skull
what does Jesus say in John 10, 11, 18 -
a good Shepard who lays down his life for his sheep
priest in charge of temple worship
high priest
How can this woman be a model of faith for you?
she recognizes him, and approaches him w/ love & humility
who influenced Judas to betray Jesus -
what was Judas’ motive
what did Jesus institute at the Last Supper -
Holy eucharist & orders
what is the perfect prayer of Jesus that he prayed in the garden
God’s will be done
How does Peter’s betrayal contrast to that of Judas
Peter does repentance & sorrow at his betrayal and Judas commits suicide
he helped Jesus carry the cross -
Simon Cyrene
Jesus is crucified between 2 ………..
in what gospel did one of the men ask Jesus to remember him when they enter into the kingdom -
what were the last words of Jesus
my God my God, why have you forsaken me
wealthy disciple of Jesus, and buried Jesus’ body
Joseph of Arimathea
what does the split of the veil in the Temple’s sanctuary symbolize?
the days of the Old Covenant have ended
what does INRI stand for
Jesus King of Nazareth, King of the Jews
why would God the Father allow Jesus, his only begotten son, to suffer and die -
out of love
consequent of sin
gate of heaven are open
he was a martyr for charity -
maximilian kolbe
what are the essential elements of the Kerygma in the early church -
explain the meaning of the phrase the Paschal Mystery
Christ’s death and resurrection
who actually saw the risen Jesus
500 people
what happens when we participate in Christ’s Paschal Mystery
we die to sin
what does the angel say to Mary Magdalene & her companion at the tomb?
Be not afraid
why is Galilee an important place -
because thats where public ministry began
T or F
Jesus promises that he will remain with the church until the final coming of God’s kingdom at the end of time.
who were the first evangelists who spread the Good News about Jesus -
Mary Magdalene
Mary Mother of God
what did tthe Risen Lord explain to the disciples on the road to Emmaus
all things that lead to him (like prophecies)
in Jesus appearance on the road to Emmaus, at what point did the disciples finally recognize him
in the breaking of the bread
where do Catholics meet the Risen Lord in the Sunday liturgy
how can we experience the living lord (3 things)
sacred scriptures
7 sacraments
what is the significance of Mary Magdalene recognizing the voice of Jesus
the sheep will recognize the voice as a great shepard
in Johns gospel, Jesus appears to the Apostles on …………..
Easter Sunday
Jesus appears to the apostles and gives them the gifts of the Holy Spirit in his name through the Sacraments of baptism and ………..
like Thomas, what must every Christian proclaim?
“My Lord, My God”
what does the charcoal fire bring to mind
Peter’s denial
what is one meaning of the exchange between Jesus and Peter -
he’ll meet Peter where ever he is at
what dour points does the author make bout the meaning and saving significance of Christ’s Resurrection -
proves his divinity
victory over sin
new life allows Jesus to live in us
Holy Spirit
what similarities in the Gospel accounts of the Resurrection are there?
first day of the week
Mary Magdalene
disciples find tomb empty
Peter goes in first
T or F
The Risen Lord lives in his Body, the Church and we can find Jesus in our brothers and sisters in Christ.
why did Christ institute the 7 sacraments ?
as powerful signs of his presence and love
How is Christ alive in a special way in the Holy Eucharist
- source and summit of Church
- we give thanks to eucharist
- we receive Christ himself
it’s Jesus humanity to divine glory
describe how the pope exemplified mercy with Mehmet li Agca.
- held the hand that had held the gun that tore into Pope’s body
- been preaching forgiveness
- he embraced & pardoned his enemy
- shook his hand tenderly
- spoke to him as brother
summarize the story of St. Faustina.
Was born in a catholic family, and worked as a servant. Wanted to enter religious life but father said no. She experienced vision of Christ and wanted to become a nun. Another encounter with Jesus telling her to paint, but no one believed her. She recorded these visions and devoted rest of her life. Died at age 33.
describe the vision in 1931.
Jesus said, “paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the prayer, Jesus, I trust in you.”
How do the Amish imitate the mercy of God?
they forgive other ; “forgiveness is central.”