Semester 1 Final Review Flashcards
True or False: The Roman called res publica stands for “that which belongs to the people.”
True or False: Phillip II was the first king to unite all of Greece under one ruler.
Which city won the Peloponnesian War?
Sumerians lacked many building materials so their cities were made of…
Clay and Stone
True or False: Lucy the australopithecus was found in east Asia
All of these seas surround Rome expect for?
Red Sea
Which seas do surround Rome?
Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea
True or False: The most important result of Alexander’s conquest was the spreading and mixing of Greek culture with the world.
True or False: The Sicilians ruled central Italy until approximately 509 B.C.E
True or False: Carthage fought to protect its homeland, Rome fought to expand its empire. In the end Rome won the Punic Wars.
True or False: By 133 B.C.E the Roman empire extended from Spain to Asia Minor and Egypt.
True or False: Ancient Rome was built between seven different hills by the tiber river.
What laws came from God to the Jewish people as instructions and Israel had to follow strictly?
Ten Commandments
True or False: Early Greeks lived as one unified civilization that got along very well.
Carthage was led by general ________ in the second war and surprised the Romans causing great destruction in Italy.
He wrote “The Republic” where he talked about his distrust of democracy and ideas for a perfect government?
What was the new type of philosophy that was created to encourage people to take what life gives calmly and logically?
True or False: In Rome, in the event of war the consul could be named king and given supreme power for life.
In Ancient Egypt, __________ went to school at 7 to learn how to write in hieroglyphics and hieratic script.
After Caesar’s death, Rome fell into civil war, and from this war Julius’ grandnephew _________came to power in Rome.
The first Greek civilization was found on which island?
True or False: The mountains of Italy are more rugged than those of Greece making transportation and communication harder.
Who became dictator after killing his rival Pompey, then instituted many reforms in Rome?
Julius Caesar
What event led to the beginning of the new stone age?
Development of Agriculture
What was the “area between the rivers” known as?
Egyptians perfected the art of _____________, to preserve bodies for the afterlife.
True or False: Julius Caesar established a new calendar called the Julian calendar that was based off of the Egyptian calendar
Which of the following people studies the development of ancient civilizations?
The two Roman ____________ could only serve one term and had to agree on all decisions made with each other.
___________ were the commoners in Roman society.
The Romans wrote down their laws on the____________, which were placed in the Roman marketplace for all to see.
12 tables
Which of the following was NOT a reason that early civilizations developed near rivers?
Protection from invasion
The Republic started out with 300 members who made the laws and controlled the government called?
The Senate
During the ________________ people started to farm and domesticate animals.
Neolithic Revolution
Who was the Father of Israel, farmer from Ur who lived approximately 2000 B.C.E?
True or False: Sumerians believed that their gods were above the people and did not behave like them.
True or False: Epic of Gilgamesh is a well known epic that gives insight on Sumerian culture, religion, government, and daily life.
All of these were periods of Ancient Egypt except?
Beginning Kingdom
What is the main peninsula of Greece called?
True or False: Hammurabi is most well known for codifying a set of laws for the Babylonian Empire.
Egypt relied on the ___________ River to provide water and help with farming
True or False: Civilizations made artwork of whatever they felt like and it really had no significance to them.
True or False: Hammurabi is most well known for codifying a set of laws for the Babylonian Empire
True or False: The most important result of Alexander’s conquest was the spreading of Greek and mixing of Greek culture with other parts of the world.
The Romans wrote down their laws on the _______, which were placed in the Roman marketplace for all to see.
Twelve Tables
True or False: In Rome, in the event of war the consul could be named king and given supreme power for life.
True or False: Lucy the australopithecus was found in east Asia.
This is the “area between the rivers.”
The Greeks called their city-states this.
______ were the commoners in Roman society.
_______ has influenced many of the other major monotheistic religions of the modern world such as Christianity and Islam.
This event led to the beginning of the new stone age.
Development of agriculture
Egyptians perfected the art of ______, to preserve bodies for the afterlife.
The Greek city-state won the Peloponnesian War
The Republic started out with 300 members who made the laws and controlled the government.
The Senate
He became dictator after killing his rival Pompey, then instituted many reforms in Rome.
Julius Caesar
These people study the development of ancient civilizations
These laws came from God to the Jewish people as instructions and Israel had to follow strictly.
Ten Commandments
This was a new type of philosophy that was created to encourage people to take what life gives them calmly and logically.
Legend has it that Ancient Rome was actually founded by these two brothers.
Romulus and Remus
What is the main peninsula of Greece called?
During the _________ people started to farm and domesticate animals.
Neolithic Revolution
In Ancient Egypt, ______ went to school at 7 to learn how to write in hieroglyphics and hieratic script.
These two poems told the story of the Trojan war and Mycenaean civilization.
Iliad and Odyssey
The Romans conquered the _______, the civilization that was on the Italian peninsula before them.
_______ is a well known epic that gives insight on Sumerian culture, religion, government, and daily life.
Epic of Gilgamesh