semantics Flashcards
what does semantics mean
semantics refers to the meaning of language
associated meanings
literal meaning
use: Denotation is used when an author wants the reader to understand a word, phrase, or sentence in its literal form, without other implied, associated, or suggested meanings.
3 fields of semantics
relationship between words
fields of language
figurative language
relationship between words. synonyms
-equivalent meanings but used in a different way depending on factors
like relation to the speaker’s and level of formality
relationship between words. antonyms
words which are opposite in meaning
relationship between words gradable antonyms
these antonyms deal with levels of comparison and can be two words on a scale
relationship between words
binary antonyms
binary antonyms have no middle ground
relationship between words
reasons: relational antonyms
these are similar to binary antonyms however one word cannot exist without the other
eg:husband wife
relationship between words
a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
fields of language:
lexical field
literal subject matter
eg, drugs paracetamol , ibuprofen
fields of language
:semantic field
words which are related to each other through having similar meanings.
eg: ball player team
fields of language
a word that is more specific
A hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is more specific than its hypernym
fields of language
a word that is a broad category and contain more specific terms under that category
eg colour is a hypernym of red
fields of language
loaded terms
emotive language packed with ideology eg freedom fighter