self report techniques Flashcards
what are questionnaires?
participants provide info about their thoughts, feelings and behaviours
open questions
- allow participants to answer however they want
- generate qualitative data
evaluate open questions
+ less chance of researcher bias as they don’t provide a set number of responses
– may answer in a socially desirable way, may lack validity as it is not their natural response
closed questions
- predetermined set of responses
- generate quantitative data
- e.g. checklist, likert response scale, ranking scale
evaluate closed questions
+ quantitative data is easy to statistically analyse to make direct comparisons
– can’t explore answers of a particular interest
– often produces a response bias, so data may lack internal validity
what are interviews?
- mostly done face-to-face
- can be over the phone
structured interviews
- questions are decided in advance and are asked in the same order for everyone
- use an interview schedule
evaluate structured interviews
+ quantitative data is easy to statistically analyse to make direct comparisons
– over the course of doing several interviews, investigator effects may play a role
unstructured interviews
- more like a conversation, the interviewer only facilitates the discussion
- very little is decided in advance
- produces qualitative data
evaluate unstructured interviews
+ increase validity by reducing the chance of investigator effects, as the researcher doesn’t control the direction of the conversation
+ generate lots of rich qualitative data
– statistical analysis is hard, must undergo content analysis to identify patterns and trends
semi-structured interviews
- mostly prepared questions that can be supplemented with additional questions if required
- typically produces rich qualitative data
evaluate semi-structured interviews
+ open questions may encourage the participant to be open, reducing social desirability bias
+ generate rich qualitative data, so the interviewer can clarify meanings and gain more info
– hard to analyse qualitative data without conducting content analysis before