Self Report Flashcards
Closed questions a&d
Advantages Quantitative- objective and reliable Easy to analyse Less personal- easier to answer Quick Disadvantages Not detailed, less internal validity Limited Miss important info Standard response set
Open questions a&d
Advantages Qualitative- high internal validity, real answers, detailed info Not limited Disadvantages Less reliable Subjective Tricky to analyse More personal Time consuming
Rating scales
Can relate to attitudes towards something or emotions and feelings
How much do you like marmite?
1- really dislike 2-dislike 3-like
Advantages: more open then closed questions, get direction and strength of opinion, easy to analyse and quick
Disadvantages: less internal validity, less detail or ‘real’, miss out on ‘wby’- limited, standard response set
Likert scales
A statement and you indicate how far you agree on a scale
Owning a pet gives you happiness
Strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, strongly disagree
Semantic differentials
Indicate between bipolar adjectives where your feelings lie about an ‘attitude object’
Big _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ small
Quiet, loud, boring, exciting
Structured interviews
Set questions
Reliable, easier to analyse, stay on topic, quicker, easier to make comparisons
Can’t ask follow up qs, low ecological validity, robotic, not reflecting real life conversations
Semi-structured interviews
Set questions and follow up
Happy medium, follow up questions are useful, qualitative and quantitative, high ecological validity
Reliability, not standardised, hard to compare
Unstructured interview
Topics to discuss without set questions
High ecological validity, rich detail, high rapport
Low internal reliability , hard to analyse, might get off topic, time consuming
Questionnaires a&d
High external and internal reliability, not face to face- less intrusive with sensitive topics, quick and easy, can send out hundreds at a time (larger sample), compare data
Easy to lie- low internal validity, low ecological validity- doesn’t reflect real life, don’t see non verbal communication, standard response set
Interview a&d
non verbal communication- see past lies, higher ecological validity- replicated real life situation, rapport
Uncomfortable, person, time consuming, low external (small sample) or internal reliability, hard to analyse/compare, social desirability bias
Ethics in questionnaires and interviews
Asking for name, age of sex is bad for confidentiality
Irrelevant smokescreen questions and hiding the purpose is bad for deception
Sensitive or personal issues asked about are bad for protection from harm
If you’re told you have to answer all qs bad for right to withdraw
If they are not told someone to contact at the end if they have questions that’s bad for debriefing
Problems for validity in questionnaires or interviews
Leading questions, social desirability bias, forced choice questions, demand characteristics, standard repose set, researcher bias
Problems for internal reliability in questionnaires or interviews
All about procedure!!!
Small amount of questions asked, some respondents can answer infront of friends, some on their own, unstructured interviews (different people asked different questions), ambiguous questions that could be interpreted differently, no checking of split half reliability
Is there standardisation?
Problems for external reliability in questionnaires or interviews
All about sample!!!
Not repeated with different groups to see similar results, low response rate
Is there enough to find consistent effect?
Levels of data: nominal
Tally or frequency chart
Lowest level of data
‘Headcount’ of those who do one thing opposed to another
Levels of data: ordinal
Scores or ratings
Rank order, but no account taken into by how much difference between them
Levels of data:Interval or ratio
Rank order but also by how much
Forced choice questions
Respondents have to chose an answer from a limited range available
Term for who completes questionnaires
Standard response set
Tendency to give the same answer in response to all questions without regard of the questions
Social desirability bias
Participants give answers which will paint them in a good light
Response rate
Proportion of people who return questionnaires given to them
Smokescreen questions
Question included to try and obscure aim of the study
Leading questions
Question leaning towards researcher opinion
Critical question
Question researcher is most focused on