Environmental Flashcards
Czeisler et al aims
Investigate effects of taking properties of the human circadian system into account when designing work schedules, specifically in relation to direction in which shifts are rotated and the interval between changes in shifts
Czeisler sample
153 male employees
85 workers on rotating shifts ‘phase advancing’ direction (mean age 31.4)
Control group 68 employees (mean age 27.3) Whose shifts did not rotate
@ great salt lake minerals and chemicals corporation in Utah
Czeisler method
Initial self report
Rotating shifts experienced more insomnia
29% on rotating shift fell asleep at work in last 3 months
90% rotators complained schedule changed too often
Then gave all workers and managers video on the circadian cycle which contained suggestions and given an education booklet
Rotating group was split (all put on phase delay)
33 rotated every 7 days
52 rotated every 21 days
After 3 months they were given a questionnaire: personnel turnover and plant productivity was analysed
Czeisler results
21 day roter:
Complaints that shifts changed too quick dropped to 20%
had significantly increased score in health index
Significant increase potash production
Turnover same as control group
Czeisler conclusion
Work schedules that rotate by phase delay and extended interval between rotation are most compatible with circadian system
Siffre summary
French man Siffre lived in cave 2 months
Completely dark other than lightbulb, below freezing temp
Slept when he wanted to
Sleep cycle became 24 hrs 30 mins
Humans have internal body clock
Preckel et al
272 German children
5 schools given standardised chronotyoe questionnaire
Parents of 132 children filled out chronotyoe questionnaire based on their child
Owl significant negative indicator of GPA
Costa et al
nurses found lightboxes effective to help them stay awake/perform better/tiredness/sleep patterns on night shifts
Light reduces melatonin production (sleep hormone) so tricks the body into thinking it’s day time
Implementation: change light on a plane depending on time zone they visit
Hertheimer & Petrie
Melatonin naturally produced by pineal gland when dark
Phase advance travel is the worst (west to east) as pineal gland not instructed yet to induce melatonin
Man made supplements of sleep inducing hormone
For short term fix
9/10 studies found supplements effective treatment for jetlag
Implementation: manual given end of east bound flights with how to take melatonin and selling supplements in airports
Ceiszler implementation
Start adapting sleeping pattern to new time zone in advance to flight and stick to this schedule
Rationale: workers on 21 day router had turnover as good as control group
Function better implying better sleep and productivity when have more time to adapt to new pattern
Wells aim
Do men and women personalise workspace differently?
Is personalisation of workspace associated with enhanced employee well-being?
Is personalisation more important to women’s well-being than men?
Is a company’s personalisation policy associated with organisational well-being?
Wells sample
Survey: Office workers in 20 small businesses in Orange County, California Volunteer sampling 338 returned surveys Case studies: 5 companies 23 (15 women, 8 men) People with lots or no desk personalisation and not seeming busy picked
Wells survey method
7 section survey:
- work personalisation
- satisfaction with physical work environment
- job satisfaction
- well being
- employee perspective of organisational well-being (staff morale)
- personality traits
- demographics
Wells case study method
- tape recorded structured interview with open questions
- followed up with examination of workplace (observation with checklist and photo of workplace)
Wells results (gender differences)
Women personalise more (11 items vs 8 items)
Women more likely to use symbols of their family
Men more likely to use achievements as sports paraphernalia
(Women use to express identity, men use to show status)
Survey did not show personalisation more important to women, case study showed it was “it’s a stress reliever” “wouldn’t work for a company which didn’t allow personalisation”
Wells results (well-being and
Personalisation significantly positively associated with job satisfaction and indirectly with well-being
Companies with lenient personalisation policies reported positive organisational climate, greater employee morale (suggests good organisational well-being
Wells conclusion
There can be practical implementations for business managers and office designers from this study
Not applicable to bigger companies or could be sue to other policies on the organisation
Field observation
3 nationalities: US, French, West Germany
Size, depth and width of how territory marked at beaches was recorded
West Germany had larger territorial claims and places signs of sand castles
French could not grasp the concept of territoriality
Manage territorial behaviour:
Give each office opportunity to have anything to mark where their area starts so others respect their area
Get a French person to come in and speak about how territorial behaviour isn’t needed of it becomes an issue
Zones of personal space Intimateo- 1&1/2 ft (intimate contacts) Personal- 1&1/2 - 4 (close friends) Social- 4-12 (business-like) Public- 12 (formal/the public) Manage personal space: Have chairs 4-12ft apart in meeting rooms in offices as that is the zone of personal space comfortable for business-like encounters
Used periscope to view in toilet cubicle 3 conditions: Control- no one else in urinals Urinal leaving 1 space Urinal next to participant
Invasions of space caused increased physiological arousal - causing delay in urination and decreasing length of urination
Have urinals a couple ft apart so more urinals will be willing to use at the same time and to avoid men being forced to invade each other’s personal space
Sommer & Ross
Visited new hospital Canada to see why it was having depressing/isolating impact on patients
Chairs before lined up against the wall which made social contact difficult
Should use:
Socio-petal seating if you want them to socialise
Sociofugal if you don’t want to socialise (seats facing away from eachother)
Circular inward seating may discourage territorial behaviour as they socialise and feel unified so don’t mind sharing personal space
Outward facing seats respect other’s personal space
Wells implementation
- put pictures relating to friendships between colleagues in communal areas in office
- put pictures of company’s achievements in communal area at workplace
Means everyone may be less fussed with marking territory for personal space as its personalised to their own company in ways men and women like
- make sure women can personalise their spaces to feel comfortable in their personal space as they find it more important