Self-Disclosure^ Flashcards
Self - Disclosure
info we gather about a new partner
vital role in a relationship
beyond initial attraction
- the more we learn = the more attracted we are
Social Penetration
Altman & Taylor
- start revealing at a superficial level (fav. colour)
- then get more personal (core: trauma)
- one shares, other feels more comfortable to share back
partner loses interest in the relationship
discloses less info
Reciprocity of Self-Disclosure
Reis & Shaver
- to develop a relation. the sharing needs to be reciprocated
- respond in empathetic way to increase intimacy
Research Support
prediction about self-disclosure derived from social penetration theory supported with research
Sprecher & Hendrick
- studied straight couples
- strong corelations between measures of satisfaction and self disclosure
Sprecher et al
- relations. are closer when disclosure is reciprocated
Increase validiity
VS Research Support
self-disclosure theory is correlational
assumes more SD = more satisfaction
it could be that more satisfaction = more SD
or they are independent
or caused by a 3rd factor
Reduce validity
Real World Application
Haas & Stafford
- 57% of straight men and women
- SD was the main way they maintain their relations.
People use it = relationship stronger
- can be applied in couple counselling or when they are in a fight
Cultural Differences
increase depth of SD does not lead to more satisfaction in all cultures
Tang et al
- people in US (individualist) SD sexual feelings more than in China
- but no significant differences in relations. satisfaction
Self - Disclosure & Breakdown
non-disclosure with relationship dissatisfaction can lead to relations. breakdown
- contradicts his research on the breakdown
- as people break up = more SD
- does not help with satisfaction and they breakup