Self, Death And Afterlife - Materialism Flashcards
Bertrand Russell and life after deatg
- it is not rational but emotion to believe in life after death
- we do not have a purpose so no created afterlife/end
- no permanence concerning ourselves, so our lives would not continue after death
What is dualism
We have a body and soul, but the soul can be independent
What is materialism
The soul and body are one entity
What is monism
Body and soul always have to be together
Different perspectives on soul
- Buddhism: no soul as there is no permanent fixed self (Anatta) -Nagasena
- Hindu and Sikh - soul is divine, point to reunite with God
- Descartes, cogito ergo sum - self awareness shows there is a self
- reincarnation ans the soul - IMAGO DEI, made in the image of God in Christianity; eternal in comparison to the body
Belief in life after death and the soul
- belief in whether there is a soul determines what you think will happen when u die (eg dualists think that soul outlives dead body)
- problem of continued identity: if there is life after death, is it still me who experiences that?
- medically dead = no brain activity, is this physical deahf
arguments for ‘we are just physical beings’
- scientific reasons eg anatomy, no soul has been found in human body
- nothing to show existence of soul
- link to mind and brain –> brain damage affects personality
- brain affecting drugs
arguments against ‘we are just physical beings’
- self awareness, conscience
- god within humans, non physical (divine jot, holy spirit etc)
- immaterial thoughts, memories etc
- reductionist to say we are physical
What is materialism
Minds are inseparable from the body
- there is no place where the soul exists separately
- body ceases to exist at death and so does person identity
- materialists have a scientific approach to life - emotion is a psycho chemical reaction
- no distinction between body and soul
what are hard materialists
- do not accept that an individuals characteristics are anything more than physical ones
- consciousness is brain activity
- body and mind re one - no separation
What are soft materialists
Not all characteristics are physical
- consciousness is more than a brain process
- M and B are both interdependent
- source is physical but output can be non material processes and can affect physical world
Similarities between hard and soft materialists
- brain and mind are not independent
- body dies, brain dies
- soft materialism - personal identity cannot exist without body
Differences between hard and soft materialists
HM believes consciousness is nothing more than brain activity and individual characteristics are only physical
Differences between hard and soft materialists
HM believes consciousness is nothing more than brain activity and individual characteristics are only physical
Why do materialists not believe in life after death or the soul
- brain = body, so if body dies brain dies, PHYSICAL
- materialists reject the soul as there is no non material substance, and the origin of self awareness etc is physical as it comes from the brain