self concept ch 33 - Exam III Flashcards
body image
attitudes related to the body
internal sense of individuality, wholeness, and consistency of a person over time and in different situations
identity confusion
results when people do not maintain a clear, consistent, and continuous consciousness of personal identity
role ambiguity
unclear role expectations, which makes people unsure about what to do or how to do it
role conflict
results when a person has to simultaneously assume two or more roles that are inconsistent
role overload
having more roles or responsibilities within a role than are manageable
role performance
way individuals perceive their ability to carry out significant roles
role strain
feeling of frustration when a person feels inadequate or unsuited to a role such as providing care for a loved one
self concept
individuals view of self
self esteem
individuals overall view of self worth or how individuals like and accept themselves
sick role
expectations of others and society regarding how an individual behaves when sick