Self and Social perception Flashcards
Brief note on self concept
The individual’s belief about himself or herself, including the person’s attributes and who and what the self is.
Humanist psychologist Carl Rogers
Components of self concept
🡪Self image: The view you have of yourself
Self esteem: How much value you place on yourself
🡪Ideal self: What you wish you were really like
🡪Self efficacy and self confidence
Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (Bandura, 1977)
Congruency and Incongruency between self image and ideal self affects difficulty of self actualization
Describe Self concept using Personal Constructs and Self schemas
Personal Constructs- George Kelley (1955)
Everyone develops their own theories about what people are like, through our own experiences. These theories are made up of pairs of words, on an either/or basis. These are called “personal constructs”.
These constructs represent the way we view the world, other people, and their behavior
Friendly/Unfriendly, friendly-shy
Self-schema is a cognitive generalization about oneself. Derived from past experience that process and guide processing of self related information.
Made up of aspects of our behaviors most important to us.
Social perception
The process by which people come to understand one another
The way we seek to know and understand other persons and events
Process by which we use available information to understand and form impressions about other people.
Stereotypes or prototypes
Combines information based on the category or class to which a person, situation, or object belongs.
Halo Effect : Occurs when one attribute of a person or situation is used to develop an overall impression of the individual or situation.
Selective Perception :The tendency to single out those aspects of a situation, person, or object that are consistent with one’s needs, values, or attitudes.
Attribution : This theory states that individuals observe behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. there are two types of attribution:
Internal attribution: Explain in terms of something about the person
External attribution: Explain in terms of something about the situation
When individuals observe behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. The dimensions on the basis of which the individual behaviors are assessed are:
Write a short note on Fundamental Attribution error
Fundamental attribution error.: tendency for people to over-emphasize personality-based explanations for behaviors observed in others while under-emphasizing the role and power of situational influences on the same behavior.
Applies to the evaluation of someone else’s behavior.
Attributing success to the influence of situational factors.
Attributing failure to the influence of personal factors.
Explain what is Self serving bias
-Applies to the evaluation of our own -behavior.
-Attributing success to the influence of personal factors.
-Attributing failure to the influence of situational factors.