Seismicity Flashcards
Shaking of the earth.
The point within the crust where the pressure releases
Areas where the crust is being forced to move in the opposite directions.
Seismic waves
The waves of energy that travel away from the focus after the stress along a fault line is released.
The area on the surface directly above the focus.
A device that records P and S waves.
Primary waves
Fastest, compressional. Fastest through solids and liquids.
Secondary waves
Travel at half the speed of P-Waves, move with a perpendicular motion, cannot move through liquids but do more damage that P-waves
Surface waves
Travel slowest and near to the ground. Slowest but most destructive.
Love waves
Surface waves that make the ground move up and down
Raleigh waves
Surface, cause a complex heaving or rolling motion
Amount of energy released by an event, measured on the Richter scale
Richter scale
Logarithmic scale, each units represent a 10 fold increase in strength, and a 30 fold increase in energy release
Modified Mercalli Scale
Measures the intensity of the event and its impact. It’s a 12 point scale.
Earthquakes that follow on from the main event and may last for a few months afterwards, generated by the earth settling back after the disruption of the first displacement.
Some can be significant events in their own right.
Soil liquefaction
When shaken violently, soils with a high water content lose their mechanical strength and start to behave like a fluid.
Giant sea waves generated by shallow-focus underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, underwater debris slides and large landslides into the sea.
When the stress that builds up within the up rocks is suddenly released, causing parts of the surface to experience an intense shaking motion that lasts between a few seconds and a few minutes.