Segmentation, targeting, and positioning Flashcards
market segmentation
Identify bases for segmenting the market, Develop segment profiles
target marketing
Develop measure of segment attractiveness, Select target segments
market positioning
marketing mix that gives customers a clear, distinct, and desirable understanding of what the product does or represents, also in comparison with competing products.
demographic segmentation
Market segmented by Age, gender, household size, income, occupation, education, nationality, religion, ethnicity
geographic segmentation
market segmented by region, city/county size, population density, climate, city,
psychographic segmentation
market segmented by lifestyle, personality, attitudes, values
benefit segmentation
Group consumers according to the benefits they seek in a product (product features, quality, service)
behavioral segmentation
Usage rate (heavy vs. light users), Occasion (when the product is bought or consumed)
segment profitability
Segment profitability = segment size x adoption rate x purchase behavior x profit margin – fixed costs
undifferentiated targeting strategy
mass marketing
differentiated targeting strategy
different marketing mixes for each of two or more market segments
concentrated targeting strategy
selecting and serving a single, primary target market
one-to-one strategy
perceptual mapping
Can be used to understand the existing market and one’s own position in that market, as well as identify opportunities to change that position or fertile areas in which to position new entrants
positioning statement
can help spell out what the product, brand, or organization is about