Segars: HRT/SERMs Flashcards
What is the cliff notes version of Menopausal hormone therapy?
- when she hits menopause, she stops making estrogen…
- so then we give her estrogen
What is Menopausal transition
- they’re entering menopause
- peri-menopause
- increase in FSH, reduction in hormone levels and variation of cycle
What is not an effect of menopause?
-heart effects
What do estrogens do to endometrium?
-makes it proliferate
so, if there is an intact uterus, what do we give her?
- a progestin!
- add that along with the estrogen
What are the four estrogens that we use?
- estradiol
- Conjugated estrogens
- Esterified estrogens
- Estropipate (stabilized with piperazine
What are the available progestinic components?
- Medroxyprogesterone
- Methyltestosterone
- Progesterone
- dont give her this if she doesn’t have a uterus
What is the major effect of estrogen-only hormone therapy?
- Decrased production of anti thrombin 3
- decreased osteoclastic activity
- Increased production of triglycerides and clotting factors
What do we not use MHT for?
- bone effects
- heart attack
- anything that isn’t menopause
What are the harms of estrogen and progestin therapy in women with uterus?
- stroke
- pulmonary embolism
- Invasive breast cancer
- Gallbladder disease
- Dementia
- Self-reported urinary incontinence
Should MHT be used to prevent CVD or dementia?
-no it should not
What do we do for women who are only having vaginal symptoms?
-topical vaginal estrogen
What do we include in a woman who has a uterus?
does estrogen therapy increase the risk of blood clots?
What kind of cancer is a risk thing 3-5 years of continuous estrogen with progestin therapy?
breast cancer
What is SERM?
-selective estrogen receptor modulators
What are TSECs?
-tissue-selective estrogen complexes
What is the one SERM we have to know about?
What is the one TSEC we need to know?
- only used for tx of painful intercourse
MOA of Ospemifine
- estrogen agonist… binds ERs in vagina
- but also antiestrogenic on breast
- increases vaginal secretions and what not
- Stimulatory endometrial effects
Side effects of Ospemifene
- worsening of increase in hot flashes/sweating
- estrogenic-simliar effects on coagulation
- Endometrial thickening and even hyperplasia (estrogen agonist)
When is Ospemifine contraindicated?
- -unusal/abnormal vaginal bleeding
- Thromboembolic diseases
- Estrogen-related neoplasia’s (uterine, ovarian, breast)