Sedation/RSI Flashcards
Name/Class Etomidate
Discription of Etomidate
Etomidate is an ultra short acting nonbarbiturate hypnotic with no analgesic effects and limited cardiovascular and respiratory effects.
indications of etomidate
induce sedation for rapid sequence intubation
contraindictions of etomidate
Precautions of etomidate
head injury if no paralytics used, marked hypotension, severe asthma, or severe cardiovascular disease.
Dosage/route of etomidate
0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV over 15 to 30 sec
Pedi:children>10, same as adults
Name/class for haloperidol
Description of haloperidol
haloperidol is beleived to block dopamine receptors in the brain associated with mood and behavior, is a potent antiemetic and impairs temperature regulation.
indications of haloperidol
acute psychotic episodes
contraindictions of haloperidol
Parkinsons disease, seizure disorders, coma, alcohol depression, CNS depressions, and thyrotoxicosis, and with other sedatives
Precautions of haloperidol
Orthostatic Hypotension
dosage/route of haloperidol
2-5 mg IM. Normally mixed with benadryl to avoid EPS reaction
Name/Class of Pancuronium
Pavulon/nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker
description of Pancuronium
Pancuronium is a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker that causes paralysis without bronchospasm or hypotension
indications of Pancuronium
to facilitate endotracheal intubation
Contraindictions of Pancuronium
dosage/route of Pancuronium
- 04 to 0.1 mg/kg IV
pedi: same as adult
name/class of succinylcholine
Anectine/depolarizing neuromuscular blocker
description of succinylcholine
succinylcholine is an ultra short acting depolarizing neuromuscular blocker
indications of succinylcholine
Facilitated endotracheal intubation
Contraindictions of succinylcholine
faimly history of malignent hyperthermia, penetrating eye injury, narrow-angle glaucoma. hyperkalemia, crash injury, burns over 24 hours
precautions of succinylcholine
severe burns, spinial cord injury
dosage/route of succinylcholine
1-1.5 mg/kg IV/IM
pedi 1-2 mg/kg IV/IM
name/class of Vecuronium
Norcuron/nondepolarizing skeletal muscle relaxant
Description of Vecuronium
Vecuronium is a nondepolarizing skeletal muscle relaxant similiar to pancuronium with minimal cardiovascular effects
indications of Vecuronium
Facilitated endotracheal intubation
Contraindictions of Vecuronium
precautions of Vecuronium
hepatic or renal failure impairment, impaired fluid and electrolyte or acid/base balance, severe obesity, myasthenia gravis, elderly, debilitated patients, or malignant hyperthermia
Dosage of Vecuronium
0.1 mg/kg IV
pedi same as adult
Name/class of Rocuronium Bromide
Zemuron/ Nonpolarizing neuromuscular blocker
Description of Rocuronium Bromide
Antagonizes acetylcholine at the motor end plate producing skeletal muscle paralysis
precautions/side effects of Rocuronium Bromide
Bronchospasm, wheezing, rhonchi, respiratory depression, apnea, dysrhythmias, tachycardia
dosage/route of Rocuronium Bromide
0.6-1.2 mg/kg IV/IO
pedi same as adult
name/class of propofol
Diprivan/Sedative hypnotic, short-acting
description of propofol
produces rapid and brief state of general anesthesia
indications of propofol
Anesthesia induction, anesthesia maintenance, sedation for mechanically ventillated patients.
Contraindictions of propofol
Hypovolemia, known sensitivity including soybean oil, peanuts, eggs
Precautions/side effects of propofol
Seizure,apnea,dysrhythmias, asystole, hypotension,hypertension
Dosage/route of propofol
induction dose:1.5-3 mg/kg IV,IO Maintenance infusion: 25-75 ug/kg/min IV,IO
Pedi Induction dose:2.5-3.5 mg/kg IV,IO maintenance infusion 125-300 ug/kg/min IV,IO