Sections 43-44 Flashcards
(adv.) more widely
emitto, emittere, emisi, emissus
(3rd c.) to send out
(prep.) near; (adv.) nearly
regnum, -i
(n.) the kingship/supreme power; a kingdom
patior, pati, passus sum
(3rd c. i-stem deponent) to allow/permit [usage in Caesar]; to bear, suffer, or endure
servo, -are, servavi, servatus
(1st c.) to keep in sight, to watch/observe [can also mean to save, protect, rescue]
semita, -ae
(f.) path
injuria, -ae
(f.) damage, harm, injury; a wrong or injustice
imperatum, -i
(n.) a command
occulto, -are, -avi, -atus
(1st c.) to hide
amplior, -ius
(comp. adj.) greater
obtineo, -ere, -ui, -tentus
(2nd c.) to hold, to acquire
silvestris, -e
(adj.) woody
*vito, -are, -avi, -atus
(1st c.) to avoid
defedo, -ere, -i, -fensus
(3rd c.) to protect
depono, -ere, deposui, depositus
(3rd c.) to give up, abandon; to lay aside
firmissus, -a, -umm
(sup. adj.) strongest, most powerful
vasto, -are, -avi, -atus
(1st c.) to lay waste to, devastate, plunder
agmen, agminis
(n.) the line of march [vs. ‘acies’ - the line of battle]
contentio, -ionis
(f.) a fight, struggle, contest
*dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus
(2nd c.) to surrender
*praedor, -ari, -atus sum
(1st c. deponent) to plunder
adolescens, -entis
(m. or f.) a youth
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessus
(3rd c.) to go out; to withdraw