Sections 22-23 Flashcards
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus
(1st c.) to call
*not to be confused with appello, appellere, appuli, appulsum - to drive to, to bring to
consuetudo, consuetudinis
(f.) custom, habit
frumentor, -ari, atus
(1st c. deponent) to forage, get corn
form: same as the neuter singular perfect passive participle (-um)
use: used to express purpose with verbs of motion
ex: legio frumentatum missa est - the legion was sent for the purpose of gathering corn
suspicio, suspicionis
(f.) suspicion, mistrust
interpono, interponere, interposui, interpositus
(3rd c.) to interpose
passive: to arise
remaneo, remanere, remansi, —-
(2nd c.) to remain behind
ventito, -are, -avi, -atus
(1st c.) to keep coming
(prep + ablative) before, instead of, as, for
porta, -ae
(f.) gate
statio, -ionis
(f.) a station, an outpost
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus
(1st c.) to announce
pulvis, pulveris
(m.) dust
ineo, inire, inivi / initum
to form, adopt, begin
cohors, cohortis
(f.) cohort
succedo, succedere, sucessi, sucessus
(3rd c.) to go in place of, to succeed
armo, -are, -avi, -atus
to arm
(adv.) immediately
(adv.) a little, somewhat
procedo, procedere, procesi, procussus
to go forwards, advance
premo, premere, pressi, pressus
(3rd c.) to press hard, harrased
confertus, -a, -um
(adj) crowded together, close packed
demitto, demittere, demisi, demissus
(3rd c.) to let fall, send down, send about, dismiss
by night