Sections 34-36 Flashcards
continens, -ntis
(adj.) continuous, constant
subjicio, subjicere, subjeci, subjectus
(3rd c.) to place near, to throw under
(adv.) even if, although
major, -us
(adv.) greater
summa, -ae
(f.) the whole
divido, dividere, divisi, divisus
(3rd c.) to divide
deligo, deligere, delegi, delectus
(3rd c.) to select, to choose out [versus ‘deligo, deligare, deligavi, deligatus’ - to bind down, fasten]
appello, appellere, appuli, appulsus
(3rd c.) to drive to, to bring to; VERSUS appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus (1st) - to call
Tamesis, -is
(m.) the Thames
minor, minus
(comp. adj.) less
permitto, permittere, permisi, permissus
(3rd c.) to allow, entrust, give up
(adv.) besides, moreover [preater +ea]
resisto, resistere, restiti, —-
(3rd c.) to withstand, to halt
triquetrus, -a, -um
(adj.) triangular
Hibernia, -iae
(f.) Ireland
permoveo, permovere, permovi, permotus
(2nd c.) to greatly move, to stir up
conjungo, conjungere, conjunxi, conjunctus
(3rd c.) to unite, to join together
nonnullus, -a, -um
(adj.) some
transmissus, -us
(m.) passage [across the sea]
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus
(3rd c.) to write
quingenti, -ae
(adj.) 500
intercedo, intercedere, intercessi, intercessus
(3rd c.) to be between, to come between, to be reciprocal, to intervene
vergo, -ere, —-, —-
(3rd c.) to lie, to be situated
pertineo, pertinere, pertinui, pertentus
(2nd c.) to reach, to extend