Section2.10.11 Flashcards
Why does Morton dislike voter initiatives?
Because no one reads them and hardly anyone can understand them
How was Affirmative Acton established?
By Presidential preferece. It did not come from congress or the constitution.
Who has to follow Affirmative Action?
Any company that has major ties/relations with the government.
Is it legal to discriminate against LGBT in Montana?
Yes. LGBT are not covered by Montana law or by congress. They are only covered by affirmative action.
What is protected under Affirmative Action?
Race, color, religion, nationality, gender, handicap, marrital status and LGBT
How can someone run a buisness without hiring anyone?
Free college interns, use a temp agency, personal employee organization.
What does PEO stand for? And what do they do?
Personal Employee Organization. A PEO is basically a personal human resources department that will handle hiring/firing and worker wages.
Acording to Morton, what percent of students will find work through a temp agency? And how does it work?
90%. A temp agency basically leases out workers to businesses. If the business does not like the worker they can trade them in, but if they do like the worker they can pay a fee and hire them on full time.
Why is hiring someone (or not hiring someone) so risky?
High chance of getting sued based on dicrimination.
What fees go into hiring someone?
Salary, unemployment insurance (~3%), FICA (15%), and workers comp.
What is FICA and who pays it?
Federal Insurance Contribution Act. 1/2 is apid by employer and 1/2 is paid by worker.
What does FICA support?
3% goes to medicade and 12% goes to social security
Who pays FICA is you are self employeed?
You – All 15%
When did Morton start collecting Social Security?
How much does Morton collect in Social Security, and how is it calculated?
It is based on how long you worked. Morton gets 2,400 a month and Nancy get an additional half put on top of that for a total of 42,200 a month.