What percent of electricity comes from coal?
Why do women earn less then men?
Men are more likely to ask for raises/promotions and demand more money when a job is offered. Women on the other hand are more likely to accept the first job offer, and work hard, without complaining and not as for a promotion/raise.
Why is Corporate Government so important?
Corporate Government is important because it should protect the business from underperforming officers, especially an underperforming CEO.
What federal department is important for unions?
The Department of Labor – Specifically the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
What are the old rules that govern unions?
There must be a petition signed with at least 30% of the workers in order to get the NLRB to hold a secret ballot election for a union.
What percent of the workers is desired when looking to start a union?
80% +
After a union has been formed, what is the next step?
Form a contract
If contract negotiation is taking to long, what can the workers do to show displeasure? The managers/boss?
The workers can Picket and Strike; The manager/boss can lockout the workers and hire replacement workers.
What are the new rules that are coming into effect for unions?
If a petition has more then 51% then there is no secret election. Also if the contract is not signed within 90 days then a arbitrator from the NLRB comes in to get both sides to agree.
What percent of workers were in a union in the 1960? What about now?
In the 1960s, 37% of workers were in a Union, now it is 7%
Why has the number of people in unions dropped so much over the past 50+ years?
Unions were originally established to make sure worker saftey was noticed, but now with so many work safety laws unions are not seen as necessary.
Why are worker petition signatures so easy to get?
Workers can be easily intimidated to signing the petition.
Who dictates if workers have to pay union dues?
The State.
What are states called that force workers to pay union dues?
Union States – These states are primarily red states during an election
What are states called that allow workers to not pay union dues?
Right to Work States – These are primarily blue states during an election.