Judge Judy would be considered a what?
What does Gobsmacked mean?
What is showrooming and what is a good example?
Showrooming is when a store is used as a place to go look at the goods in person, but the goods are purchased online. Best Buy is a prime example.
What do the old laws say about discrimination?
That an employer must make a good faith attempt at a reasonable accomidation.
What was added to the list of disabilities in 2008?
Sitting, standing, bending, lifting, reading, concentrating, thinking, communication and interacting with others.
What are the proposed changes that are underway? And how were they established?
Every business that has major government ties with more then 50 employees must have at a specific percentage of workers be severly disabled and disabled. This applies to every job title and wage breakdown. They were by presidential order.
What percent of workers must be severly disabled?
What percent of workers must be disabled?
What is the average cost of health insurance in the US?
What percent of handicapped people are unemployed?
What do the past generation workers have for a retierment plan, and how does it work.
A Defined Benefit plan; It gives the worker a percentage of their salary every year after they retire.
What rules are set up to protect the past generations retierment fund?
ERISA (A Federal Law) that garuntees that the retierment will be paid, and if the compnay goes under the government will pay.
What type of retierment plan does the current generation have and how does it work?
A Defined Contribution Plan; The employer gives a certain percent of each paycheck to invest in a 401k.
How are retierment funds taxed?
All retierment funds are tax deductable upfront but taxed when they are used.
If your company doesn’t have a retierment fund, what do you do?
Set up an IRA (Indivdual Retierment Account)