Section B Flashcards
Liturgy; plain chant (definition; types; subject matter; etc.), the mass, divine office
The Roman Catholic worship service, the liturgy, is where a majority of plain chant was practiced and shared. Plain chant is often called Gregorian chant. It is monophonic and has no accompaniment. it is free meter and rhythm, no note values or bar lines. Latin. through composed. syllabic and melismatic.
Sundays and fest days only containing 6 ordinary tests which never changed and were typically sung. Kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei. Chants like this were sung in mass. Chants with other texts were also sung during the divine office, a series of 8 prayer services at churches, monasteries, convents, held daily at specific times.
Hildegard, bio, chant characteristics, liturgical drama
Hildegard of Binen was a German nun born in 1098. She was a visionary and a highly respected poet, naturalist, healer, theologian, and composer of 70+ unusual chants. These chants featured angular melodies (up and down) and large range, leaps, and melismas. She wrote her own vivid poetry, with frequent references to nature.
She composed the Oreo Virtutum, a liturgical Drama. It is sacred content, but not a part of mass. It features 19 characters and follows the development of Anima, happy, unhappy, tempted, penitent, victorious.
MA types of secular musicians (bards, minstrels, Jongleurs; troubadours and trousers, trobairitz)
Throughout the Middle Ages, there were many secular musicians that performed music. they included:
- bards: poet singers, played harp, fiddle, told epics.
- minstrels: more specialized musicians. employed at court, occasionally traveled. From all social classes, incl. former clerics.
- jongleurs: free lancing, sang and played.
these all performed the music of others, not their own.
Troubadours : south.
Trouveres- north
moved, flourished in aristocratic circles. Championed Mine, aka courtly love. often sang monodies. all wrote their own texts and set them to monophonic, strophic music.
Troubairitz= female troubadours.