Section A Flashcards
Ego Omnes
- Hildegard von Bingen
- ego ones from ordo virtutum
- chant- liturgical drama
- the work features 19 characters, including 16 virtues, 1 devil, 1 “anima”, and 2 choruses
- the musical highpoint is towards the end when “victory” sings high melisma on Gaudette to stress symbolic defeat of death
- the work features 19 characters, including 16 virtues, 1 devil, 1 “anima”, and 2 choruses
- -she was a visionary German nun who founded 2 convents
- she composed 70+ unusual chants that featured angular melodies and large leaps and melismas
Kyrie Cunctipotens
- Anonymous
- Kyrie Cunctipotens
- Melismatic/florid organum
- -melismatic/florid organum emerged in the 900s to 1000s and featured a principle, lower voice and an organal, upper voice.
- The organum is based upon the Kyrie Eleison chant, meaning Lord Have Mercy - piece is slower and dissonances between tenor and duplum
- new names for parts called tenor and duplum
- piece is slower and dissonances between tenor and duplum
Videront Omnes- perotin
- perotin
- Videront Omnes
- 4 part organum
- Pertain contributed to organum by adding more upper voices, titled Triplum and Quadruplum
- the result of his contributions were 3 part organum and 4 part organum compositions
5.- extremely long note sung by tenor, upper notes probably sung by soloists
- scale of piece matches the grandeur of Notre dame cathedral
- Pertain contributed to organum by adding more upper voices, titled Triplum and Quadruplum
Super te Jerusalem
- Anonymous
- Super te Jerusalem
- Polytextual 13C motet
- Because the text is in latin, it was most likely sung during mass, as text for secular motets was in French.
- polytectual motet means voices overlap one another
- Because the text is in latin, it was most likely sung during mass, as text for secular motets was in French.
Flos Ut Rosa Floruit
- Anonymous
- Flos ut Rosa Floruit
- Polyphonic Conductus
- in the 1100 and 1200s, the conductus style with caudal emerged. Cauda meaning tail= long melisma at end
- the conductus style with cauda does not follow 6 rhythmic modes
- in the 1100 and 1200s, the conductus style with caudal emerged. Cauda meaning tail= long melisma at end
- m45 cauda begins till end. Long melisma.
- polyphonic new/freely conceived text= conductus style.
Gerrit Gallus
- De Vitry
- garret callus from roman de fauvel
- isorhythmic mid 14C motet
- satire about corrupt fr. state: Donkey RdF ascends fr. throne
- unusually the text is in latin, not French. Should be French because its secular music
- satire about corrupt fr. state: Donkey RdF ascends fr. throne
- isorhythm happens 6x in tenor part. Isorhythm= repeating rhythmic pattern. Talea
- Talea is a palindrome and alternates between 2/4 and 3/4.
- isorhythm happens 6x in tenor part. Isorhythm= repeating rhythmic pattern. Talea
Agnus Dei
- Machaut
- Agnus Dei from Messe de notre dame
- polyphonic setting of Agnus Dei
- French composer, poet and priest
- all movements are based on plain chant, with some in conductus style and others using isorhythm
- French composer, poet and priest
- latin text in abc form with 3 verses
- symbolizes musical perfection via triple meter and open 4ths, 5ths, 8ves often used for closing cadences.
- latin text in abc form with 3 verses
Ma fin est mon commencement
- machaut
- ma fin est mon commencement
- fixed form: rondo
- the piece is based upon RC theology: life leads to death= eternal life
- a rondeau- 8 lines of text set as AB aA ab AB for 3 vv.
- the piece is based upon RC theology: life leads to death= eternal life
- the cactus and tenor parts are exact retrogrades of each other and contravener line reverses itself at midpoint
- upper 2 parts in retrograde invertible counterpoint, a technique commonly used by js Bach
- the cactus and tenor parts are exact retrogrades of each other and contravener line reverses itself at midpoint