Section A essay plans Flashcards
HFDYA that throughout the years 1934-45 the Nazi gov was a popular dictatorship?
- Nazi support
- Opposition groups
- Impact of WWII
- HFDYA that opposition to the Weimar constitution was the most significant problem for the govs to deal with 1919-33
- Opposition
- ToV
- Economic problems
- HFDYA that Nazi censorship was the most effective method used to control the people 1933-45?
- Nazi censorship
- Terror
- Indoctrination
- How significant was the problem of political extremism in challenging effective gov 1919-30?
- Left-wing
- Right-wing
- Counter (golden years)
- HFDYA the main consequence of Nazi policies towards women 1933-45 was an improvement in women’s status?
- Social (domestic)
- Economic (workplace)
- Political (position in politics)
- HAIITS the Weimar republic fell because support for democratic gov was limited in the years 1918-33?
- Limited support
- Economic issues
- Political extremism.
- HFDYA cultural policies 1933-45 were created mainly to support Nazi racial theories?
- To support racial theories (Aryanism)
- Indoctrination in education
- To support racial theories (anti-Semitism)
- TWE was opposition to democracy 1918-23 different to opposition to democracy 1930-33?
- Left-wing (early vs. late)
- Right-wing (early vs. late)
- Opposition to ToV (early vs. late)
- HAIITS improved living standards was the most significant feature of Nazi economic policies?
- Improved living standards
- Autarky
- Rearmament
- HAIITS the most important outcome of the ToV in the years 1919-33 was it generated political extremism?
- Political extremism
- Economic problems
- Reputational damage to Germany
How far was the work of Stresemann the main reason for the Weimar gov’s ability to overcome challenges it faced between 1919 and 1929?
- Work of Stresemann
- Strength of democracy
- Weakness of opponents
HAIITS Germany was economically and politically stable by 1929?
- Yes - Work of Stresemann
- No - Economy was still not totally stable (reliance on loans, unemployment levels persistent)
- No (politically communists had 10% of the vote)
How far was hatred for the ToV the main motive for opposition against the Weimar gov 1918-32?
- ToV
- Economic issues
- Weakness of constitution
Why was domestic opposition to the Nazi regime limited/ failed 1933-45?
- Popular economic policies (popular support)
- Terror
- Disorganised opposition
Terror was the main reason for support of the Nazi regime 1933-45, HFDYA?
- Terror
- Propaganda/censorship
- Favourable policies
How far were children subjected to indoctrination 1933-45?
- Yes - Schools
- Yes - Hitler Youth
- No - Not everyone bought into it, not compulsory until 1939. Student/ Youth opposition groups
Was the work of Adenauer the main reason for the political stability of the FRG 1949-63?
- Work of Adenauer
- Basic Law
- Recovery of the economy
HAIITS the Govs of the FRG dealt with economic challenges effectively 1966-89?
- Yes/No - Recession 1966-67
- Yes - Oil crises 1973 and 1978
- Yes - Challenges of the 80s (unemployment)