Opposition/ anti-gov Section B Flashcards
Aims of opposition - Nazis
Youth - Swing Youth/ Edelweiss Pirates
Aims: to overcome cultural repression
White Rose Group - to undermine the Nazi regime, and protest against the immorality of the regime.
Left wing - overthrow the regime but also just protesting against working conditions
Aims of opposition - FRG
Youth - 1960s SDS/APO - protesting about political, moral and human rights within FRG. Protesting de-nazification + Year Zero
Mainly Left wing opposition overall
Extent of change - aims
Both face opposition from Youth groups. Similar oppositional groups BUT aims of Nazi opposition very specific to Nazis
Methods - Nazis
- No opposition allowed during Nazis, all ways of opposing were illegal and underground
- Mainly took form of dissent and non-conformity
- More active resistance towards the end of the regime (July 1944 Bomb Plot)
Methods - FRG
- opposition and anti-government protests were allowed in the FRG.
- Become more violent towards end of period with terrorism in the 70s and bombings, similar to 1944 Bomb Plot.
Extent of Change - Methods
Methods change as opposition is not allowed in Nazi BUT both show violence towards end of period.
Success - Nazi
- Nazis dealt with opposition effectively due to nature of terror state.
-BUT never able to stamp out dissent and were undermined by the elite towards the end of the regime.
Success - FRG
- Not much opposition in early years as focus was on recovery from WW2
- There was little support for student protests or terrorism. Student protests eventually faded
- Basic Law did not cover dealing with emergency events but by 1968 when Emergency law was introduced the Statute of Occupation ended.
Extent of Change - Success
- Very little success in Nazi period, it was only WW2 that ended the regime.
- There was more protest in FRG but overall people accepted that authoritarian methods of the gov so stability was always maintained.