Section 8 : GI physiology Flashcards
Four functions of the gastrointestinal system
Motility Secretion Digestion Apsorption
4 main layers of GI tract
mucosa submucosa muscularis externa serosa
How fast is the turnover of the intestine ?
repopulation every 4-5 days
Where are the stem cells in the small intestine ?
The stem cells are at the base of the crypt and push the epethilium upwards at it replicates. The cells at the top of the villi are the oldest and shed into the lumen

What is a primary stem cell marker in the gut ?
What happens to Lgr5+ cells cultured in vitro ?
Lgr5 is the marker for gut stem cells.
When left to culture in vitro they will form a small version of the GI tract with visible lumen, villus, and crypt domains
What does GALT stand for ?
gut associated lymphgoid tissue
What role does the GI tract play in the immune system ?
It exists in a state of constant inflamation, as it has to combat antigens, bacteria, and physical damage (and viruses ?)
It has to maintain protection while tolerating commensal microbes
What are the parts of the stomach?
Fundus, body, antrum,
What are the three phases of digestion
Cephalic, oral, an esophaegeal
What is the cephalic phase of digestion ?
It is the activation of GI function in antisipation of a meal
cognative, olfactory, and visual stimuli contribute
Auditory stimulus can be paired (Pavlov)
Dorsal motor nucleus in the brainstem activates, and stimulates Vagus nerve
What do acinar cells secrete ?
They secrete saliva, containing electrolytes and amylase
It is approximately isotonic to plasma
What is the 2 stage model of salavary secretion
In the endpieces of the duct make the amylase containing primary secretion (nearly isotonic)
As it exits through the tubule, it reabsorbs NaCl and secretes KHCO3-
What happens to the lower esophageal sphincter during swallowing ?
It opens at the same time as the upper esophegeal sphincter and remains open until food passes through
What is GERD ?
gastroesophegael reflux disease also called heartburn
It is treated by acid inhibitors
3 functions of the stomach
Store food
Secrete HCl
begin protein digestion
What is secreted by the fundus and body of the stomach ?
Intrinsic factor
What is secreted by the chief cells ?
What is secreted by the parietal (oxynitic) cells ?
HCl and intrinsic factor