Section 6: Physical Activity 14% Flashcards


when were The first and second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines published?


2008, 2018 (update started in 2016)

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What are the health benefits of physical activity outlined in the secong ediction of PAG for Americans?


Meeting the recommendations in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans consistently over time can lead to long-term health benefits. (New benefits appear in bold with .)
improve cognition,

YOUTH: bone health, fitness, and heart health. It can also reduce the risk of depression.

For ADULTS: prevent 8 types of cancer (bladder,* breast, colon, endometrium,* esophagus,* kidney,* stomach,* and lung);
reduces the risk of dementia
(including Alzheimer’s disease),
all-cause mortality,
heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes,
improves bone health, physical function, and quality of life.
For OLDER ADULTS, physical activity also lowers the risk of falls and injuries from falls.

For PREGNANT WOMEN, physical activity reduces the risk of postpartum depression.*
For ALL GROUPS, physical activity reduces the risk of excessive weight gain* and helps people maintain a healthy weight.
NEW EVIDENCE shows that physical activity can help manage CHRONIC conditions that Americans already have: decrease OA PAIN, reduce disease progression for hypertension and type 2 diabetes, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve cognition for those with dementia, multiple sclerosis, ADHD, and Parkinson’s disease.

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What age groups does the 2nd edition of PAG for Americans cover?


The second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans provides evidence-based recommendations for ADULTS and YOUTH ages 3 through 17 to safely get the physical activity they need to stay healthy.

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What are the recommendations of the 2nd edition of PAG for Americans for youth aged 3-5 yo?


The new key guidelines for children ages 3 through 5 state that preschool-aged children should be active throughout the day to enhance growth and development. Adults caring for children this age should encourage active play (light, moderate, or vigorous intensity) and aim for at least 3 hours per day.

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How does the second edition of PAG for Americans differ from the first edition?

  • new key guidelines for children ages 3 through 5
  • updated guidelines for youth ages 6 through 17, adults, older adults, women during pregnancy and the postpartum period, adults with chronic health conditions, and adults with disabilities.
  • We now know that any amount of physical activity has some health benefits. Americans can benefit from small amounts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity throughout the day. The first edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans stated that only 10-minute bouts of physical activity counted toward meeting the guidelines. The second edition removes this requirement to encourage Americans to move more frequently throughout the day as they work toward meeting the guidelines.
    New evidence shows that physical activity has immediate health benefits. For example, physical activity can reduce anxiety and blood pressure and improve quality of sleep and insulin sensitivity.
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What are the recommendations of the 2nd edition of PAG for Americans for youth aged 6-17 yo?


youth ages 6 through 17 is the same: at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity

Most activity can be aerobic, like walking, running, or anything that makes their hearts beat faster.

They also need activities that make their muscles and bones strong, like climbing on playground equipment, playing basketball, and jumping rope.

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What are the recommendations of the 2nd edition of PAG for Americans for adults (18 and over)?


most health benefits from physical activity: at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, like brisk walking or fast dancing, each week.
Adults also need muscle-strengthening activity, like lifting weights or doing push-ups, at least 2 days/ week
The first key guideline for adults is to MOVE MORE, SIT LESS.

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With regards to physical activity: Choose CORRECT statement(s):
A) Mortality risk increases with increasing amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity
B) Risk of accidents increases with decreased physical activity
C) There is a dose response between all-cause-mortality and moderate to vigorous PA. Most benefit is seen if physical activity is increased from less than 30min/week to 60-120min/week of moderate to vigorous exercise; modest additional benefits are obtained from further increase in dose and this is encouraged
D) extreme levels of vigorous physical activity show additional benefit to all-cause mortality
E) sedentary behavior significantly increases the risk of CHD, HTN and all-cause mortality


answer: B, C, E ( source BC Manual)
A) FALSE: mortality risk increases with decreasing amount of PA
B) true
C) true
D) FALSE: extreme levels of vigorous activity (eg extreme sports) can be harmful (accidents, etc)
E) true New evidence shows a STRONG RELATIONSHIP between INCREASED SEDENTARY BEH. and increased RISK OF HEART DISEASE, HIGH BP AND ALL CAUSE MORTALITY All physical activity, especially moderate-to-vigorous activity, can help offset these risks.

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With regards to physical activity: Choose CORRECT statement(s):
A) the newest (2nd ed) of APAG (American Physical Activity Guidelines 2018) states that short bouts, i.e. even < 10 min bouts of PA throughout the day count toward meeting the guidelines
B) there is no recommendation for pre-school aged children in the latest edition of American Physical Activity Guidelines (2018)
C) the recommended dose of PA for youth aged 7-17 is at least 3 hours a day
D) recommended daily dose for adults is 30min of moderate-vigorous exercise a day or 150min a week
E) seniors (>65) need to do 30-60 min of mild to moderate activity/ day to achieve health benefits


answer: A (source APAG 2nd edition)
A) TRUE: Any amount of physical activity has some health benefits, incl small amounts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity throughout the day.
The first edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans stated that only 10-minute bouts (or more) of physical activity counted toward meeting the guidelines. The second edition removed this requirement to encourage Americans to move more frequently throughout the day as they work toward meeting the guidelines.
B) FALSE: ages 3 through 5 (preschool-aged children) NEW recommendation: should be active throughout the day to enhance growth and development. Adults caring for children this age should encourage active play (light, moderate, or vigorous intensity) and aim for AT LEAST 3 HOURS/DAY of active play
C) FALSE: youth ages (6 through 17): at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity. Most activity can be aerobic, like walking, running, or anything that makes their hearts beat faster.
They also need activities that make their muscles and bones strong, like climbing on playground equipment, playing basketball, and jumping rope.
Vigorous activity at least 3/week
D) FALSE : American PA guidelines adults: 150 - 300min or more of moderate PA / week OR at least 75min of vigorous PA/ week, OR combination of both AND at least 2 days a week of strength training; MOVE MORE, SIT LESS
E) FALSE: same as adult guidelines OR as much as possible

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With regards to Strength Training, the current American Physical Activities Guidelines 2018, recommend all EXCEPT:
A) children/youth 6-17 yo: muscle and bone strengthening activities at least 30min/day, at least 3/week
B) 18-64: 75min/week, not on consecutive days
C) >65 2/week, or as per adult guidelines as much as possible start light, increase, 10-15 rept.


answer B
A) true
B) FALSE: 2-3/week on non consecutive days (if consecutive days, then exercise different muscle gps. ; 8-12 rept each major muscle gp
C) true

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With regards to FLEXIBILITY Training, all the statements below are true, EXCEPT:
A) there is no recommendation for dose and frequency of flexibility exercise in the current guidelines
B) is most effective when muscles are warm
C) recommendation is for 10 min 2-3 times a week, not on consecutive days
D) 60 sec. accumulated duration for each major muscle gp is recommended
E) intermittent bouncing increases effect, stretching shouldn’t be painful


answer: C, E
A: true
B: true
C) FALSE: 10 min 2-3/week, greatest benefit if done daily
D) true
E) FALSE: bouncing is not recommended; discomfort but no pain

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With regards to BALANCE exercises, Choose CORRECT statement(s):
A) is a combination of motor and proprioceptive skills
B) 30min 2-3/week is recommended in the current guidelines for those over 65 yo, who are known to gain most benefit
C) exact dose and frequency are not specifically known for age groups younger than 64
C) most available research is on older adults and shows significant reduction in falls and associated burden
D) Examples of proprioceptive exercise are tai chi, yoga
E) all of the above


answer: E (all are correct)

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With regards to exercise and physical activity, choose all of the correct recommendations of 2018 American Physical Activity Guidelines that apply:
A) pregnant women should not be performing vigorous physical activities, particularly from the second trimester onwards
B) pregnant and post-partum women should do at least 150min of moderate or 75 min of vigorous activity or a combination of the two a week is recommended
C) Avoid exercise that could cause abdominal trauma


answer: C
A) FALSE: if they habitually performed vigorous activity prior to pregnancy they can continue, after consulting their physician
B) FALSE: 150min / week of moderate is (vigorous only if habitual pre pregnancy)
C) true

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Choose all CORRET statements with regards to people with chronic health conditions, as recommended in 2018 American Physical Activity Guidelines:

A) People with known chronic, lifestyle related conditions are recommended to do appx. twice as much more physical activity than healthy individuals for both endurance and strength training. If they are not able to do this they should do as much as possible
B) physical activity is safe for most people with chronic conditions, including cardio-vascular disease, it is more dangerous to be sedentary than suffering a cardiovascular accident during exercise, however they should consult their physician before they commence exercise
C) Physical activity for individuals with existing chronic disease should be adjusted to their level of fitness and ability and be done as safely as possible
D) all of the above are true

answer: D (all correct) 
A) true 
B) true
C) true
D) true
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With regards to physical fitness testing, all statements below are correct, EXCEPT:
A) caliper testing is a common and highly reliable and validated way of testing body composition
B) cardioresp. fitness can be tested with a STEP TEST, which is easy to perform in a clinic and has been validated. It’s most accurate for those who are not already fit. Another commonly used test of endurance in non-fit subjects is 6-min walk test
C) muscular strength can be easily tested in the office
D) squats, push ups and sit ups are good examples of testing muscular endurance
E) the sit and reach test measures hamstring and lower back flexibility and can be easily done in the office. It is not accurate for those with low back pain.


answer: A, C
A) FASLE- not reliable but common, not validate, accepted ranges produced by Am Col of Sports MEd,
C) FALSE (need access to bench or squat press => best done in a gym)
D) true
E) true: high consistency, moderately accurate for hamstrings, poorly accurate for lower back

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Choose statement(s) that are INCORRECT, with regards to SEDENTARY BEHAVIOR:
A) twice as prevalent as smoking, HTN, High cholesterol, and has a 6.9% risk of all-cause-mortality across all spectra of population
B) sitting time is an independent risk factor for all all cause mortality and public health initiatives should focus on promoting less sitting time, as well as more physical activity
C) negative effects of sedentary behaviour can be reduced by increased levels of activity when not sitting
D) another study found that intermitting sitting with 2min bouts of walking every 20 min, had a positive effect on glucose and insulin levels
E) TV watching independently increases risk of all cause mortality (HR 1.5), even if “counteracted” by very high levels of physical activity at other times


answer: C
B) TRUE; this is one of the findings of a large (200.000 subjects + , w/ 2.8y follow up). The association between sitting and all-cause mortality appeared consistent across the sexes, age groups, body mass index categories and physical activity levels (including those who were meeting PAGs), and across healthy participants compared with participants with pre-existing cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus.
C) FALSE: independently increases risk despite leisure time exercise
D) TRUE: this was a small (n=19: obese or overweight) RCT (uninterrupted sitting = controls, int 1 = light walking for 2 min q 20 min, int 2 = 2min mod. walking q 20 min): improved BSL and insulin levels, no dif betw two INT gp’s
E) TRUE, TV also assoc w/ eating unhealthy foods and prolonged sitting

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Choose statement(s) that are INCORRECT, with regards to EXERCISE:
A) A large observational study by Naci & Ioannidis, comparing the efficacy of exercise with medication, published in 2013 in BMJ found that exercise had lower mortality rates than medications for for post-stroke patients
B) same study found that exercise was better than medication for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease and pre-diabetes
C) same study found that exercise is equivalent to medications for treatment of heart failure
D) all above are true
E) all above are false


Answer: E (all false)
A) FALSE: it was a meta-analysis (305 RCTs, >300000 subjects), the lower mortality rate with exercise comp with meds is correct
B) FALSE: exercise is equivalent to meds as sec prev. of both coronary art and prediabetes
C) FALSE: exercise was inferior to meds, however authors conclude that it has better side effect profile and “is probably best in combination with medications”

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With regards to physical activity and health, choose all that are CORRECT:
A) Lack of exercise is the no 1 preventable cause of all-cause mortality, according to WHO
B) according to Aerobics Centre Longitudinal Study findings, 16% of all-cause-deaths in men and 17% in women could have been prevented if they had better cardiorespiratory fitness
C) in comparison, the same study found that normalising blood pressure could prevent 15% all-cause-deaths in men and 7% in women, and smiking avoidance could prevent 8% of deaths in men and 9% in women


A) FALSE: LOW CARDIORESPIRATORY FIRTNESS (CRF) was the no 1 cause of mortality among 40.000+ men and women in the Aerobics Centre Longitudinal Study
B) TRUE: poor cardiorespiratory fitness as measured by max. on treadmill test was, indeed, assoc. with 16% attributable fraction of all cause mortality in men and 17% in women

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With regards to PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Choose INCORRECT statement(s):
A) it is estimated that lack of physical activity is the cause of 1 in 10 premature deaths worldwide
B) There is a dose-response relationship between dose (time spent doing mod to vig physical activity) and reduced risk of all-cause-mortality
C) people who exercise more, regardless of their body weight lose significantly less years of life compared to those who are inactive
D) physical activity reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 6%, T2D by 7%, breast cancers and colon cancers by 10%

answer: D, E
B) TRUE:  
D) FALSE: these numbers are the percent of burden of disease attributed to physical inactivity, worldwide

1. Woodckock et al, 2011 (systematic review and meta-analysis), 7.5 mil subjects (22 studies):
150min (2.5hrs or 30 minx5)/ week of MOD exerc reduces mortality by 19%;
420min (7 hours or 60min a day) reduces mortality by 24%
2. Lee et al. Lancet 2012: analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy
RR 0.8 w/ 1.5hr (90min)/ week of exerc
RR 0.7 w/ 3hr (180 min)/ week of exerc.
RR 0.6 w/ 6 hrs (360min) / week of exerc.

E) FALSE: Frequency, Intensity, Type (of exercise), Time (duration)

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Physical activity as a vital sign (PAV): choose incorrect statement(s)
A) physical inactivity and obesity are linked to increased risk of CVD, T2D, some cancers and all-cause mortality in a dose-response fashion
B) PA reduces the risk of all0cause-mortality and years of life lost in ALL individuals, regardless of weight
C) to accurately address someone’s future health risks, weight and physical activity should be measured at least once a year
D) the equation to assess PAV is: (type of activity) + (intensity) + (Frequency) + (Duration) = PAV
E) there is good evidence that PAV can be used consistently in health care as a quick tool to assess PA


Answer: C, D
C) FALSE : then should be checked and addressed at each visit
D) FALSE (days per week) + (minutes per day) = minutes per week:
Questions: On average, how many days do you perform physical activity where your heart is beating faster and your breathing is harder?
On average, how many total minutes of physical activity or exercise do you perform on those days?
E) TRUE: Kaiser PErmanente: almost 2 mil patients ; 86% records adherence

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Match the correct steps for each patient scenario (e.g. D-2)
A) Joseph is walking, for 40 min 4 times a week, he used to experience faster heart beat and harder breathing but this is no longer happening. He doesn’t do any other exercise.
B) Jamie is walking around the block for 10 min after evening meal. This makes her heart beat faster and she is struggling to speak. She doesn’t think she could manage any more due to knee pain.
C) Susan works as a typist. She parks her car as close to her work as she can as she is always rushing. She doesn’t do any recreational physical activity.

1) Congratulate. Encourage to continue this if tolerated and slowly build up to meet the guidelines. Consider introducing light muscle strengthening exercises or water based cardio +/- stretching/ balance. Establish follow up.
2) Lead to acknowledge sedentary behaviour. Briefly discuss evidence and link to health problems if appropriate. Guide to acknowledge insufficiency of PA. Ask what it would take to get to the standard. e.g. How can we get you more active? Offer support. Establish follow up.
3) Congratulate. Suggest to increase intensity and introduce strength +/- balance/ stretching. Establish follow up.



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With regards for screening for suitability to exercise. Choose all that apply:

A) American college of sports medicine guidelines recommend screening every individual with cardiovascular risk factors to be screened prior to commencing exercise
B) the goal of screening is to prevent injury during exercise and to stratify people into different intensity groups (low/ moderate/vigorous)
C) everyone should be able to, and encouraged to do low-level physical activity, regardless of their screening status, as it is known to be beneficial
D) people with moderately severe pulmonary disease require medical clearance before commencing exercise program


A) FALSE: screening prior commencement of exercise or increasing intensity of exercise:
- SIGN/ SYMPTOMS or known clinically significant cardiovascular, meatbolic or renal dis, who would benefit from medically supervised exercise prog’s
- UNCONTROLLED condition that requires treatment or control before exercise
B) FALSE: the goal of screening is to reduce risk of exercise-related CV events
C) TRUE: low level of activity (universally beneficial) vs sedentary behaviour (universally harmful) ; LOW LEVEL = sing and talk while exercising (e.g. walked into your office and is not breathless); Everyone should be able to do
D) FALSE - no increase in CVD complications on pulmonary dis.

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With regards to pre-participation screening for exercise, choose all the correct statements.

A) people with known CVD risk factors must all be medically cleared before engaging in any form or exercise
B) Gold Standard Protocol for ETT must be followed for valid results
C) There are two types of testing of cardiorespiratory fitness: ETT (exercise tolerance test) and Nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging stress test; they can be used interchangeably, depending on the person’s/ physician’s personal preference
D) everyone with CVD risk factors needs to get an ETT
E) none of the above are correct


Answer: E (none are correct)
1. American College of Cardiology: before MODERATE OR VIGOROUS activity - this is based on conflicting evidence and expert opinions;
2. USPSTF recommends AGAINST ROUTINE testing or ETT in ASYMPTOMATIC individ. before initiating ex prog.

B) FALSE: not routinely done

C) FALSE: see answer D)

D) FALSE: pre-test probability is calculated: age, gender,

  1. > 70% = referred for catheterisation type of symptoms;
  2. <30% = low yield os ETT:
    - if symptom limited ECG normal no further testing needed
    - if exercise ECG abnormal, nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging is appropriate
  3. 30-70% ETT HELPFUL
  4. <30% but symptoms difficult to categorise ETT may be HELPFUL
  5. unable to exercise: –> nuclear perfusion imaging
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With regards to proven benefits of strength and resistance training, choose INCORRECT statement(s):
A) reduce injury
B) Reduced basal metabolic rate
C) Reduced fatigue
D) improved sleep
E) improved performance and muscle strength
F) improved quality of life, strength, endurance and bone mineral density in early post-menopausal years
G) reduced body fat, improved weight maintenance, improved body aesthetics
F) decreased pain and disability assoc w/ arhtritis
H) improved abdominal adiposity, accompanying improved hepatic TAGs in NAFLD and improved


B) increased BMR
H) improved intrahepatic TAGs even in the absence of improved abdo adiposity

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``` With regards to strength or resistance training, choose CORRECT statement(s) ``` A) it's common even for active patients to not do resistance training B) the prescription follows the acronym FITT (frequency, Intensity, type (of activity), time (duration)) C) when initiating strength/ resistance training, the person should use weights as heavy as they can, to manage to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions at 8/10 perceived intensity D) for the best muscle bulk gain, the same muscle group should be exercised at least 2 days in a row
Answer: A A) TRUE B) FALSE: Intensity (the weight or force used relative to persons ability to lift Frequency (how often) Repetitions (number of times a weight is lifted) Sets (the number of cycles of repetitions) e.g. use 2kg dum bell in each hand, do 2 sets of 15 repetitions of biceps curls, once a week C) FALSE: 5-6/10 intensity, complete 8-12 repetitions before fatiguing (may need to add weight to reach difficulty level) D) FALSE: workouts for same muscle groups should be separated by 48 hours at least
With regards to FLEXIBILITY EXERCISE, choose INCORRECT statement(s): A) There is conclusive evidence that shows reduced risk of injury for muscle stretching prior to engaging in physical activity B) stretching of hip flexors in the elderly has been shown to reduce falls C) small but significant improvements in BSL and HBA1c were shown in a study of people w/ T2D who engaged in a flexibility exercise program D) can improve range of motion and healing of muscles E) warmer environments allow for better stretching
answer: A, B A) FALSE: "mixed" evidence is stated in the manual B) FALSE: increased gait (incr stride length) C) TRUE D) TRUE E) TRUE
T/F: latest scientific evidence shows that physical activity has many HEALTH BENEFITS INDEPENDENT OF OTHER HEALTHY BEHAVIORS (e.g. good nutrition)
true (source PAGA)
Choose INCORRECT statement(s): A) MET = metabolic equivalent of a Task, MET hour = metabolic equivalent of activity for one hour B) = ratio of the metabolic rate during a task compared to a standard resting metabolic rate C) standard resting metabolic rate = amount of calories used up during sleep D) MET hrs / week = MET/hr x hrs/week
A) true B) true C) amount of O2 consumed during quiet rest or sitting = appx 3.5ml of O2/kg body wt/ min= 1.0 MET D) True
# choose INCORRECT statements: a) sleep = 1 MET b) 3mile/hr walking = 3MET c) climbing 2 flights of stairs = 5METs d) Running at 17.5km/h = 18METs e) most benefit is gained w/ 20-30 MET hours/ week
a) FALSE sleep = 0.9 MET b) TRUE C) TRUE D) TRUE E) FALSE: most benefit 10-20MET hrs/week
What is NEAT= non exercise activity thermogenesis ?
daily expendityre of energy doing activities, excluding purposeful exercise, sleeping or eating (sitting, fidgeting, yard work, house work, typing. etc. )
True or false? | A) Standing has been shown to decrease all cause mortality (ACM)
A) TRUE: standing for 2 hrs= 10% reduced ACM (Eijsvogels et al., Am J Card 2016)
t/f?: A large study of more than 400 000 individuals showed health benefits of low-level, regular activity ( 15-90min per week of moderate intensity exerc), compared to inactive group
TRUE: cardiovasc risk low active vs inactive: RR 0.86, 3 youers longer life expectancy for low active vs inactive group (Wen, Lancet 2011)
t/f: Nurse's HEalth study showed that more exercise is assoc with more benefits in a linear relationship
FASLE: most benefit 60-120min (RR 0.82), then ongoing smaller size benefit up to 420min/week, more than that benefits were not stat signif.
t/f: a large study of healthy Asian females showed that the effects of NEAT are comparable to light-mod exercise in reducing ACM, i.e. comparable health benefits can be obtained from purposeful exercise, as well as non-purposeful PA
TRUE: Shanghai Women's Study ( MAtthews et al, Am J Epidemiol 2007): almost 70000 healthy women, 40-70yo, sendentary at baseline; followed for alm 6 years, randomised into reg. exercise (walking and non exercise PA) , HR improved for BOTH gps; 20% -40% reduction in the most active individuals in both gps
T/F: the benefits of "weekend warrior"- style of activity (completing all 150m/week of PA as per guidelines in 1or two days) are the same as if these were completed in smaller fractions more frequently
- decreased ACM among MEN shown RR 0.85 vs sendentary men - if all 150min completed in one sitting, increased risk of injury (Lee, Am J Epidemiol 2004)
VIGOROUS INTENSITY exercise provides further benefits
T/F: With regards to HITT: Some of the benefits of HIIT training, as per available research are: i) improvement cardivascular/ endurance fitness i ii) improved endothelial function iii) improved hydrogen ion buffering iv) more energy available on standby by skeletal muscles v) improved time to exhaustion vi) greater loss of total abdominal fat
i) improved VO2MAx ii) hence positive effect on CVD, inflammation, etc.??? iii) iv) improved resting muscle glycogen concentration (Glycogen is the analogue of starch, a glucose polymer that functions as energy storage in plants.) v) i.e greater stamina vi) potentially directly beneficial for t2D ALL TRUE
T/F: with regards to HIIT, a) has been established as a safe physical activity for everyone, regardless their level of physical fitness. It's particularly beneficial for time-poor people B) low-volume HIIT is a potent and time-efficient training for the cardiovascular and skeletal muscle
A) false; not recommended as a starting point for sedentary individuals. Best for already fit individuals, for whom it is time-sparing B) TRUE
T/F: with regards to intensity assessment | A) talk test is the most commonly used tool to objectively assess intensity of exercise
A)_FALSE: least objective but easy to use i) very light to light =; HR <63% maxHR, able to talk and sing, <3 MET ii) moderate: HR 64-76% max HR, able to talk but not sing, 3-6 MET iii) vigorous to max: HR 77-100% max hr, unable to talk, >6 MET
T/F: with regards to intensity assessment | B) RR is likely the best indicator of perceived exertion
B) true: overlaps w/ talk test
T/F: with regards to intensity assessment | HRR (heart rate reserve) is heart rate upon wakening
FALSE: HRR = maxHR-Rest.HR (resting HR or upon wakening)
What is the recommended exercise intensity in terms of heart rate?
40-85% of HRR
What tool(s) are used to assess FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY?
6-min walk test (walk as far as poss w/in 6 min at submaximal level; may stop and rest if needed and resume at any point
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of 6-min walk test?
mimicks real life easy to perform for both examiner and subject good to obtain baseline and measure progress disadv: no "standard" measures (hence one off emasurement useless)
what are the tests below used and briefly describe how they are performed. 1. Rockport Fitness walking test 2. STEP TEST 3. Borg scale 4. 6-min walk test 5. VT1
1. 1 mile or 1.6 km as fast as possible, pulse recorded, V O2max estimated using a validated equation; cardoresp fitness 2. cardioresp fitness (can be performed in an office setting), 12 inch step, metronome, stop watch; subject steps for 3 min to the timing of metronome and then rests for one min, at which time heart rate is ausculatted and palpated and compared to "norms" for gender and age 3. Borg scale rate of perceived exertion (RPE) -used to MONITOR perceived exercise intensity 4. 6-min walk test: functional capacity, walk at the submax level for 6 min 5. First ventilatory treshhold; cardioresp fitness: complex, req spec equip.
T/F: step testing is an effective and validated measure of fitness, which can be easily completed within the clinic.
T/F: Step testing is more accurate for individuals that have good cardiovascular fitness. For less fit individuals, the 6 meter walk test is a better measure.
False: more accurate for less fit | 6-min walking test is a measure of functional capacity and not validated (good measure of individual's progress)
T/F: Submaximal Talk test for VENTILATORY TRESHOLD (VT1) is an easy but not an objective way of assessing cardiovascular fitness.
FALSE: VT1 : lactate leves rise high enough to require hyperventilation to blow off CO2 which makes talking more difficult; appx the highest level of intensity that can be maintained for 1-2hrs Testing is COMPLEX and requires specialised equipment, takes 8-16 min
what is FRIEND and how is it used?
US nationwide Fitness registry ; reference ranges for VO2max; assessment of Cardioresp fitness and estimate of CVD risk
what is VO2max?
(max vol. of oxygen consumed during exerc.), aka aerobic power
T/F: physical activity prescription has been shown to increase adherence to physical activity counselling
``` true partic effective for older adults (>50yo) : increased mod-vig pa by 130 min/ week, double vs controls (who only recieved counselling) younger adults (<50yo): incr mod-vig pa by 30 min , 7% higher probability of reaching recommended goals ```
T/F: physical activity counselling is recommended by USPSTF, as there is strong evidence that it is very effective as an intervention in helping people meet guidelines
FALSE: lifestyle counselling is "encouraged" by USPSTF, vs physical activity specifically; (Grande et al 2009) NNT for PA counselling = 26 to meet guidelines a meta-analysis from 2012, 2013 showed NNT 12- i.e 12 sedentary adults need to be counselled for 1 to meet guidelines at 12 mo (self reports, after office based counselling)
T/F: ACT study by (Albright et al, Am J Prev MEd 2000) showed that physical counselling during primary care visits is achievable and effective to help people meet PA goals as per guidelines .
False: | (ACT = Activity Counselling Trial): achievable yes but did not look at effectiveness
Efficacy of PA counselling (PAC) was assessed in a cluster randomised trial in 2009 (Grandes, An INt Med) and concluded that PAC was a very effective intervention
FALSE; only 18 min/week increase vs control, however if exercise prescription added the results were much better, particularly for adults > 50 (see separate q)
What should an exercise prescription look like?
cardiovascular exercise: FITT (frequency, intensity, type, time) What exercise, how intense (how will i know?), how long for, how often Strength: what type, intensity (e.g. weight)- how will i know, how many repetitions, how many sets, how often
what questions can be used to build a team of supporters?
What do i need help with? Who could help me? How could they help? How could i reward them for helping me?
how to make beh change sustainable?
1. self monitoring (e.g. apps) 2. problem solve: ABCD: antecedent, behaviour, cognition, (dispute)/ develop potential solutions; practice solutions, evaluate if they worked 3. relapse prevention: identify HIGH RISK SITUATIONS; plan ahead, cognitive restructuring 4. resources 5. working as a team (physitherapist, exercise physiologist, personal trainers, coaches, etc) 6. external resources (e.g. exercise programs, wellness programs, devices, gyms and health clubs, parks, etc.
What specific conditions are stated in PAG for having strong evidence for benefits of exercise?
``` all-cause-mortality colon cancer breast cancer coronary artery disease type 2 d ```
What are the specific guidelines re PA for older people (>65)
as much activity (aerobic, strength, flexi) as possible, aim for adult "doses" 150/75 min / week 2 x/ week
What are the specific issues re PA for older people w/ obesity?
wt loss in combination w/ PA imroves physical function better than either alone Muscle diminution muscle quality (ie less intracell fat) more imt than quantity in preventing early death and maintaining mobility move as much as possible
What are the specific guidelines re PA for pregnant and postpartum women
healthy wom: as adults vigorous activity ok as long as been done prior to pregnancy but should be adjusted to pregnancy progress- should be discussed w/ provider - avoid prone / supine activities after 1st trim - avoid activities w/ incr risk of falling or intraabdominal trauma: contact sports, horseriding, skiing, soccer, basketball
What are the main health concerns for pregnant and post partum women who are obese?
pa as much as poss. - 1/3 wom obese at beg. of pregnancy - 2x as likely to gain weight above IOM (institute of MEdicine recommendations - xs wt = RF for adversa maternal and infant outcomes
T/F: | 1/3 of women are obese at delivery
A) F: 1/3 obese at the beg of pregnancy
What does the evidence suggest re prevention of unhealthy wt gain during pregnancy in obese women?
- 1/3 wom obese at beg. of pregnancy - 2x as likely to gain weight above IOM (institute of MEdicine recommendations - meta-analysis (Choi et al, Prev Med, 2013): - PA intervention = less wt gain (0.9kg) during pregnancy; supervised interventions most effective
What is known about PA and ischaemic heart disease?
- mod PA reduces risk of 1ry IHD in active men and women by 20-30%, when comp w/ inactive subj. - meta-analysis (Sattlemeir, Circulation 2011): dramatic decr. of RR as patients moved from sedentary to burning 550kcal/ week during leasure time PA - Women's Health Initiative found PA women less likely to experience IHD - meta-analysis : prevention of IDH by active commuting (walking, cycling) : overall decr HR 0.89 vs inactive - pat w/ known IHD who are PA have less complications and lower mortality than predicted
What is known re PA and T2D?
- higher levels of PA assoc w/ lower levels of t2d - 150min mod PA/ week sufficient to reduce risk - 31% decr. risk, without accounting for BMI - 17% decr. risk when accounting for BMI DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM (3300 people w. IGT; LSI more effective than metformin to impr incidence of dm meta-analysis (Umpierre, JAMA 2011): PA counselling assoc w/ lower HbA1c ONLY when COMBINED W/ DIETARY ADVICE - structured aerobic ex., res trai and combination assoc w. decr. HbA1c and w/ greater regression of HbA1c if exerc trainin exceeded 150min/week
T/F: A) type of PA (aerobic/ strength training/ combination) is less important than time spent being PA for prevention of t2d B) increased PA was shown to be more effective than metformin in Diabetes PRevention Program C) structured exercise training programs have been shown to be more effective than PA counselling alone D) PA counselling alone have been found to be equally as effective alone as in combination w/ nutrition counselling E) structured exercise programs have been shown to be effective in prevention T2D, regardless of the duration or frequency of sessions p 213
``` (meta-analysis Umpierre JAma, 2011), DPP A) FALSe B) TRUE C) TRUE D) False: only effective in combination w/ nutrition counselling E) False ```
T/F A) there is a clear dose-response relationship between exercise and prevention of colon and breast cancer (i.e increased level of PA lead to decrease in risk of ca) B) colon Ca has 10% reduced risk w. PA C) up to 1/5-1/3 of br cancers could be prevented by changing sendentary behaviour to PA D) PA prevents primary, as well as recurrence of Brca E) increasing PA improves mortality risk from BrCa F) PA improves survival from cancer and QOL during cancer treatment p213
``` A) true B) False: 17-30%!! C) TRUE: 20-30% decr. risk of brca (several studies) D) true E) true F) true ```
Summarise general principles of PA guidelines for people w/ disabilities
follow adult guidelines as much as possible, if not able to follow GL be as physically active as possible
``` select all medical conditions that PA is known to be beneficial for: A) dementia B) intelectual disability C) breast cancer D) stomach and oesophageal cancer E) stroke and spinal cord injury F) Multiple sclerosis G) Chronic FAtigue Syndrome (ME) H) MEntal illness I) muscular atrophy J) Parkinson's disease K) Cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injury L) limb amputation ```
all but D (stomach ca and ME) are lsited in the manual (p 214
what is SPPB, what is it used for and what does it involve?
- Short Physical Performance BAttery - predicts mobility = Gait speed test, BAlance Test, Chair Rise test
T/F: structured exercise program can improve the A) SPPB score B) prevent physical decline C) allow people to maintain independence longer D) lead to 18% reduction om physical disability p214
all true
T/F: Yoga has been shown to improve disability sec to Parkinson's dis by improving postural stability p 214
False; a study on Tai Chi vs stretching or resistance training (3 interv gps) ; 24 weeks
T/F: recommendations form ACSM 2008 for wt maintenance: A) 150min/ week of mod pa B) 30 min / day of mod int daily ex. strenght or resist training 2/w C) strength and resistance training alone are not as effective for wt maintenance as aerobic exercise D) PA is a strong predictor of wt maintenance after wt loss p 214
A) FALSE: > 250min a week of mod pa (some evidence this might prevent regain of wt) B) FALSE: 60-90 min a day of mod int daily ex. + strenght or resist training 2/w C) TRUE D) true
T/F: ``` PA as the only intervention has been shown to improve all of the following except: A) improved DBP B) improved TAGS C) improved fasting glucose D) reduced weight E) lower risk of CVD p 214 ```
D) no wt reduction (this needs combination of caloric reduction and and PA), diet needed to lose wt but PA neces for wt maintenance
T/F: A) adding in NEAT (non exercise activity thrmogenesis) can expend additional 350kcal per day B) regardless of wt loss outcomes, obese individuals who exercise regualrly have improved cardiovascular function, lower cardiovasc risk and less loss of musle mass C) regardless of wt loss outcomes light to moderate levels of activity reduce mortality risk D) physical activity and exercise have been shown to be protective only for lean people E) very strong evidence suggests that the dose of exercise recommended by recent PAG is not sufficient to achieve wt loss p215
A) true B) true C) FALSE moderate to high levels D) FALSE: independent of adiposity (inverse relationship betw PA and all cause mortality risk) D) TRUE: NWRC (NAtional WEight Control REgistry) > 10000 individ, prospective regsiter of people who successfully lost wt and maintened wt: average mod. exerc 1hr/ day (420/day)