Sect 3: Clinical processes in lifestyle medicine (8%) Flashcards
List the Vital Signs in LSM
Physical activity, diet, stress, sleep, emotional well-being, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, BMI (8)
Which lifestyle medicine Vital Signs are validated
physical activity
audit c (alcohol use)
- ideally include prompts in e-med record itself
- At a minimum have a registry of pt stratified by risk level based on absence of healthy LS beh.
- Find a method for recording and tracking LSM activities and the “next steps” in the LSTxPlan
Strategies to obtain information about local community resources and strategies for consistent and UTD referrals
- Maintain an UTD list of resources to assist patients
- Refer pt’s to other helath profess. and com resources
- Prepare the prim care practice to connect pat w/ resources
What are the proportions of daily total energy expenditure? (resting, hysical activity, thermal
- Resting energ expend = 60-75% total
- Phsyical activity = 15-30% total
- Thermal (effect of food)= 10% total
What questions do you use to measure daily physical activity?
- “how many days a week do you engage in mod to stren exercise, such as brisk walk?”
- “On average, how many minutes per day do you exercise at this level?”
Why is strength training important? How do you ask about it?
Can increase basal metabolic expenditure, improve activities of daily living and reduce the risk of falls, esp in the elderly.
“how many days a week do you engage in strength training or resistance exercise?”
which micronutrients are typically lacking in people on unhealthy diet?
Typical shortfall nutrients: vit ADEC, folate, ca, mg, fiber,
“ Mainly found in veg, fruits, grains, beans, legumes, low fat diary”
BMI calculation (imperial and metric)
imp: BMI = (wt (lb) / ht (in)2) x 703
metric: BMI = wt (kg) / ht (m)2
AUDIT-C questions
- How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
- How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
- How often do you have 6 or more drinks on one occasion?
BMI categories
underwt <18.5 Normal 18.5-24.9 (lowest risk 19-22) OW 25-29.9 0besity class I 30.0-34.9 Obesity class II 35-39.9 Obesity class 40 or more
What are the main characteristics of Frammingham Risk Assessment tool and what is it used for?
Risk of mi in next 10 y
Adults >20 NO heart dis or DM
Tot Chol., HDL-C, smoking,BP, meds for HTN
Underestimate risk for those w/ dm
2008 FRA incl. DM, and stroke, TIA, claudication, HF
What are the main characteristics of
2013 American College of Cardiology (ACC) / American Heart Association (AHA) Guideline on Assessment of cardiovasc risk, a prevention guidelines tool
- 10 y and life-time risk of atheroscler cvd
- Men and wom, 40-79, African-American and non-Hispanic Caucasian
- Helps determ when to start statin
What are the main characteristics of 2015 MESA risk score?
- Multiethnic, incl. Coronary Ca score
- Validated as accurate measure of 10-y coronary heart dis risk in men and wom in a multiethnic study (39% non-hisp whites, 12% chinese am, 28% af am, 22% hisp am)
Online calculator
What are the main characteristics of Reynold’s risk score for women
- Considers fa hx and high sensitivity CRP (hsCRP)
- predicts risk of global cvd
- Online calculator
What are the main CVD Risk calculators used in the US
- Frammingham Risk assessment tool (2008)
- 2013 American College of Cardiology (ACC) / American Heart Association (AHA) Guideline on Assessment of cardiovasc risk, a prevention guidelines tool
- 2015 MESA risk score?
- Reynold’s risk score for women
What tool is used in the US for prediabetes screening and what are the cut-offs?
CDC prediabetes screening tool (online)
What are the cut-off values for prediabetes in the US? (ADA)
HbA1c: 5.7% to 6.%4
FPG: 100mg/dl to 126mg/dl (5.6-7.7 mmol/L)
2-h 75g OGTT: 140mg/dl-199mg/dl (7.8 - 11.0 mmol/L)
What are the cut-off values for diabetes in the US? (ADA)
HbA1c: 6.5% or greater
FSG: 126mg/dl or greater (7.0 mmol/L)
2h SG in 75g OGTT: 200mg/dl or greater (11.1mmol/dl)
- repeat if results equivocal
What tools are used internationally for assessment of risk of DM
- American diabetes assoc. Risk ass for devel t2diab
- Finnish Diabetes Assoc. (10 y risk)
- Australian t2 diab risk ass tool
What is considered increased waist circumference in men and women and what does it increase the risk of?
Higher risk /t2dm, htn, cvd relative to incr of WC
Men 40inches or more (102 cm)
Wome: 35 inches or more (88cm)
what is considered increased waist/hip ratio and what risk are they correlated with?
Men 0.9 or greater
Women 0.85 or greater
correlate w/ risk of metab. complications
what lifestyle factors can cause baseline sinus tachy?
physical deconditioning, caffeine, etoh, etc.
What classes of hypertension does the 2017 update of
7th report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of High Blood pressure (2017) : US Dept of Health and Human services state and what are the cut-off values?
- Normal BP ,120/,80
- Elevated : 120-129/<80
- Stage 1: 130-139/80-89
- Stage 2: >140/>90○ 50% over 69 yo
○ Annual Screening