Connectedness and Positive PSychology 8% Flashcards
Which lifestyle interventions have been used to promote emotional well-being?
- exercise and physical activity
- nutrition and diet
- time in nature
- relationships
- recreation, relaxation and stress management
- religious or spiritual involvement
- service to others
true or false? therapeutic lifestyle interventions can be as effective as psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy
true (Walsh R 2011: Lifestyle and mental Health)
true or false? Cochrane review by Rimmer et al. showed a consistently replicated significant positive effect of exercise on mood.
false: small studies, somewhat inconsistent results
true or false? Cochrane review by Rimmer et al. showed a consistently replicated significant positive effect of exercise on mood.
false: small studies, somewhat inconsistent results, small effect)
With regards to the role of physical activity in mental and emotional wellbeing, which statements are true?
A) Cochrane review 2012 by Rimmer et al. showed a consistently replicated significant positive effect of exercise on mood.
B) exercise has been shown to be better than psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy
C) some studies show a synergistic effect of exercise and antidepressant medications
D) there are two groups shown by some studies to clearly benefit from the positive effects of exercise on mental health: elderly and adolescents
E) there is evidence suggesting correlation between physical activity in childhood and lowered risk of depression in young adulthood
A) false (small studies, small effect, somewhat inconsistent results)
B) false (it has NOT been shown to be better)
C) true
D) true
E) true
With regards to the role of physical activity in mental and emotional wellbeing, which statements are true?
A) There is clear evidence that exercise improves outcomes in depressed adults
B) exercise has been shown to be better than psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy
C) some studies show a synergistic effect of exercise and antidepressant medications
D) there are two groups shown by some studies to clearly benefit from the positive effects of exercise on mental health: elderly and adolescents
E) there is evidence suggesting correlation between physical activity in childhood and lowered risk of depression in young adulthood
Answer: C,D,E
A) false (Cooney et al. Cochrane syst RV 2013: Conclusion: “Exercise is moderately more effective than a control intervention for reducing symptoms of depression, but analysis of methodologically robust trials only shows a smaller effect in favour of exercise. When compared to psychological or pharmacological therapies, exercise appears to be no more effective, though this conclusion is based on a few small trials: small studies, small effect, inconsistent results)
B) false (as above it has NOT been shown to be better)
C) true
D) true (Mura et al. Systematic Review 2013: Physical activity in depressed elderly)
E) true
With regards to: sleep, all statements are incorrect, EXCEPT:
A) a small Japanese showed a strong link between the sleep duration and better mental health
B) the same study showed that the longer one sleeps, the better their mental health outcomes
C) the same study showed a linear relationship between sleep quality and mental health
answer: C
A) FALSE: large study (appx 100000 young adults)
B) FALSE: 7-9 hrs did better than >9 or <7
All of these lifestyle interventions have been used to promote emotional well-being and mental health EXCEPT: A) time in nature B) relationships C) recreation, relaxation and stress management D) psychotherapy and self-enquiry E) religious or spiritual involvement F) service to others G) a sense of purpose in life
answer: not included in manual are D and G
According to the Int. Board Review Manual, pick all TRUE statements:
A) TLC can preserve and improve cognitive processing
B) TLC can cultivate personal and social well-being
C) Therapeutic lifestyle intervention (TLC) can help treat and control multiple mental disorders
D) all of the above are true
answer D
Pick all TRUE statements about positive psychology,
A) curiosity and creativity are examples of eudemonic behaviours
B) Edaimonia/ Eudemonia = a state of happiness and flourishing
C) human hapiness is closely linked with finding a sense of inherent meaning and purpose
A) true
B) true
Pick all TRUE statements audaimonia and hedonia:
A) Eudaimonia nd hedonia are mutually exclusive
B) Edaimonia/ Eudemonia = a state of happiness and flourishing
C) human happiness is closely linked with finding a sense of inherent meaning and purpose
D) positive psychology teaches that humans are born as “empty books” without purpose or meaning. Meaning and purpose are acquired during life by observing and learning from social and cultural interactions
E) curiosity and creativity are examples of eudemonic behaviours
A) false (if one experiences eudaimonia, he is also able to experience hedonia, there is considerable overlap
B) true
C) true
D) false (EUHAIDONIA = humans are born full of meaning and purpose and they discover (not acquire!) it through their lives. HEDONIA
E) true
Pick all TRUE statements EUDAIMONIA and HEDONIA:
A) Eudaimonia and hedonia are mutually exclusive
B) Edaimonia/ Eudemonia = a state of happiness and flourishing, fundamentally based on the sense of purpose and meaning
C) human happiness is closely linked with finding a sense of inherent meaning and purpose
D) positive psychology teaches that humans are born as “empty books” without purpose or meaning. Meaning and purpose are acquired during lifespan by observing and learning from social and cultural interactions
E) curiosity and creativity are examples of eudemonic behaviours
A) false (if one experiences eudaimonia, he is also able to experience hedonia, there is considerable overlap
B) true
C) true
D) false (EUHAIDONIA = humans are born full of meaning and purpose and they discover (not acquire!) it through their lives. HEDONIA = humans are born empty and they acquire meaning through social and cultural interactions)
E) true
A) having a purpose in life mitigates type 2 diabetes, alzheimer’s cognitive impairment and heart attacks
B) Emotional well-being is generally compromised in people with physical illness or disabilities
C) There is growing evidence that Eudaimonia mitigates the risk of disease and promotes longevity
D) on cellular and biochemical level, feeling of well-being correlates with better immune response
A) FALSE: Alzheimers, STROKE, heart attacks (not diabetes)
With regards to: sleep, all statements are incorrect, EXCEPT:
A) a small Japanese showed a strong link between the sleep duration and better mental health
B) the same study showed that the longer one sleeps, the better their mental health outcomes
C) the same study showed a linear relationship between sleep quality and mental health
answer: C
A) FALSE: large study (appx 100000 young adults)
B) FALSE: 7-9 hrs did better than >9 or <7
All of these lifestyle interventions have been used to promote emotional well-being and mental health EXCEPT: A) time in nature B) relationships C) recreation, relaxation and stress management D) psychotherapy and self-enquiry E) religious or spiritual involvement F) service to others G) a sense of purpose in life
answer: not included in manual is D
According to the Int. Board Review Manual, pick all TRUE statements:
A) TLC can preserve and improve cognitive processing
B) TLC can cultivate personal and social well-being
C) Therapeutic lifestyle intervention (TLC) can help treat and control multiple mental disorders
D) all of the above are true
answer D (all are true)
Pick all TRUE statements EUDAIMONIA and HEDONIA:
A) Eudaimonia and hedonia are mutually exclusive
B) Edaimonia/ Eudemonia = a state of happiness and flourishing, fundamentally based on the sense of purpose and meaning
C) human happiness is closely linked with finding a sense of inherent meaning and purpose
D) positive psychology teaches that humans are born as “empty books” without purpose or meaning. Meaning and purpose are acquired during lifespan by observing and learning from social and cultural interactions
E) curiosity and creativity are examples of eudemonic behaviours
answer: B,C,E
A) false (if one experiences eudaimonia, he is also able to experience hedonia, there is considerable overlap
B) true
C) true
D) false (EUHAIDONIA = humans are born full of meaning and purpose and they discover (not acquire!) it through their lives. HEDONIA = humans are born empty and they acquire meaning through social and cultural interactions)
E) true