Section 5: Formulas Summary Flashcards
Functions vocabulary list:
Attribution, Sum, sum-if, sum-ifs, Sum range, Range, count, countA, count-if, count-ifs, Count range, Range, Choose, Goal Seek, Data Table, IfError, Index, Match, Index+Match, V-Lookup, H-Lookup, Mid, First, Last, Upper, Lower, Proper,…. add later….
What are arguments for sum-if?
It has three arguments: Range, criteria and sum-range.
What is the difference between sum-if and sum-ifs?
In Sum-ifs we start with sum-range and then range and criteria… but in sum-if we first start with range.
Should we repeat sum-range in sum-ifs?
No! first put the sum-range and add as many ranges and criteria as needed.
Which functions are for counting cells and what are the differences?
Count, CountA. Count is only for numbers and it doesn’t count blanks and text. CountA counts BOTH NUMBER AND TEXT BUT NOT BLANKS.
What is the difference between Cont-if and Count-ifs?
Count if starts with range but count ifs starts with count range.
For Count and CountA we need a criteria, what specification should that have?
It should be inside a “ “ . For example, criteria is greater than 60 or Yes it should be like this: “>60” or “Yes”.
In general what happens in order of arguments when we have ifs instead of if?
For “if” like as sum if or count if first we start with range but for “ifs” such as count ifs or sum ifs first we start with data range(sum range or count range) and then the ranges…
We have set of names and want to only have three first letters and make the first letter capital which function should we use?
We should use First, mid or last for the position of text we want and use Proper to make the first letter capital. Other font sizing letters are Upper or Lower.
How to round a large decimal number to only first two decimals?
Function named Round. It has two arguments: One for value and second the number of decimals..
What is Index?
Index returns the value of a cell based on position in an array(not table). Position of column and row is different in an array than their location in table. e.g. a column as array has column number 1 but 3 inside the table…
What is Match and what are it’s arguments?
Match brings the position of a value in an array. For example we want to know where is location of Milan in an array and should mention it be exact(0) or contains(1). Math has three arguments: First: Look-up value which is in new table, Second: Array inside of the source sheet, Third: 0 or 1 as exact or not exact.
What is Index+Match and how is it’s structure?
When we are building a new table and want to call some cells from a source sheet use these two functions together. Index(array, Match, 1(column number and we can write empty). Match brings the position number and gives that number to Index and index brings the cell to the new position.
What is V-Lookup?
V-Lookup finds the look-up value from the first column of table and based to column number and true or false arguments completes new table. First click of lookup value which it’s similar column in first column of source table, Second select the source table, Third column number, and finally True as exact and False and contains…
What is Choose function?
When we want to build up a scenario based on a factor(index) that whenever that factor changes group of related cells change to show the scenario in a flexible pattern. For example, we have optimistic, base and pessimistic and study our numbers based on theses factors.