Section 4 Hardware and Software Flashcards
what is hardware ?
a germ used to describe electrical or electro mechanical parts of a computer and its input , output and storage devices
what is software ?
all of the programs taht are written to make a computer function
what is system software ?
software needed to run the computers hardware and application programs.
this includes the operating system , utlity programs, libaries and programming langyuage translators
what is an operting system?
an operating system is a set of programs that lies between application software and the computernhardware. PROVIDES A USER INTERFACE
what are utility programs ?
utility software is system software designed to potmise the performance of the computer or perform tasks such as backing up files , restoring corrupted files from back up
what is disk defragmentation?
a program that will reorgranise a hard disk so that files which have been split up into blocks and stored all over the disk will be recombined in a single series of sequential blocks
what is a libary program ?
ready compiled programs which can be run when needed
what are the 3 translators ?
what is application software ?
programs that perform specific user oriented tasks
what is general prupose software ?
softaware that can be used for many different purposes e.g. word , spreadsheets
what is special purpose software ?
software that perfroms a single specific task or set of tasks e.g. hotel booking systems
what are the functions of an operating system ?
memory management
processor scheduling
backing store management
input / output management
what is memory managment ?
this is the process of the cpu deciding how much of the rams storage an instruction / task will require to perform it efficiently
what is processor scheduling?
this is when the schedueler alocates when each instruction needs to be executed by the cpu`
what is multi tasking ?
this is when the cpu is able to performmore than 1 instruction at a time
the more cores a cpu has the instructions it is able to do at the same time
what is backing store management?
this is when a copy of data is created and stored in a seperate storage location so that if gthe original data is lost or corrupted you have a back up copy
what is peripheral management ?
this is when the software is able to see what the user inputs with the peripherials and then show a result/ action on the users screen
what is a machine code ?
this is a low levek programming language that is made up of the operand and opcode
what is a low level programming language ?
a language that a computer is able to run staright away without the need of translating it
what is assembly lahnguage?
this is a low level language converted by an assembler
what is a high level programming language ?
a language that uses human like lamguage which makes ir easier for programers to write code in
what is an imperative high level language ?
a language where the instruction is basically a comand to perform some step in the program , which consists of the step by step instruction needed to complete the task
what is an assembler?
something that translates assembley language into the equivelent machine code
what is the input to the assembler is called ?
the source code
what is the output of an assembler code called ?
object code
what is a complier ?
a program that translates a high level language into machine code
what is an interpreter?
a different type of programming language translator
what is byte code ?
a set of instructions designed to efficiently execute a software interpreter
advantages and uses of a compiler and interpreter
- the object code can be saved on disk and run whenever required without ythe need to recompile
- the object code executes faster than interpreted code
- the object code produced by a complier can be distributd and executed wtihout having to have compiler present
what are all of the logic gates ?
what is demorgans first law ?
____ __ __
A + B = A * B
what is demorgans second law ?
____ _ _
A * B = A + B
X * 0 = 0 X * 1 = X X * X = X _ X * X = 0 X + 0 = X X + 1 = 1 X + X = X _ X + X = 1