Section 1 Fundementals of programming Flashcards
What is a integer ?
a whole number such as 1 5 7
what is a real / float ?
a number with a fractionl part such as 3.142
what is a boolean
a bolean variable can only take the value TRUE or FALSE
What is a character?
a letter on number or a special character typically represneted in ASCII
What is a string?
anyhting enclosed in quote marks is a string
What does the operator div do?
divides your integer telling you how many will fit into the number given without exceeding the limit
What does the operator mod do?
this finds the remainder
what is a sequence ?
two or more statemnets following one after the other
what is selection?
statements that are used to select which statement will be executed next depending on some conditions
what are all of the relationl operators ?
> greater than < less than >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to = equal <> not equal
What is indefinite iteration?
this is where the iteration contiues until some specified condition is met ( this would use a WHILE loop)
what is definite iteration ?
this is where the number of times the loop is to be executed is decieded in advance ( this would use a FOR loop)
what is an array?
this is a finite , ordered set of elements of the same type of data ( such as intergers , real or char)
what is a 2 dimensional array?
this is when each varible in the array has more than one item assigned to it ( e.g. class_names = [[f_name, l_name][oskar, janyszko]]
what is a subroutine?
this is a named block of code which performs a specific task within a program
what are the two subroutines supported by most high-level languages ?
functions and procedures
what is a function ?
a secrtion of code that is reposnible for carrying out a specfic task that retuerns a value
what is a proceduer?
a section of code that is used to perform a specific task that does not return a value once completed
what is a global variable ?
variables that can be used anywhere in the program , including within any subroutine
What is a local variable ?
can be used and these only exist during the execution of the subroutine
how would you write to a file in python ?
how would you read from a file in python?
when would you use exception handling
- trying to read a non - existent file
- trying to convert a non numeric string enetered by a user to an interger or a real number
- trying to perform calculations with a non numeric variable
- division by zero