Section 3 - Physical Training Flashcards
What is the definition of health?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
What is the definition of fitness?
Fitness is the ability to meet the demands of the environment
What are the components of fitness?
cardiovascular endurance
muscular endurance
reaction time
What is cardiovascular endurance?
the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles
What is muscular endurance?
the ability to repeatedly use muscles over a long time, without getting tired
What is strength?
the amount of force that a muscle or muscle group can apply against a resistance
What is maximal strength?
The most amount of force a muscle group can create in a single movement
What is static strength?
Is when the muscles don’t move, but still apply a force e.g holding a handstand
What is explosive strength?
Uses a muscles strength in a short, fast burst - similar to power
What is dynamic strength?
Using your strength to move things repeatedly, like muscular endurance
What is speed?
the rate at which someone is able to move / cover a distance in a given amount of time
What is power?
Combination of speed and strength
speed x strength
What is agility?
Ability to change direction with speed whilst maintaining control
What is balance?
the ability to keep the body’s centre of mass over a base of support
What is coordination?
the ability to use two or more parts of the body together, efficiently and accurately
What is reaction time?
the time taken to move in response to a stimulus
What is flexibility?
the amount of movement possible at a joint
Name 3 purposes of fitness testing.
- to identify strengths + weaknesses in a performance/the success of a training programme
- to monitor improvement
- to show a starting level of fitness
- to inform training requirements
- to compare against national averages
national averages - to motivate/set goals
- to provide variety in a training programme.
Name 3 limitations of fitness testing
- tests are often not sport specific/too general
- they do not replicate movements of activity
- they do not replicate competitive conditions required in sports
- many do not use direct measuring/sub- maximal – therefore inaccurate/some need motivation/some have questionable reliability
- they must be carried out with the correct procedures to increase validity.
The test for agility :
Illinois Agility Test
Test for balance :
Stork Stand Test
Test for cardiovascular endurance (aerobic power) :
Multi Stage Fitness Test
Test for coordination :
Wall Toss Test