Section 3- Element 3 (First Aid Theory) Flashcards
What are the priorities of first aid?
Preserve life
Prevent worsening the situation
Promote casualty recover and a
List the first aid arrangements that an employer would have in place at your pool
Provide training
Show place of first aid kit, sharps box,links with emergency services, location of accident forms and reporting
Give some examples of what you may find in the contents of a first aid kit
Contents list, scissors, plasters, sterile bandages, wipes, eye pad sterile dressing, foil blanket
many more
Why is hygiene so important when giving first aid and what sensible precautions should you take?
You may infect open wounds with the bacteria on your hands
What would you do/not do if you found a needle or sharp?
You mustn’t remove the needle or sharp objects from within the skin. You must bandage it securely where it is and leave for the surgeons to remove.
However if the needle or sharp is not within the body place it in the sharps bins which will be noted within the PSOP
What history, symptoms and signs might be present in a casualty who is suffering from a suspected heart attack?
History- heart problems
Symptoms- dizziness, nausea, tightening sensation in the chest and arms, rapid weak and irregular pulse, anxiety
Signs- Pale grey skin, coughing, holding chest, sweaty, sudden collapse, blue tinge to skin and lips
What actions would you follow to treat someone with suspected heart attack?
Call 999, assist to the floor in a half sitting position, loosen tight clothing around waist and neck, advise them to take medication if they are prescribed it, reassure them, remove any causes of stress, monitor the casualty and be prepared to perform CPR if they stop breathing
What is shock and what first aid actions would you take?
Shock is a failure of the circulation, which leads to an inadequate supply of blood and oxygen tot he vital organs.
Lie them down with their legs slightly raised, attempt to relieve the cause of the shock. Reassure the casualty, prevent heat loss.
Call 999
What history, symptoms and signs must be present in a casualty suffering from Asthma?
Symptoms- Breathing difficulties, wheezy breathlessness
Signs- Anxiety, struggle speaking, pale, clammy grey or blue lips
What action would you follow to treat a casualty who is having an asthma attack?
Reassure them, sit in comfortable position, encourage them to use their medication
Call 999 when; go unconscious, attack is severe, goes on longer than usual, medication doesn’t help, person becomes very distressed and exhausted
Explain history, symptoms and signs which might be present in a casualty suffering from anaphylactic shock
Symptoms- Nausea, shock, impaired breathing, confusion, agitation
Signs- Anxiety, panic, swelling of body parts, red itchy rash, watery eyes, pale or flushed skin, unconsciousness
Describe the action you would follow to treat a casualty who is suffering from an anaphylactic shock
Ask casualty if they have their auto injector with them. If so, get them to inject themselves yet if they physically cannot you must ring 999 and the emergency services will guide you through the use of the auto injector/epi-pen.
Monitor breathing..
Prepare for CPR is breathing isn’t there or is impaired
OTHERWISE put them in recovery position and monitor breathing.
Explain the history, symptoms and signs which might be present in a casualty who is hyperventilating
Symptoms- Dizziness, feeling faint, cramp, pins and needs, tight feeling in chest, rapid pulse, panic
Signs- Unnaturally fast, deep breathing, flushed skin
Describe actions you would follow to treat a casualty who is hyperventilating
Remove casualty to quiet area, encourage them to slow their breathing, give small sips of water to slow breathing
Call 999 if the attack is prolonged
Explain the treatment for an external bleeding (including varicose veins and nose bleeds)
Pressure and elevation, lay casualty in comfortable position, wearing gloves, call 999.
Examine wound and check for foreign objects, apply sterile dressing, treat casualty for shock
Varicose veins- elevation and pressure for at least 10 minutes or until bleeding stops
Nose bleed- head forward, pressure to soft tissue either side of nose, if bleed is severe and longer than 30 minutes call 999