Section 3 Chapter 14 - Bits, bytes and binary Flashcards
Either a 1 or a 0
A set of eight bits
A set of four bits
1000 bytes
1024 bytes
Symbol for megabyte
Symbol for mebibyte
A code for representing characters. 7 bits are used to represent a total of 128 different characters.
Why ASCII cannot be used for arithmetic
Because the codes for the numbers characters are not equal to the numbers actual value
How many bits in an ASCII character
Originally 7 but now sometimes 8
A code for representing all worldly characters
Advantage of unicode
Now all languages operate under one system and there is no incompatibility. All characters are represented.
Disadvantage of unicode
Each character requires 4 bytes instead of 1
Why computers need to verify data that they recieve
Because bits can change during transmission due to inteference
Parity bit
A bit used to check if the other transmitted bits are correct
How parity bits work
They make the total number of 1s and 0s either odd or even
Majority voting
Every bit is sent three times and the computer receiving decides that the majority bit is the correct one.
If there are two 1s and one 0 the receiver will interpret this as a 1
A mathematical algorithm that is applied to a packet of data. A number is generated with this algorithm and sent with the packet. The receiver then uses this same algorithm to determine the number. If the numbers don’t match then the packet must be sent again
Check digit
An extra digit at the end of a series of digits used to check for mistakes in input or transmission. The digit is calculated by applying some mathematical algorithm to the packet of data it is associated with.
How the ISBN check digit works
12 digits + 1 check digit
Each digit is given alternating weights of 1 and 3
These numbers are summed
The remainder when divided by 10 is taken
This number is taken away from 10
This number is the check digit
Historical use of kilo, mega…
Used where kibi, mebi… should have been used
Why unicode was introduced
To have a coding system that can represent all characters for every country and have different countries use compatible coding systems.
How many bytes in a unicode character
2 in UTF-16
4 in UTF-32
Disadvantage of majority voting
The data is sent three times