Section 2 Green Flashcards
Keratitis is the inflammation of which eye structure?
What material is used in the construction of custom protective devices is not classified as a low density material?
A stadiometer is used to asses?
What does an athlete need before entering a college team?
Cardiovascular examine
What is the normal carrying angle of the elbow in females?
10-15 degrees
The WBGT temperature reading measures ?
Suns Radiation
A written guarantee from manufacturer that a product is safe for use is termed?
Expressed Warranty
What type of stretching is not considered safe?
Balistic Stretching
A “donut” pad is typically constructed to prevent further irritation of what types of injury?
What test best asses for flexibility of the hip?
Crutch tips should be how many inches away fro outer shoe?
What percentage of thunder cannot be heard due t atmospheric disturbances?
Which type of mouth pieces are most expensive?
Custom Fabricated
Protective ear guards are worn during wrestling to prevent?
Auricular Hematoma
Which of the following is a sign of chilblains?
What should be signed by an athlete who has been advised NOT to participate in sports due to a preexisting medical conditions, but has made the personal decision to participate despite the advisement of medical personnel?
Excilpatory waiver form?
The clean and jerk test for?
Upper and lower body muscular power
What is the term for 20/20 vision?
Concentration is assessed , during the standardized assessment of concussion (SAC) too, by doing which of the following?
Repeat 5 words 3 times in a row
Pectus excavated could be the indication of what general medical condition?
Marfan syndrome
A non cantilevered shoulder pad is for what type of player?
A history of pneumothorax would be questioned during what part of the preparticipation examination?
Cardiovascular examination
What special test can be used to asses shoulder impingement?
Hawkins Kennedy Test
What stress test can be used to screen for calcaneofibular ligament laxity?
Hyporeflexive patelar tendon reflex would indicate pathology at what spinal nerve root level?
What is not apart of a lipid profile blood test?
What can monitor athletes peak expiratory volume?
Peak flow meter
How many reps for an athlete that wants to work on muscular endurance?
3 sets of 20
What is laxity?
The amount of “give” in a joint
Genu valum is?
Knocked kneed
Corret rule for covering hard cast for football?
1/2 inch thick and closed material on exterior hard shell
Who should perform athletes preparticipation examination?
Primary care physician
When do you start seeing a decrease in dehydration in an athletes BWL?
Which immunization prevents the disease known as lock jaw?
What does the Feiss line line up with?
Medial longitudhaul arch
Who specializes in eye injury?
What type of tape job would you used for anterior talofibular ligament?
Closed basket weave
Asses cranial nerve XII?
Lateral gaze
Hammer toe?
Hyperextension of MTP
Flexion of PIP
Hyperextension of DIP
During cranial nerve testing what is “Segmental” nerve test for?
Motor Component
What part of the shoe controls inversion and eversion?
Heal counter
What is responsible for causing shingles?
Varicella zoster virus
What is the normal Q angle in a female?
18 degrees
Hepatomegaly is enlargement of what organ?
Mesomorph body build?
Athletic build with average body mass
What test the integrity of non contractile tissues?
Passive range of motion
What structure is involved during swimmers ear?
External auditory meatus
What is angle of inclination?
lateral shifted patella
Where are the “check-reins” placed when taping a reverse turf toe?
Dorsum of the great toe
What is the highest priority when establishing policies?
Emergency care plan
Viral infection that causes total body rash in 2-3 days?
Best test to asses agility?
The T-Drill test
What is a early signs of hypothermia?
Neck rolls are to prevent what type of injury?
Brachial Plexus Injury
Prickling heat is usually due to what?
Wet skin not evaporating?
Lateral curvature of thoracic spine?
What type of training involves participating in a type of exercise that varies from athletes normal exercise routine in order to improve performance?
Cross Training
What piece of equipment is needed to perform the Harvard step test?
How much time should an athlete wait until exercising outdoors?
Where is the cantilever on a shoulder pad located?
Across the shoulder
Nitrogen dioxide, stagnant air, and sunlight produces?
Photochemical haze
High hemoglobin in dip stick is a sign of?
What instrument is used to determine the temperature-humidity?
Sling psychrometer
What does PMH?
Past medical history
What is the most important documentation needed before college?
Participation clearance
Protective women lacrosse must meet the standards of what organization?
How to show upper body pull up endurance?
Reps until fatigued
What body composition assessment technique involves submerging the subject under water on a large scale?
Hydrostatic weighing
Assessing resistive range of motion for a body part, what is the name of the test that is performed the end of the range of motion, in which you apply overload pressure to the body part in a static?
Break Test
When should physical fitness examination performed for incoming athletes?
After PPE