Section 1 Review Flashcards
The all or none response law states…
when an individual muscle fiber fires, the fiber will contract maximally or not at all
NOT a function of the muscular system
ligament attachment
In the anatomic position the wrist is considered to be in what anatomic position to the hip
The most efficient energy system for a marathon runner is
aerobic respiration system
The act of performing a squat occurs in what plane of motion
which of the following best describes the concept of reciprocal inhibition
when the agonist muscle group concentrically contract, antagonist group relaxes
What is the appropriate term for a hole found w/ in a bone
What jx is considered to be a diarthrotic joint
ginglymus, trochoidal, arthrodial, sellar
Performing full range of motion resistive band strengthening exercise for the shoulder is what type of muscle contraction
What is an example of a sesamoid bone
What is the term for a bundle of muscle fibers w/ in a muscle
True statement regarding the insertion of a muscle
usually most distal attachment point
A ginglymus joint produces what type of joint motion
Moving the scapula toward the midline of the body is known as what type of shoulder girdle mvmt
What forms the muscleare spindle shaped w/ a central muscular belly
True about slow-twitch muscle fibers
high level of aerobic endurance
low motor unit strength
smaller than fast twitch
slow contractile
The carpometacarpal jx of the thumb is an example of what type of jx
The amount of electrical impulse needed in order for a muscle fiber to fire is termed
A bone acts as what in the lever systems of the body
From the anatomic position what mvmt of the wrist incolces moving the hand in the direction of the 5th digit
ulnar deviation
A decrease in muscle fiver size is termed
Shoulder flexion is an example of what jx motion
rolling motion
True about ligaments
may blend w/ fibrous portion of jx capsule
FALSE about lever systems in the body
effort is representative of resistance has to be overcome
What jx is not considered a true jx
Which jx of the shoulder complex has the largest ROM
Shoulder flexion occurs on what axis of rotation
What structure prevents hyperextension of the proximal interphalangeal jx of the ring finger
volar plate
What factors plays a primary role in glenohumeral injuries
shallowness of glenoid fossa
FALES about 1st carpometacarpal jx
provides very little mvmt for thumb
Most effective exercise to strengthen the subscapularis muscle
theraband to internally rotate the shoulder
The medial ulnar collaterl lig complex of the elbow is primarily responsible for restraining what force at the elbow
FALSE regarding supraspinatus muscle
classified as “power” muscle of the shoulder complex
The humerulnar jx is classified as
True regarding muscles of the shoulder girdle
What is an articulation of the sternoclavicular jx
What muscle is the only pure flexor of the elbow
Elbow extension occurs in what plane of motion
FALSe regarding carrying angle of elbow
males have a greater carrying angle
When evaluation pt’s shoulder and back, wining of right scapul, sign indicates weakness of what muscle?
serratus anterior
What position would work the brachioradialis muscle most effectively during a bicep curl
forearm in neutral position
Radiocarpal jx is classified as what type of jx
Describe term cubitus recurvatum
hyperextension of the elbow jx
TRUE regarding characteristics of a tendon sheath in the hand
sealed @ both ends, hollow tube, double walled, synovial fluid
Ligament classified as being part of the coracoclavicular jx
conoid ligament
Name of the 1st cervical vertebra
FALSE regarding vertebrae of spine
individual mvmts bt each vertebra are relatively large
Movements occur at the atlantoocipital jx
cervical extension
Vertebral facet jx’s of the lumbar vertebrae are sonsidered what type of jx
How many true ribs
Describe the annulus fibrosis of the intervertebral discs
dense, fibrocartilaginous
Term for an increase in anterior curvature of the lumbar spine
R’ cervical rotation mvmt occurs on which axes of rotation
Muscles of the shoulder girdle do not play a role in cervical motion
longissimus dorsi muscle is responsible mvmts of which vertebral segments
Sacrospinalis muscle group also known as
Erector Spinea
Muscle acts as an extensor of vertebral column
iliocostalis lumborum
Costal facets of which vertebrae articulate w/ the ribs
Muscles considered part of the prevertebral muscle group
rectus capitis anterior
Innominate bones are connected posteriorly by which structures
Lonest muscle in the body
which gluteal extends the hip
gleuteus maximus
describe the angle of inclination of the femur
relationship b/t the greater trochanter & lesser trochanter
Muscles NOT part of the deep external rotators of the hip
Structures make up medial border of femoral triangle
adductor longus muscle
Type of mvmt occurs at the acetabular femoral jx
Muscle considered to be biarticulate
Plane of mvmt hip abduction occurs
Type of momt occurs @ tibiofemoral jx
knee flexion, knee extension, knee internal and external rotation
Bone least responsible for transmitting ground forces through the leg
occurs in swing phase of walking gait cycle
toe off
patella provides mechanical advantage to what muscle
rectus femoris
axis of rotation ankle plantar flexion occurs
excessie hyperextension of the knee’s termed as having the following
genu recurvatum
False regarding talus bone
several muscles attach to this to provide stability for ankle and foot
True regarding the screw home mechanism of the knee
as the knee extends during the last few degrees of extension the tibia externally roatates
True regarding the supination motion
triplaner movement
Best describe ROM for knee external rotation
45 degrees
joint located proximal to the knee
inferior tibiofibular joint
tendon helps reinforce the medial longitudinal arch of the foot
posterior tibialis
muscles considered to be part of the triceps surae muscle group
tendon passes directly behind the lateral malleolus
peroneus longus tendon
Muscle NOT located w/in anterior compartment of the lower leg
peroneus brevis
Following structures insert @ Gerdy tubercle
Iliotibial band
Structure surrounds muscular compartments of lower leg
All 3 muscles that insert at pes anserine responsible for what movements
knee flexion and internal rotation
Eversion of ankle occurs @ what jx
subtalar jx
MCL serves as primary restraint for what foces on the knee
Valgus foce
Only intrinsic muscle located on dorsum of the foot
extensor digitorum brevis
Not a glial cell
Muscle plays important role in moving the knee through last 15 degrees of extension
vastus medialis oblique
term identifies a reflex that involves skeletal muscle
somatic reflex
spinal nerve root contains motor fibers
ventral nerve root