second semester final exam Flashcards
what is symbol in john
the eagle who by legene flies high enogh to loomk directly at the sky as jesus the word of god sees the face of the father
what is imagge of jesus in john
noble and powerful one wwith the father full in ctrnool of his destiny even trhough his and death and resurrection
sources of jonh
unknwon most of the moaterial is unique to teh gospel
themes in john
jesus as the preexistant word of god, the risen christ among us taught thru the account og the seven sign and the I AM statesments
chrsitology in hojn
from aboce bc divinity of jesus showing he is one with the father
audience in john
a jewsih crhstian community that may have included gentile and samaritans they were breaking away from jesuwish community so time of great turmoil
incarnation in john
jesus was the ord of god, the word becoma flesh and came to dwell among us, he was the fathers only son full of grace and truht
light and darkness in john
jesus was light to human race, he came to earth to overcome the darkness, the kghht elightens the world jesus enllightened the world
trinity in jonh
all tesitfy to jesus the holy spirirt and since god is jesus then the intro of the trinity
prodigal son sotry found in what gospel
summarize prodigal son story
it is about a son who wanted his inheritance os the father gave him the money and his share the son left and wasted all the money on prosititures nad gamling until a famine struch the son was dirt poor adn had noweher to eat or get a job he decides to go back to his father and as for a jobnas a servant as he bretrayed his father and no onger ws his son, when he goes back his father rejoices and the father gives him the best calf, the other son is jealous bc he hss been with the father for ever and been loyal yet he never got the best calf and the father answers saying that everything he owns is his but the father rejoiced bc the brother was lost and has beend foumd
symbolism of [prodigal son sotry
father is god as he forgives us no maytter how muchw e sin, just like the father rejoices when his son comes back if we are willing to repent god is willing to save us
how does prodigal son support theme of luke
major them,es is gods ove for us all which is shown in prable as god loves us so much he will forgive evrything we hae done and ivnite back into his knigdom
what is prodigal son story message to jesus audience
teaches them that they have to repend their sing and trust god that he will fogirvw them and brig them back the his kindom
what is messgae to modern audience in prodival son story
applies to peeople that gossip and bring people down with their words we have t repend oursleves for gossiping and we have to turn away and aspeak the truth throu this god will save us and grant us eternal lfie with him