Matthew Flashcards
When did Matthew write his gospel
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Who is Matthews primary audience
Jewish Christians
What are his sources
Mark, q and m source
What are the themes of the gospel
Jesus is fulfilling the Old Testament and brings a new covenant
What is the image jesus is presented as
The new Moses and teacher of new law
What is the symbol of Matthews gospel
Man with wings shows humanity of Jesus- genealogy
Why is it important to know that the infancy narratives were written from post resurrection perspective
Knowing that Jesus is the son of god they look at infancy differently- jesus both human and divine
Patriarch father in faith, covenant, jesus son of Abraham
Greatest king, jesus son of David, Jesus from the same line with Abraham and David
Rehab Ruth and Bathsheba
All Gentiles, one married to a. Gentile prepares people for Gentiles to enter faith all people welcomed
What are the six aspects mentioned
3 wise men following star, flight to egypt bc babies killed, massacre of infants, return from Egypt, genealogy of all ancestors, annunciation to Joseph not Mary that Mary will have a child
What is the role of the 3 kings or magi in have infancy narratives, what do they represent
Gentile nations, people all ove the worl coming to worship jesus the king
What do gold myrrh and frankincense represent
Gold- kingship royalty, frankincense is divinity priestly nature for divinit, and myrrh is humanity and sacrifice or suffering
What is the tone of infancy narratives why
Jesus is new moses
Who recies annunciation in gospel and why
Joseph bc it ties to the ot passages
Who baptized jesus
John the Baptist
Why does Jesus submit to baptism
Fathers will, identifies with sinner, approval, of john, and revealed the trinity
How is the trinity revealed in baptism
God speaks sky opens up Holy Spirit descend like a dove
Temptation of turning rocks into breas
Temptation do pleasure, man does not live by bread alone, remember that ends never justify the means
Temptation jump off the temps and have the angels catch you
Temptation of popularity, do not out The Lord your god to the test, do not try to control god or bend the will of god to your own will
Temptation worship sara and gain the whole world
Temptation of power, only The Lord you shall worship, do not misuse the owner you have been given to serve only yourself
You have heard it said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
Do not retaliate, go the extra mile, be the bigger oersn, kill them with kindness rather than getting even
You have heard it you shall not kill
Treat all people with love, want what is best for them and keep them in your prayer
You have hear it said you shall not commit adultery
Do not treat people as objects keep your thoughts pure
You have heard itsaid you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy
Keep your anger under control, and make sure you are at peace si your brother before you offer sacrifice
You have heard it said do not take a false oath
Always be honest in your dealing so others can trust what you say
Regarding prayer alums giving and fasting
Intentions are more important than the actions you perform, let god reward your actions
Stop judging that you may not be judged
You hypocrite, remove the wooden beam from your eye first them you will see clearly to remove the splinter form your brother eye
Why kingdom of hevaen and not god
Jewish people didn’t use word god bc too holy to be in conversations
what does kindgrom of heaven signify
peace love joy reign of god happens
the first 3 petitiosn show
praise god, reverence to his holy namew coming of kidgrom and doing his will,
our father what is revealed
lords name revered god provides for our needs nad that we must frogive others
what si the role of the church in establishing the kidngom fo gof s
eed, beginning of kindgrom to enter it thruugh baptism
how does matt est jessu aturrity in the sremon on the mount
by where he places him up in the mountains
what is jesus relationship to the law of moses
he is fulfilling it
mustar ssed parable
smalled seed will flourisg ibto kidngrom of heaven
what is message of hidden treasreu parable
kindgrom of god is pricellss
seed is parable
word of god
sower is
the ground is
our siposition
the path
scattered around, jaut listenenig not fully understainding it
rocky soil
faith dies bc of all the rocks or obstacles
faith is choked and killed by temtpaitons choking su
good soil
word of god is activ ein world
unforgiven servqnt messasge prable
2 sons and the parable of the tenants message
god gives us gifts and we use them to build up the kidngorm
what must yoiu do to be reaady t=for ythe kidndom of god
stay awake, be ready, frogive nad porper disporittion
the man with teh withered hand prable
would you save a sheep on a sabbath are people not more valuabelt than sheep
teh cure of the demoniac who was blind and mute
can a house be dvided against tiself and still stadn it is by the spirit that the kidnom of god has come
the quesiton of ejssus authroti
johns baptism
paying taxes
repay ceasars what belongs to ceasar and to god what is gods
7 woes why does jesus angry fro
people not ready, we must be prepared called to heaven be ready and prepared
gof with us
death judgment heaven hell end of time judgement day
was matt gospel wwriteen by him or studne t
torah is
heart of jesu
ejsus was the song of
david, shows like of descends