gospel of john Flashcards
what lessons is there for weeding at cana
jesus mother asled and jesus provides in abundance, he will always provide in abundance. when he provides it is the best quality best. if we obey jesus like the poeple that filled the buckets with water wonderful things will happen
what sacraments does weedding at cana represne t
baptsim nad eucharist
who is nicodemus
he starts following jesus but secretly bc of his reputation
what themes aree prevalent in nicodeums
light is jesusm and nicodemus is in the darkness, he worships at night, jesus tells nico to be born in spirit to be born again which shows baptism
what is the cure of the officials son
jesus cures a son from far away
what does the cure of the officials son show about jesus
the power of his word
what happens in the somaritan woman at hte well
samaritan woman misunderstoof she has 4 previous husbands but jesus spoke to her and she listened
what happened to the samaritan woman at hte well after she listeend to jesus
she was transformed from sin to mission and grace
what does this show us about the samartian woman at the well
accpet people for who they are, help us see ourselves honeslty and change, embrace the outsiders
the multpication of the loaces and bread what happens
jesus provides in abundance, and there are even leftovers
what doe sthe multiplication of the loaves and the breads about jesus
jesus is the bread of life, the eucharist, jesus will feed us physically and mentally, spirutally, I AM the bread of life
to what sotry does the multplication of the loavesnand bread happen in OT
the man bread and islraelites in the desert man on ground god provides bread
what happens in woman cuaht in adultery and what does jesus do
people are condemning a woman bc she is adultere and jesus says that teh frist person without sin is the one to throw the first stone at her
what does the woman cuaght in adultery teeach us
look at our sins before condeming others, go and sin no more change behavior
whya re jewish authorities angry in man born blind
jesus heals him on sabath and no healing on sabbath
what is theme in man born binf
light, seeing, and darkness, blind, live in the ligth if follow jesus, recognize jesus as light of the world, abel to see truth gets lighter and lgihter, faith is light
ehat does the raising of lazarus show about jesus
jesus has power over deqth, I AM resurrection and light, jesus is creator of light
I AM statements only found in and what do they do
john anad idnetiy jesus as being god
where else do we see i am statements
moses a the burning bush i am who am jesus syas I AM nad is one with teh father
what is the last supper discourse
jesus farewell speech, he is goung to the father and he is one with the father and has to ggo back but willl send the holyu spirit who is alos one iwht the father shows trinity, commands people to love one another as he loves us shows agape lvoe, and the branaches and the vine, jesys warns about upcoming persecutors but have peac ehesus has overcomed the world stay connected to vine, jesus prays for folllowers and churhc
agape lvoe
sacrifical love jesus has for us, jesus on cross
branches and vine allegory
jesus is vine source of light disciples branches connected to vine theyll have life and peace but cute from the vine they will not bear fruit
passover sacrifice
paschal lamb sacrificed same time as jesus so lamb of god jesus made sacrifice for everyone of all time, eucharist remember sacrifice
advocate is
holy spitit
paraclete is
holy spitit
diifference to synpotic goospels
signs and miracles, divintiy of jesus both god and man, no nativity, high christology, starts with poem talk about word of god made man jesus as preexistant jesus is word of god that exists all time, no birth, just incarnation o word jesus becomes man nad comes to usd
jesus is wqqord of god
structure of john
prolowue with poem, book of signs, book of glory, and epiloque added later
john is what disciple
john is difficult but is is totally incomrepensible
when was it written
90-100 ad
why was there turmoil during this time period
christians breakign away from jewish groups
lent with john gpsoel
the stories of the well, lazarus, the blinf, the last supper, Holy Thursday and Good Friday use johns gospel, passian narrative
similarity with synotpic
divine adn human jesus, mircacles
was johnt he frist or alst written
are there parables in jpnn
since jesus is word og god was he present in creation
what was the wedding at cana
first miracle, mary was there, jesus turns water into wine