final semester 1 exam Flashcards
where did israelites religion began with
abraham a wondering herdsman around 1850 BC in iraq
salvation history
patterns of specific salvific events in human history that reveal gods presence and saving actions, all of hisotry is salvation history, the sotry of gods actions and the poeples responses over many years
god made what with abraham
agrrement, god promised to make abrahamns descendents a blessing to the world and he would give the land of canaan now palestine
god said what about abrahams descendents
they would reveal god to the world, crhistians believe this was fulfilled by the coming of jesus crhist.
how did abrahmas descendants inherit this
through the coming of the matriarchs and patriarchs
isaac and jacob who are the founders of the jewish faith
their wives sarah rebekah and rachel
at the close of the book genesis abraham descendents are where
living in egypt as they escaped to survive the famine
the closing of the book of genesis leads to
the beginning of the book of exodus where the israelites are enslvaed by the egytians,
god came to who and why at beginnign of exodus
moses and revealed his name to be yaywhe meaning i am the one who is always present
teh exodus is
daring escape of the israelites with moses with the help of god out of slavery from the egyptians
on mount sinai what was made
covenant by god with moses and the poeple, the israelites and all the descendants to come were to honor the 10 commandments which god presented to moses, the reward was the isrealited being known as the poeple of god, and for god to be with them as long as they kept the covenant
how long did the israelites travel in the desert
40 years until tehy reached cannaan so that tehy learned to trust gods care for them
after moses died who led the poeple into canaan
joshua, wheer they ffought againt the people living in the region and in about 1000 bs israel was recognized as a nation
david was annointed
king of israel
what did god make with david
a promise, that davids line would endure forever
jerusalem became a
great and holy city
what ahppened after david dies and solomon was appointed king
solomon divided israel into 12 districts and appoointed an officer to each one, with israel in the north and judah in the south oppression and heavy taxes created hardship,
what did teh prophets do to get israel back to god
urged the poeple to honor the covenant yet they refused so god was angry adn the assyrians and babylonians took israel into exile
during the exile other prohphets
said god was the one and only god
after how long were the exiled lifted
after 50 years teh exiles were lifted and the people followed the law written by their ancestros about god and rebuilt jerualme
in the Old Testament god shows salvation thru
through moses through abraham through solomon and david and through the covenants and prominses made with people
unti 2
step 1
in the creattion Adam and Eve are cerated to enjoy the delightful garden and be intimate companions for each toehr
they are privelaged to talk to the creator
soon they are aught up with disobedience and guilt
they ate the forbidden fruit from teh tree of knowledge of good and evil
as a result fro eating from the tree they have knoweldege they are naked and try to coveer themselved up
to avoid god who is appproachign they hdie
god vcalls adma and his excuse for hiding nakedness yeat earlier adam was naked and not ashamaed
god asked adam if he has eaten from the tree yet adam unable to bear punishment shifts the blame to eve
eve also unable to own up blames the serpent for tricking her
sin has done its wokr and has ruined the relationships between god themselves and ceration
god tells tehm the consqueneces of tehir sin, mans work will not give him perfect pleasure but will be difficult and weary to him, woman will be subject to ehr husband and will bear pain while giving birth
this was the first sin of humankind thus called original sin
the readson why Adam and Eve sin is bc they have to much pride in themsleves that they want to be like god and have his knwoledge yet that is an illusion bc no one can be god
their sin reminds us of what sin essentially is the refusal to acknowlegde god as god and ourselves dependent on him
it was free human beings not god who screwedd up life in the garden
god didnt create injustice in the world humans did by their won bad choices
all suffering even from natural disters illness death are stems from the sdin of Adam and Eve not from god
sin is evrhwere in the world
from the excesive amount we spent being selfish and self centered to in a way where we dont give back or particpitate in charity to the amount of time we lack faith in god and belived that we dont need god in our livs
sin today isnt like adama and eves sin it can be as little as dishonoring or yelling at our parents lying that we did the homework but didnt treating others horribly while expecting everyone to treat us like royalty
to stop sin we must utrn to god for help we have to be true to oursleves we have to say the truht and above all we have to treat toehr the way we would like to be treated
i could help living out this way i could be kind and helpful and expect to be treated teh same if not i could strive to teach tohers about equality living out my life with god present and not letting sin trick me into believing it is the right chouice to sin, this will spread somehwy or antoher to my friends and family and evetually to more and ore people andthus this will achieve peace
unit 4
in ewgypt moses and aaron tell the isrealties gods messgae
let my people go
paharoah is unmoved by this and instead of letting them go increases their work load q
people cry out that god hasnt free them instead he has caused them mroe suffering
god promises to take action
after 400 years of being enslaved the israelites dont know god but god knwos them
once again moses and aaron go back to demand the pharoah to let the poeple go
pharoah refused and the 10 plaques begun
water turns to blood, frogs come out, nnats and flies take over, sickness afflicts tyhe cattle, boils on people, hail, locusts eat what is kleft, darkness covers land,
when darkness covers the land moses procalims the final plague the death of the firstborn child
though all of this pharoah continues to refuse mosess demands
god gives moers instructions on how to prepare to leave to egypt
every family is to slay and roast a yearling lamb, kill it eat it with unleavened bread, and be ready to leave they are to smear the top and dorrposts of the door way with the cattle blood so the angel of god will passover the houses with the blood and not kill the firstborn in that house
the israelites are to celbrate this every yr to remember the passover
memorial meal fo teh israelites became the passover seder, or ritual meal of the jewish people
the seder meal celbreates freedom fo the israelites from egypt and longing for freedom all over the world
at last epople leave
difficult times
whenever someone is going through something difficult they must remmebe that god is always with them
god protected teh israelites and freed them from slavery so god will rptoect us and free us from out troubles
everyone has to rememebr that is is during the times of trials that god comforts us by pulling us closer to him than we have ever been before we are never left alone he always walks with us
for unit 1 and 4
dont forget to put personal story in
unit 6
when daivd dies solomon is appontesd king his starts off his reighn by killing several of his troublemaker s and assuring nhimslef total control of the kingdom
to build an alliance with egypt solomon marries the oharoahs daughter
solomon worships at highs places or outdoor sanctuaries
in a dream solomon asked god for an understanding heart to distringuish right from wrong, god was pleased adn rewarded him with that undeerstandfing of right from wrong and glory and a long life as long as he was faithful
deutoronomists frowned upon outdoor sanctuaries this hints evil things to come
solomsons wisdom is put to the test when 2 prositityes come before him one wil a child and one without one. the one without a child claims that teh childs is hers. solonmons orders for the child to be cut in hald and one half given to each woman. solonm knew that the real mother would gibvve up her clsim to save the childs life and she did and she ended up being rewarded with ehr child in one pice
solomon then divide d the land into 12 districts with an officer for each ditricts he then forman an elite group of administrators andintroduces labor and taxation to privode palace and gov officials
solomons glory was built on income raised by oppresing people
the prohpht samual had warned these things long before whent eh poeple first clamored for a king
solomon built a temple god agrees to be present in the ttemople adding that ig solomon observed the law and carries it out isreal will not be foresaken he then adds that if solomon and his descendents disobery the covenant the temple will become a heap of ruins
as solomon adds wealth his love for god diminishes
he toletarets shrines where his pagan wiwves offer socrfive he even joins inworshipping their gods- idolatry
god speaks and say that solomons line will lose the throne and all teh tribes excpect judah
when at last soolomon dies teh golen age of isreal comes to an end
israel has fallen into idolarty adn oppresiion even after solomon dies
sometimes i see solomons weakeness in front of me
i see people worhsip technology and that leads me to be influence by ta since everyday in schoola public people care more about tech than epolpe
i also see solomsn strength in me
every now and then i ave wisodm and knwoeldge of what is right and wrong for example i know tghat no matter how many people i know text and drive i dont doo it ecauces i have knwoledge that if i text and drive i could get into a fatal accident