Second class Flashcards
IS Staphylococcus Aureus Gram positive or Gram negative ?
Gram positive
What has a golden colored appearance that makes it resistant to antimicrobial properties of light/sun
Staphylococcus aureus
What shape is Staphylococcus
One of the properties of Staphylococcus aureus is that it can be Coagulase Positive, what does Coagulase Positive mean?
The plasma can coagulate, resulting in a clot.
or Clot forming
Boils are a type of abscess. What are some symproms?
The skin is which line of defense?
Scalded baby syndrome is caused by which bacteria?
Boils are hard to treat with antibiotics as it is unable to penetrate the walls of the abscess, what is the only other solution?
To drain it
How does a boil form?
When the skin gets torn and Staphylococcus gets in
A Carbuncle is a form of boils that form under the skin
What does SSSS stand for?
Staphylococcal Scalded-Skin Syndrome
Who does SSSS effect?
Babies and very elderly
SSSS takes over what percentage of the body?
How many types of Impetigo are there? and what are they?
2 types, Wet and Dry
What bacteria causes Scarlet fever?
Scarlet fever presents with which type of tongue?
or Strawberry speckled
This condition eats away the peripheral nerves, it also goes back to biblical times
What does the prefix MYCO mean? This is the bacteria mycobacterium leprae
Gooey, sticky or waxy
Mycobacteria can live for years just in dirt
True, Mycobacterium is associated with being like a tomato seed, you can try to squish it but it just keeps LIVING
Leprosy has only one form
There are two forms. Wet and dry
bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi is the bacteria responsible for what pathology
Lyme disease
Tetanus can cause rigidity of the _______
Colstridium tetani, also known as ______ can be found in soil
Measles- Rubeloa, has this specific symptom
White specks in the mouth, also known as Koplik’s spots
Do shingles and Chickenpox share the same virus?
common name for Varoila Virus is?
This bacteria can penetrate a glove or condom
What are the physical looks of someone who has congenital syphilis
Prominent brow protruding mandible Deafness Keratitis (eyes) Hutchinsons teeth
Scaled baby syndrome is caused by Exotoxins called Exfoliants
If Staphylococci bacteria is left untreated it can spread to an organ and areas in the body and cause septicemia. What other areas can it travel to?
Kidneys, and spinal cord
What causes the “dried honey” appearance in Impetigo?
Staphylococcus aureus pyogenes
PYO meaning pus
Impetigo can be easily treated with what?
Penicillin & Teatree oil. It heals without scarring but pigment can be permanently lost
What does the prefix “Erythro” mean
Where does Scarlet fever rash start?
Is Trachoma ( Chlamydia ) Gram positive or Gram negative
Gram Negative
Are Lepromas the wet or dry form of Leprosy?
Tuberculoid is the dry form of Leprosy where the digits fall off
The Plague came from fleas biting infected rats, then the fleas biting the people
What is a Vector?
A vector is a living thing that can transfer an infection to another living thing
Rat to flea to human
Which type of measles can be deadly?
Rubeola is more dangerous
German measles if dangerous when you are with child
How do Chicken pox spread?
What shape is the bacteria Clostridium?
Tennis Racket
With measles, where does the rash begin?
On the face
Should Aspirin be given with a virus?
No, it can cause encephalitis, pneumonia or Reyes disease
Variola is also known as what skin infection?
Small pox
Small pox is transmitted by the Respiratory route and moves to the skin Via the Bloodstream. T/F
Fifths disease destroys cells where?
In the bone marrow that give rise to blood cells
Slapped cheek rash is known as?
Fifths disease
The medical name for Fifths is?
Erythema infectiosum
Herpes simplex virus 1 can cause cold sores and fever blisters, can it be passed to the genitals?
Cold sores and fever blisters can be passed to the genitals through oral sex causing Genital warts
How long does an outbreak of HHSV 1 last?
around 6-7 days
HHSV 1 can travel to the Trigeminal nerve
You can have HHSV 1 on the fingers which will travel up the arm
You can have HHSV on the fingers which will hide in the nerves and travel up the arm, being very painfuk
You can have HHSV 1 on the fingers which will travel up the arm
You can have HHSV on the fingers which will hide in the nerves and travel up the arm, being very painful
HHSV 2 is found where?
HHSV can be passed through oral sex and become cold sores ( HHSV 1 & 2 trading places ) T/F
Only 10 % of the population carries the Herpes virus
80% of the population carries the virus.
HHSV 3 is passed through which route?
Where is HHSV found in the body?
In the peripheral nerves, in the ganglion of the spinal cord
What viruses arise with HHSV 3?
Chicken pox
What is Cystitus?
Inflammation of the Bladder
What are some symptoms of Cystitus?
Difficult urination Small amounts Painful Smelly Occurs during sexual activity
What are the two types of Cystitus?
Dysuria and Pyuria
What is ophthalmia neonatorum?
A serious form of conjunctivitis caused by Neisseria Gonorrhea
What area is targeted by an Enterotoxin?
Intestines, this would cause food poisoning symptoms
What is an example of an exfoliative toxin?
Scalded baby syndrome
What Bacteria is Exfolative?
What region of the body would you normally find Viridans Streptococci
Which type of meningitis can be deadly?
What is Encephalitis
Inflammation of the brain tissue caused by infection or autoimmune response
How can Encephalitis be transmitted?
Insect bite, animal bites, ticks and other blood sucking DEVILS
Do Prions have DNA or RNA?
They have neither
Give an example of a Prion disease
Mad cow
Prion diseases cause holes in the brain like a sponge.
Definition of a Virus
A small living particle that can change cells and affect how the cells function
Definition of a Viron
A complete Virus with its complete DNA or RNA core and protein coat as it exists outside the cell. Also called an “Infectious viral particle”
Definition for a Viroid
Nucleic acid without protein coat. Small infectious agent of plants
Definition of Prions
A disease - causing agent that is neither bacterial not fungal nor viral and contains no genetic materials
Do viruses contain a protein coat?
Yes They contain a protein coat ( sometimes itself enclosed by an envelope of LIPIDS, proteins and carbohydrates ) That surrounds the nucleic acids - CAPSID
What is a capsid?
It is a protein shell of a virus that encloses its genetic material
Do viruses contain RNA or DNA
Could be either
A virion is a complete, fully developed infectious particle
Composed of a nucleic acid and surrounded by a ________ ____
Protein coat
How are viruses classified?
By their protein coats
Nucleic Acid can have both DNA and RNA
Nucleic acid can only have either DNA or RNA
Nucleic acid can only be single stranded
it can be single or double stranded
Some Viruses have capsid covered by an envelope, Some envelopes are covered with spikes that are used for what?
To attach to other cells
Non enveloped viruses - capsids are not covered by what?
An envelope
What are the 4 types of viruses?