First class Flashcards
Antoni Van Leewenhoek was the first person to what?
Look into a microscope/ Observe live microorganisms
What is spontaneous generation?
Hypothesis that some forms of life could arise spontaneously from non-living matter
Robert Koch was the first to prove the ____ theory of disease
Germ theory
Microorganisms might cause disease- innoculation of agent should result in disease & it should be retrievable from diseased organism
What was Robert Hooke known for?
He was the father of cell theory
Ignaz Semmelweis activated ___________ to prevent transmission of __________ fever
Hand washing
Childbirth fever
Joseph Lister is the father of ________ surgery
Edward Jenner is the inventor of
Paul Ehrlich made the first _______________ drug and coined the term
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered __________ and was the Noble Prize winner in 1945 for medicine
What is disease?
A change that disturbs the normal function of the body’s systems
Many diseases are classified as __________
Diseases are caused by _______ ________ and other pathogens
Viruses and bacteria
What are pathogens?
Organisms that cause disease
_____ are the general name given to the organisms that cause disease
What is Microbiology?
The study of SMALL living things.
What are Microorganisms?
Very small organisms that you need a microscope to see
Organisms are classified into _ kingdoms
These 6 kingdoms are
Archaea ,Bacteria, protists =- Unicellular
Animals, fungi and plants = Multicellular
What causes disease?
Viruses, bacteria,fungi, protists or parasites
What type of cell are Protists?
A protist is any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant, or fungus
What are Viruses?
___-living DNA particles composed of a nucleic acid ( DNA or RNA ) and a _______ coat
protein coat
Do Viruses need a host to reproduce?
Yes, this is why they are not considered alive
Host cell is the cell the Virus infects
Viruses invade _______ cells and use enzymes and organelles of the host cell to make ____ Viruses, usually killing the host cell is process
Healthy cells
Which diseases are the most widespread illness
Viral diseases
Viral illnesses range from mild fevers, cancers and other fatal diseases
How are Viruses transmitted?
Human contact, water and insect bites
What drugs are used to prevent and control the spread of Viral diseases?
Vaccines and anti-viral medications
What are some examples of Viruses?
Cold, flu, HIV, polio, chickenpox and more
What type of cell are Fungi?
Fungi are non-photosynthetic organisms which means what?
They dont go through photosynthesis, they have to eat food and most are multicellular
What does a Eukaryotic cell have?
A true nucleus, mitochondria,
When do mold allergies usually happen?
Spring and fall
How do fungi reproduce?
Sexually and asexually ( producing spores )
Fungi can never attack the tissues of living plants and animals and cause disease.
Fungal disease is a major concern for humans because fungi attack not only us but also our food sources,!!!!!!
making fungi competitors with humans for nutrients.
Can mold spores cause allergic reactions?
Yes, Mold spores can cause mild to serious allergies in some people. Billions of mold spores can become airborne and may then be inhaled, triggering an allergic reaction
Black mold, fungal meningitis
Where are Protists mostly found?
What is an example of a Protist?
Algae, A Protist that uses sunlight as an energy source
Protoza are ______ like protists that eat other organisms or decaying parts of other organisms.
Animal like
Protists can use sunlight as an energy source
true Protists CAN use sunlight as an energy source,
How do Protists get their energy?
By moving around
Many Protists live as _________. Some of which cause disease.
Malaria is one of the world’s most significant diseases, and is caused by a protist. A mosquito carries the parasite from human to human through blood
What cell type are Parsites?
What is the size range of a parasite
Tiny size 1-2cm to tapeworm 10m
What is an example of a complex parasite?
When it breaks and can grow a new head
Prokaryotic cells are sexual
Prokaryotic cells are asexual and use binary fission, meaning
sexual reproduction by a separation of the body into two new bodies
Is a Mitochondria present in a Prokaryotic cell?
Bacteria is a Prokaryotic cell
Algae, fungi, protozoa, plants and animals can be sexual and asexual
Does a Eukaryotic cell have a nucleous?
What are bacteria?`
Bacteria are Prokaryotic singe celled organisms
How many species of bacteria are living in our mouths?
Bacteria can live in a variety of places with or without ______
and in extreme ____ or ____
Cold or Hot
How to bacteria reproduce?
Binary Fission - Asexual
Bacteria are classified by their ________ ______
External shapes
What are Antibiotics used for?
To slow or stop the growth of bacteria .
What is antibiotic resistance?
Overuse causes resistance in bacteria, mutant bacteria survive an antibiotic treatment and give rise to resistant strains
Strep throat
Staph infections
It is bacteria that breaks down dead bodies and waste material
What color is Gram positive bacteria?
Where does the purple color come from in Gram positive?
Chrystal violet
Color sticks to the ___________ layer
Peptidoglycan layer
( Like a matress soaking things up that stain )
What color is Gram negative bacteria?
Where does the red color come from in Gram negative?
Gram positive has a _____ layer
Gram negative has a ____ layer
What is the Gram staining process?
Flood with the rinse- Ex Chrystal violet
Flood with Iodine
de colorize with acetone
Counter stain with Safranin
de colorize again
Gram negative are more resistant to antibodies
What is the reasoning for the staining differences?
Cell wall structure
Gram stain detects Peptidoglycan, and since Gram positive have a thick peptioglycan layer they retain the ________ ______ Dye
Gram positive layer
Why doesnt Gram negative detect the crystal violet dye?
Gram negative has an outer membrane getting in the way of the crystal violet and they lack peptidoglycan to retain the stain